rvance's picture
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Hey JS, Thanks for blowing the lid off religious hypocrisy! Your objective consciousness is so enlightened.

ncdrawl's picture
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the only thing he has uncovered is his being a troll. his comments sound as if they've come right out of some community college philosophy continuing education course...or perhaps could be overheard at any backwater coffee bar by stoned pseudo intellectuals who carry around books so people will notice the titles.

if you want to paint him as some sort of heightened consciousness having guru, more power to you...

but..he is a troll.

Hey JS, Thanks for blowing the lid off religious hypocrisy! Your objective consciousness is so enlightened.

JSBach's picture
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Troll or Alias for an existing member? havent decided yet..one that wishes to be serious would not mention Ayn Rand's name in conversation.

Considering the economic mess international finances are in and the influence of pseudo- Randian economists, such as Alan Greenspan, we'd all best start having a conversation about Rand's enormous influence. Academic philosophers should also have learnt by now that pretending the problem of Rand will simply go away by dubbing her a 'non-philosopher' is a tactic that can no longer be justified. The time for a detailed and serious critique of Rand's position is now.
Quote=Arvo Part. And if you accept fully the implications of big bang theory, a pretty nasty way to end it. Cool isn't the half of it.
I've been called a few names over the decades but being called Arvo P

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the only thing he has uncovered is his being a troll. his comments sound as if they've come right out of some community college philosophy continuing education course...or perhaps could be overheard at any backwater coffee bar by stoned pseudo intellectuals who carry around books so people will notice the titles. .....if you want to paint him as some sort of heightened consciousness having guru, more power to you...but..he is a troll.

Directing your comments at the preferences or principals of an opponent rather than addressing the abstract truths under discussion (Ad hominem argument) never got anyone anywhere except disappearing up their own arsehole dear.

Lamont Sanford
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We all studied ego defense mechanisms our freshmen year in Pysch 101. What we really want to know if you are some sort of fruitcake.

JSBach's picture
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We all studied ego defense mechanisms our freshmen year in Pysch 101. What we really want to know if you are some sort of fruitcake.

Maybe you did but was your lecturer a Freudian, a behaviorist or some other stream of that academically immature discipline, psychology? And to answer your question, considering I experience myself part of the human race, you'd already know the answer if you'd been paying attention.

dbowker's picture
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We all studied ego defense mechanisms our freshmen year in Pysch 101. What we really want to know if you are some sort of fruitcake.

Offhand I'd say Troll with fruitcake tendencies coupled with delusions of intellectual superiority. Mostly troll.

Seriously JS: Quoting Aynn Rand and Arvo Part? If you're anything older than 23 and still consider her worth even talking about you seriously need help.

And that quote about the human race being insane? How's that work anyway? If it's endemic to the whole species it can't exactly be insane, can it? Tendencies towards violence, irrationality and narrow-mindedness are not insane- mostly just stupid.

JSBach's picture
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18 pages of this? When my subscription is up I will be done. This is not the forum for this discussion.

Yes it is. If your read Stephen Meijas's introduction, and warnings about, this specific section of the Stereophile forum posted on his latest on-line Stereophile blog you'll see this place is dedicated for open slather debate. If reading about homosexuality, or any other subjects you find disturbing, isn't your thing then simply ignore this section of the forum.
Terminating a subscription to one of the planet's best audio magazines simply because one small section of a forum set up by one of it's employees disturbs your peace of mind is an over-reaction I suggest. Cutting your nose off to spite your face?

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It amazing Stereophile tolerates such off-topic flames on subjects like this..

Please read Stephen Meijas's explanation and, more importantly, warnings, about this section of the forum as posted on his blog page on Stereopohile's site. Sadly though I have no doubt that sufficient pressure will be eventually be placed on Stereophile by those sad individuals terrified by open discussions and this section of the forum will be closed down.

Lamont Sanford
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He was an idiot that eventually went mad.

JSBach's picture
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Seriously JS: Quoting Ayn Rand and Arvo Part?

I did not introduce Arvo P

JSBach's picture
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He was an idiot that eventually went mad.

