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High flow in a low flow world
Elk's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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Hybrid ckts use only the best of both [tubes and transistors], Hybrids are a more current design.

1) What are the best characteristics of tubes which make them better than transistors?

2) What are the best characteristics of transistors which make them better than tubes?

CECE's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: Sep 17 2005 - 8:16am

Tubes handles large voltage swings better, Mosfets do current better. How come my hybrid stuff have super fast slew rates, super low distrotion specs .01% while some extremely expensive tube stuff have distortion of horrible quantitys, and ears think this sounds natural and real? Slew rates of dismal numbers..hardly high end stuff, just high priced. When done right, it works well, well just over priced, that is all it is.

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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And tubes suck as extreme energy wasters...room heaters, like OBSOLETE incandescent lamps, both are 100 years old concepts, and there are 21st century replacements that work well. But then we still roll on rubber tires in teh 21st century...but tires have improved in new materials, handling etc. Standard incandescent lamps still are only like 25LPW, horrible in teh 21st century, and they don't last. CFL baby, long live, more LPW, less heat(wasted energy) Vacuum tubes where fine when electricy was 3 cents/kwhr.

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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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So why is a hybrid better than all SS? Why use tubes at all?

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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I already gave you the advantages of each component. All SS is much better energy wise. Tubes are a big waste, room heaters. Some hv SS devices would surely replace tubes, but might be mo money? hV ckts in X-ray use ss components. Hmmmm

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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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So why does AVA make a hybrid?

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Last seen: 4 months 2 weeks ago
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What part of Dups answer didn't you undertand? I read this thread a couple of times and couldn't figure out why you seem to be hounding him.

He already told you why he thinks Tubes have one advantage and MOSFETS another. He already stated he thought Hybrids, ( Using a combination of both Tube strength and MOSFETs or Transisters strengths)were the best designs today. Whether you agree or not doesn't matter. He explained it. Then you seem to persist in asking the obvious. Even when DUP explained it again.

He refers you back to his answer, and you ask why a company he likes makes the type of amplier design he likes?

Usually online this is referred to as TROLLING.

bobedaone's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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I think the confusion is a product of DUP traditionally being rather "anti-tube", and now speaking of them in a positive light. On the topic of hybrids, I think they're cool, and I may have auditioned one if I hadn't fallen in love with the Brio3. In the end, I decided I didn't want to mess with tubes or have to worry about replacing them. If I were out of college with more money and fewer practical considerations, I might give tubes a whirl.

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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An all tube amp is not my cup of tea. It doesn't have any advantage, but a lot of faults. Besides a giant room heater. Hybrids certainly seem like a modern concept that uses both componets to their advantage. Surely when MOSFETS get developed that can handle large voltages at a resonable price tubes should finally be laid to rest, they really are an obsolete idea. hV transistors exist for lotsa applications, perhaps they just ani't suited for audio. CRT displays are fading fast...that's a big vacuum tube whose days are done. LCD, OLED displays and further solid state designs have buried them. Plasma displays are also obsolete. a full tube amp is mostly a tone generator, used in guitar amps. Doesn't ARC make some hybrids too? Moscode does. McIntosh fixed tube issues by having that expensive output transformer in their stuff. tubes are obsolete. Even in hybrid stuff way too much wasted energy in the form of heat, not good.

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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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I think the confusion is a product of DUP traditionally being rather "anti-tube", and now speaking of them in a positive light.


Also, I asked open-ended questions to learn why DUP liked the concept of hybrids. I am simply curious. I am not interested in arguing with him on this or any other topic; it is counterproductive.

From DUP's pleasant response it appears he believes that tubes do a better job in the initial "pre-amp" gain stage than SS does. This surprises me as he generally prefers SS and additionally adheres to the "if it's newer, it's better" belief system.

I must admit however that I am really amused that Colin is concerned that DUP, of all people, was being "hounded". I doubt that DUP felt in the least threatened.

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: Sep 17 2005 - 8:16am

Newer is better. hybrids have been around for quite some time, but they are newer than just an all tube setup. Speakers of current desing will always be better than some from 20 years ago. New materials. Why doesn't tv's from 1950 evoke the same audio ratioanl about using obsolete tubes as some mystical benefits? I'll take a modern HDTV LCD pixel plus 3,Crystal Clear ckts. HDMI inputs etc, anyday over some 20 year old CRT based tv. Newr is better. In just 5 years or so, even tv's are getting better from stuff just a few years old . Why is audio stuck in being kinda backwards? LP's better than SACD/DDSD digital, don't think so. All tube amps better than high powered Mosfets, with modern FAST slew rates, nope, mushy tubes from the 50's is hardly 21st century reproduction. LP/vinyl is the technolgy from teh 50's too. No matter how pricey a platter spinning on a spindle you try to verbalize how wonderful it is, it's still obsolete, mechanical stylus wearing out teh groove technolgy. It doesn't sound better, it is usally worse. Then there is teh modern convienece factor. How come tv's all have remotes, and most aduio systems, oh, better to get up like 1963 and change channels, yeah, that's better, well maybe it did keep people from getting so fat!!! Did it? Even guitars built on modern computer controlled machines using teh original plans from Gibson or Fender are better, more accurate fits etc. They mimic the sound with modern updates, better fit, they stay in tune better, it's new it's better. A modern Gibson Les Paul reissue has better fit than some of teh old originals, why they demand such a price for some of teh real old stuff is bizzare. Re issues with modern fit stabilty has to be better. How's that 1957 chevy doing, yeah, I'm sure that is better than a modern Audi A6.

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