Ad hominem argument again but who exactly is it you're referring to?

ncdrawl's picture
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dont feed the troll




rvance's picture
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the only thing he has uncovered is his being a troll. his comments sound as if they've come right out of some community college philosophy continuing education course...or perhaps could be overheard at any backwater coffee bar by stoned pseudo intellectuals who carry around books so people will notice the titles.

if you want to paint him as some sort of heightened consciousness having guru, more power to you...

but..he is a troll.

Hey JS, Thanks for blowing the lid off religious hypocrisy! Your objective consciousness is so enlightened.

nc, I was trying to be sarcastic and dismissive, as befits a previously stoned and pseudo-intellectual (circa 1969). Even then Ayn Rand was not groovy .

Lamont Sanford
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He was an idiot that eventually went mad.

Ad hominem argument again but who exactly is it you're referring to?

You're the one getting getting mixed up about who is asking what around here. Don't define my responses until you get your own shit wired tight.

JSBach's picture
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You're the one getting getting mixed up about who is asking what around here.

Given your phrase "He was an idiot that eventually went mad. " placed here without attribution, are you surprised?

Lamont Sanford
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Like I stated you can't keep up with your own bullshit. At the top of the post is the reference.

Re: "At Least They Agree on Something?" Pardon my French, but what the fuck? [Re: JSBach]
#54134 - 11/28/08 09:03 PM

Clicking on the "[Re: JSBach]" link is your reference.

JSBach's picture
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My apologies, I've never encountered a forum with formatting for quotes and references like that before.
However, to me your post still doesn't make sense.

KBK's picture
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Ayn Rand? Ayn Rand?

Ayn Rand is swamp urine. She swallowed it whole from Nietzsche.

Cancel my subscription! Aw, Shit. I don't have one.

I must find a way to have you people see my way of thinking, so I don't have to look at myself as flawed riddled with issues. I must fix this. I must finda lever, dammit....ok. I have it. I'll subjugate you. Smite you with my furrowed brow. I'll go to God!

0ops. I was kicked out of the church when I was 8.

I wonder if the Big One will let me back in?

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Ayn Rand? Ayn Rand?

Ayn Rand is swamp urine. She swallowed it whole from Nietzsche.

Cancel my subscription! Aw, Shit. I don't have one.

I must find a way to have you people see my way of thinking, so I don't have to look at myself as flawed riddled with issues. I must fix this. I must finda lever, dammit....ok. I have it. I'll subjugate you. Smite you with my furrowed brow. I'll go to God!

0ops. I was kicked out of the church when I was 8.

I wonder if the Big One will let me back in?

and she gave Nietzsche the VD that killed him.

bifcake's picture
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and she gave Nietzsche the VD that killed him.

I almost fell off my chair when I read that! That's too funny!

Grosse Fatigue
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I don't have a problem with civil unions in gay couples but I find the introduction of religion and marriage utterly ridiculous in this. Most marriages in straight couples end up in divorce and when they last often it is a matter more of convenience than love. Old men will lurk and prey on young womem, same thing with gays. This is nature. What is depressing is cheating, not having sex with multiple partners. In France today more than 50% of couples having children refuse to marry. I think our only obligation on this earth is to take care of our children and multiple partners, if needed -to provide. Sex has to be desacralized and taken out of religious and pervert hands. Sex is good, sex is natural. One does not have to be married to have sex. I think those gay couples who want marriage are pathetic. It is bad taste, too, conservative thinking. In the past gays represented the avantgarde. Married people envied their freedom. Could you have think one minute of Yves St Laurent and Pierre Berge getting married? They would never have done something that ridiculous. They were too smart and educated. I hate hypocrisy. I hate bad taste, lack of sense of humour and self deprecation in people because at the end it is a lack of education (not the one you get in school). I mean the worst atrocities have been committed in the name of god (turn to Israel now)...... and some people still would want a priest to bless their union and wish them bad luck??

BillB's picture
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Curious - what is the difference between "rambling" and "babbling"?

Kal Rubinson
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Sex has to be desacralized ...................

Excuse my whimsical take on this but, considering human anatomy, that is highly unlikely.


Grosse Fatigue
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Bubble Dble:

I just read the first page before posting.

Bon Anus et Meilleurs Noeux

That is rambling in French
(Bonne annee et meilleurs voeux)

Grosse Fatigue
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Don't complicate everything OK. What I am saying is that you have to keep the clergy out of the bedroom, and if you can keep them out of your life the better.
(That from a former altar boy. We had a Catholic priest in the family. My uncle Christian would bring his girl friend at my grandmother's during the week-end and I new they were not reading the bible. I could see it in their eyes. Anyway one Sunday that I was bored and absent minded I washed his hands with wine instead of water and that was the end of my job as an altar boy. Later on the only time you could send me to church was when they were playing organ at Notre Dame and (Marcel Dupre) at Saint-Sulpice in Paris -same Cavaille-Coll organ).

JSBach's picture
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Don't complicate everything OK. What I am saying is that you have to keep the clergy out of the bedroom,

Nah! I've had quite a few who were brilliant between the sheets. It's that sense they have of being naughty that goads them to excess.

.... and if you can keep them out of your life the better.

A broad and somewhat rash generalization but in general I'd agree. Root em and chuck em out then.

(That from a former altar boy. .....................)

Well, having studied the pipe organ at a large catholic cathedral for some years as a youth I saw and experienced enough so called sin to turn me off religion for a life time. It wasn't the nature of the supposed sin that repulsed me, it was the hypocrisy and abuse of power that still plagues religious leaders of all denominations; with the notable exception of tantric yoga.
A trip through Iran a few years ago revealed to me an amazing scene, rampant gay orgies in public bath houses. This in a country that routinely stones homosexuals to death when caught. My suspicion is that fear is a powerful aphrodisiac for many. Truly, our species is stark, raving mad.

Grosse Fatigue
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The catholic army as well as some other faiths have no respect for the individual. They are repressing institutions. One doesn't bloom and blossom in their hands. One shrinks at the hand of the catholic army. Their point of view is that we are here to help the church or be dammed. As long as you help the army they close their eyes on your sins and yes you can be a child molester. They'll bless anything, including the extermination of the jews if it helps. They are more practical than you would think. My uncle Christian became the director of a catholic school in Neuilly (St Croix de Neuilly). He could have gone to Rome but preferred to stay in close proximity to his girl friend instead. It was a familly decision, kind of.

JasonVSerinus's picture
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I don't have a problem with civil unions in gay couples but I find the introduction of religion and marriage utterly ridiculous in this. I mean the worst atrocities have been committed in the name of god (turn to Israel now)...... and some people still would want a priest to bless their union and wish them bad luck??

Marriage is not a religious institution. People are trying to make it into a religious institution as a way of shooting down same-sex marriage. Neither of my marriage ceremonies was religious in any way, shape, or form (unless you consider smashing a plastic Calistoga bottle - maybe it was Crystal Geyser - religious rather than a passing wink at Jewish custom). Both of our marriages were conducted in public ceremonies in City Halls, the second by two of my civil rights heroes, Ronald V. Dellums and Barbara Lee.

I realize it's very difficult for anyone wounded by the Church to see the good in anything that in any way, shape, or form reminds them of religion. (I'm not trying to change your mind here). I also understand all the problems and failings of marriages. All I can tell you is that our marriage is a spiritual union, and that being married as we were was an incredible affirmation of our love.

Despite how it often looks in the back and forths on this forum, it is possible for different realities and truths to exist simultaneously. Most religions other than Buddhism won't tell you that. But that's how it is.

jason victor serinus

ethanwiner's picture
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I think those gay couples who want marriage are pathetic.

I see gay marriage as a matter of equal rights, having nothing to do with religion. If my wife and I can file jointly for a tax savings, then why not gay couples?


Grosse Fatigue
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I realize it's very difficult for anyone wounded by the Church to see the good in anything that in any way, shape, or form reminds them of religion...
jason victor serinus

You are talking like a Reverend. I was not wounded by religion. For one thing the catholic church has the best show in town and by far the best music. (Jewish music is a joke by comparison). When mass was in latin words in latin as well were like music and whatever they were saying was bearable. The greatest accomplishment of the catholic church is music.

Grosse Fatigue
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Why can't you talk about a civil union? What is wrong with that? Why does it have to be marriage which sounds ridiculous for two people of the same sex? Why can't the gay community be more inventive instead of being populated by old farts today? Why do they have to have kids the minute they get "married" when a lot of sraight people would be glad sometimes to give their kids away? Gay people used to be smarter and more educated than heterosexuals, with two brains instead of one, seing everything. What happened to them? Now we are dealing with paysans. When will we see again a Peter O'Toole all dressed up in a ballet dancer's tutu hanging himself by mistake when his step-ladder falls, instead of two old hypocritical farts raising kids in a drama, like now??

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Why can't you talk about a civil union? What is wrong with that? Why does it have to be marriage which sounds ridiculous for two people of the same sex?

Just because it sounds "ridiculous" to you doesn't mean it is ridiculous! Not so many years ago a lot of people thought it was "ridiculous" that blacks should be allowed to use the same rest rooms and swimming pools as whites.

Why do they have to have kids the minute they get "married" when a lot of sraight people would be glad sometimes to give their kids away?

Kids is another issue entirely, but I think gays wanting to adopt is a Good Thing. We need more people willing to do that, not fewer!

Gay people used to be smarter and more educated than heterosexuals

That is so ignorant I don't know where to start. So I won't even bother.


rvance's picture
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The catholic army as well as some other faiths have no respect for the individual. They are repressing institutions. One doesn't bloom and blossom in their hands. One shrinks at the hand of the catholic army. Their point of view is that we are here to help the church or be dammed. As long as you help the army they close their eyes on your sins and yes you can be a child molester. They'll bless anything, including the extermination of the jews if it helps. They are more practical than you would think. My uncle Christian became the director of a catholic school in Neuilly (St Croix de Neuilly). He could have gone to Rome but preferred to stay in close proximity to his girl friend instead. It was a familly decision, kind of.

Big Sleep- Thanks for that retrospective glance across the history of Catholicism. You can go back to bed and get more rest now.

Grosse Fatigue
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They have a chance to reinvent "marriage" which is going out of style but no they want to duplicate the heteros. Why don't they go all the way then and have their spouse wear a skirt so we can tell who' who and behave accordingly, give our seat in the buss, kiss the lady's hand and smoke cigars with the men. They buy some kids to look the part. Then they may happily divorce at last and start over, marry a younger spouse. You can tell I am not running for Senator. Season's Greetings.

JSBach's picture
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[You are talking like a Reverend. I was not wounded by religion. For one thing the catholic church has the best show in town and by far the best music. (Jewish music is a joke by comparison). When mass was in latin words in latin as well were like music and whatever they were saying was bearable. The greatest accomplishment of the catholic church is music.

OK, Allegri's 'Miserere' is, for instance, unparalleled but if you're talking profoundly brilliant musical composition and divine interpretation nothing but nothing surpasses the Anglican Church's way with Service High and and Anthem's clear.
OK, Rome and it's branch offices put on a decent show sometimes but behind the scenes the underlying reality is one, and has always been one, of monstrous hypocricy and abuse of power. And yes, Rome does not have an exclusive license in this. I say that from the persective of having studied the pipe organ at a Catholic cathedral for 11 years. The last straw for me resulted from an invitation to an 'inter-faith' weekend at the ocean. The reverends from the Cathedral and the High Anglican church opposite ( Episcopalian in the US) had an annual 'get-away' with well organized stand ins to 'keep the fires burning' (their words!) whilst they had a vacation.
I coped with the sex, drugs and booze quite well but when on the sunday I was invited to attend a black mass of sorts and realized I was to be the privilaged naked object on the high alter I hitched a ride back to the city pronto. I was 17 at the time.
It was many years before I'd step inside any building with links to Rome. Now don't get me wrong. I've always been very broad minded about sexuality, drugs and peculiar religious practises. What made me sick was the blatant hypocracy of those who would happily condemn others to hell for acts they themselves indulged in. This isn't a case of a few rotten eggs in the basket. It's a case of the entire edifice being founded on a sick psychology of sado-masochistic imagery and guilt.
For anyone wishing to delve deeply into that sewer I suggest a reading of Mark Mason's "The Christian Holocaust".
Certainly someone will point to individual catholics who've led saintly lives. Yes, one in particular comes to mind. My dear departed friend, Father Tom was available 24/7 to patients dying with AIDS and held many a hand of those dying alone rejected by friends and family. He never took advantage of that situation to indulge in captive evangelism. I was witness to a sickening discussion between Fr Tom and his Bishop in which he was informed. "Tom, you'll never be given another diocese if you insist on ministering to perverts." When the Bishop departed Tom had to calm me down as I was hysterical with rage. Why? I'd been that Bishops lover for some years before his 'elevation'. He is now a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and has the ear of his so called Holiness the present Pope.
And lets not forget it was the Church of Rome that burnt people at the stake for daring to translate the bible into local languages thus removing the priesthood's exclusive license to interpret and enforce their version of it's teachings.
And while I'm on a roll here, when is the Church of Rome going to confess the monstrous sins committed in it's name during the Spanish Inquisition?

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the seat of the scornful.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, the bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
Therefore the ungodly shall stand in the judgment, not sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Psalm 1.V1-6.

Grosse Fatigue
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This is great reading JS. Like the hypocrisy with turntables in Stereophile hypocrisy permeates and taints everything in the Catholic Church. Still, leaving the clergy aside and also maybe the music, I never felt the same way entering an Anglican Church the way I feel getting into a Notre Dame de Paris and a Chartres Cathedral, to take two examples. I was stunned by the grandeur of Westminster Abbey (it was totally unexpected to me, you walk the street and there it is) but Westminster is an exception, a church without all the frou frou of the Catholic Church, warriors and philosophers their saints like the French Pantheon, but Anglican Churchs in general always felt too much like private clubs to me, like White's, Brook's, Boodle's, Buck's. Everything is impecable but members only while the genius of the Catholic Church is that it is theorically and practically (with some perversion Catholic Church obliges), the house of the poor and the neede. On the other hand with the head of the Anglican Church being the Queen herself I always felt that British aristocrats had more ballast than their French counterparts, everything being equal.

Lamont Sanford
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The catholic army as well as some other faiths have no respect for the individual. They are repressing institutions. One doesn't bloom and blossom in their hands. One shrinks at the hand of the catholic army. Their point of view is that we are here to help the church or be dammed. As long as you help the army they close their eyes on your sins and yes you can be a child molester. They'll bless anything, including the extermination of the jews if it helps. They are more practical than you would think. My uncle Christian became the director of a catholic school in Neuilly (St Croix de Neuilly). He could have gone to Rome but preferred to stay in close proximity to his girl friend instead. It was a familly decision, kind of.

Hey, it's Catholic not catholic. Only Protestants refer it to as a catholic church. Unless you went to Catholic school and got your ass beat by a nun I suggest you keep your biased fat mouth shut. We've been known to eat our young here. BTW, "the cathlic army as well as some other 'faiths'", feed a shitload of the poor. In order to do that you need to feed an "individual". Just one example of your bullshit post.

JSBach's picture
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What is this 'hypocrisy with turntables permeating Stereophile"?
You've got me intrigued.

Grosse Fatigue
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hi hi this was a trap.. I'll gladly answer.. after telling us for years how bad the CD was and telling us how good SACD sounded by comparison, after SACD failed in the marketplace they could not go back to CD with a sraight face so they reinvented the turntable. Sounds highly hypocritical to me. I think JA is a Catholic

JSBach's picture
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hi hi this was a trap.. I'll gladly answer.. after telling us for years how bad the CD was and telling us how good SACD sounded by comparison, after SACD failed in the marketplace they could not go back to CD with a sraight face so they reinvented the turntable. Sounds highly hypocritical to me. I think JA is a Catholic

There's a whole other topic in that.
My take on this is that CD replay has only now been taken as far as it can go with players such as the Meridian 808.2. SACD can sound superb but getting hold of the software is a headache where I live and the range is limited. The LP can sound almost as good as today's best Red Book CD but to get that far you have to spend silly money ( I have) and indulge in an obsessive ritual of cleaning the damned things and all the other vicissitudes of LP playback that most people, audiophiles included, simply can't be bothered with. Sadly it appears that to get the very best out of any high resolution recording technology lots of money has to be spent. OK, many people are in 7th heaven with a Rega Planar 3 or a budget NAD CD player, good luck to em I say. However, audio magazines life-blood is in reviewing the latest and 'best' from budget to silly money categories. This process, along with the accompanying adverts, in and of itself, makes many readers want to upgrade even though they're still enjoying what they've already got. This process was almost universal over nearly all the audioporn magazines, when last I read them on a regular basis, with the probable exception of British magazines panning DAB radio in England as a very poor second to analogue FM and a general and justified contempt for MP3..
I have a theory though as to why Stereophile and some other magazines changed their tack on all this but can't prove it so I'll just let sleeping dogs lie. In the end though no-one can force us to buy any particular piece of gear.

I can't figure out what JA's supposed religion has to to with all this though.

JSBach's picture
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On the other hand with the head of the Anglican Church being the Queen herself I always felt that British aristocrats had more ballast than their French counterparts, everything being equal.

But ducky, Her so called Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II is so damned middle class!

Grosse Fatigue
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She is but her fellow aristocrats are not and I found a few of them being truly noblemen. By comparison all a French aristocrat wants is to have his breakfast in bed -in Paris.

Grosse Fatigue
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I can't figure out what JA's supposed religion has to to with all this though.

Himself doesn't listen to vinyl anymore! Stereophile is being hypocritical with the whole thing. Unlike with TAS it was a time when Stereophile was pro-CD. Then they pushed SACD. At a time when TAS was floundering they recruited Fremer and lost their soul and Robert Harley and Gordon Holt. At that point you could not tell the difference between Stereophile and TAS.

JSBach's picture
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I can't figure out what JA's supposed religion has to to with all this though.

Himself doesn't listen to vinyl anymore! Stereophile is being hypocritical with the whole thing. Unlike with TAS it was a time when Stereophile was pro-CD. Then they pushed SACD. At a time when TAS was floundering they recruited Fremer and lost their soul and Robert Harley and Gordon Holt. At that point you could not tell the difference between Stereophile and TAS.

The way economics are panning out we could see a necessary amalgamation.
Anyone for "The Absolute Stereophile"?

Grosse Fatigue
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"What Table?"
No more hypocrisy. Guys who prefer CDs are excommunicated dispached to Robert Harley's TAS.

gkc's picture
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"...outside of California..."???? Buddha, you missed the irony. California IS the land of fruits, nuts, AC/DC, fallatio ergo sum, and duck, dog, or donkey fucking, male-on-male, female-on-female, neuter-on-neuter, or undecided-on-undecided. Hey. WE INVENTED THIS SHIT!

The only reason Proposition 8 passed is that all the gays were home blowing each other when they should have been out voting.

Complacency. That's what I chalk it up to. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a good damn WHAT you do with your dick (or any other arbitrarily designated limb or orifice) as long as you have the decency to clean up afterwards.

Outside California. When it comes to licking, sucking, sticking, fucking, thumping, humping, or blindfold bumping, there IS no "outside California."

We INVENTED this shit.

I demand a recount.

Happy tunes.

Oh. I forgot. What was this post about, anyway...?

JSBach's picture
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.............there IS no "outside California." We INVENTED this shit.

Clifton petal, you've forgotten your Greek and Roman history.

Grosse Fatigue
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Joined: Nov 22 2007 - 7:04pm

They don't study Greek and Roman history in America. They invented gays. Everyday is a new day in America.

JSBach's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Nov 28 2008 - 1:25am

Everyday is a new day in America.

I wish it was.


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