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Spendor ST1
jackfish's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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For what the Spendor ST1s go for you could get the Meadowlark Blue Heron 2s on AudiogoN, have a chunk of change left over and have a much better speaker system.

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Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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I did a web search and found out that these things go for $12,000-13,000...a bit more than I planned on spending on an entire system. And here I was complaining that Stereophile doesn't review enough "affordable" equipment. I best keep my mouth shut, from now on.

jackfish's picture
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Looking, listening, discovering and ultimately choosing is what it is all about. Please don't shut up, just keep it going and let us know what you are finding out. Maybe they should call those speakers "Spendy" instead of Spendor?

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Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Looking, listening, discovering and ultimately choosing is what it is all about. Please don't shut up, just keep it going and let us know what you are finding out. Maybe they should call those speakers "Spendy" instead of Spendor?

You make good points, Jack. One of the fun parts of the search for a new system is auditioning so much new equipment...there is so much out there to hear.

What I found out about the ST1 is that it is a totally new design; new engineering, new materials, etc., etc. A whole new breed...guess that explains the price (which realy isn't out of line with similar speakers). "Spendy", I liked that.

My dealer carries the Spendor line...if he gets the ST1 for demo I'll let you know how it sounds.

Peter Duminy
Peter Duminy's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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If you like the sound of the Spendors, it might be a good idea to have a listen to the Harbeth models in the same price range here:


Both Companies are founded by ex-BBC Loudspeaker Research Dept. Engineers.

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Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Thank you for the Harbeth recommendation. I have never heard any of their speakers but have read many complimentary reviews/opinions.
There are no Harbeth dealers close to my residence but I will go to their website to locate the nearest dealer.

I have, recently, been giving thought to purchasing a valve amplifier. Would Harbeth be a good match with valve equipment?

Thanks. Mike

Peter Duminy
Peter Duminy's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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Hi Mike,

Yes, all their models, especially the BBC type monitors would be a fine match with tube (valve) amplifiers. Their impedance loads are carefully thought out by Alan Shaw the Head of R&D there. Here is a link to this issue.

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This link was most informative. Harbeth's thoughts concerning "fidelity first" and "natural reproduction of music" make it a loudspeaker certainly worth giving serious consideration.

Thanks, again, for the information.

Monty's picture
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If you decide to go with the Harbeths or any small monitor speaker, you might want to take advantage of Jolida's sub-out option. That way you can add a subwoofer should you end up in a larger room or need the bass extension not provided by the monitors. You can still add a sub even if the amp you choose doesn't have the option, but if you decide you want to go with Jolida, you might as well have it configured from the start. Just a thought.

59mga's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: Jun 21 2006 - 6:52am

If you decide to go with the Harbeths or any small monitor speaker, you might want to take advantage of Jolida's sub-out option. That way you can add a subwoofer should you end up in a larger room or need the bass extension not provided by the monitors. You can still add a sub even if the amp you choose doesn't have the option, but if you decide you want to go with Jolida, you might as well have it configured from the start. Just a thought.

You make a very good point, Monty. In the tube amp? thread I mentioned that I have listened to a several Jolida amps and the Cayin A-50T but the sub-out is a feature I hadn't thought about. (I didn't even realize it was available on a tube amp. ) This certainly widens my choice of speakers.
Thanks for the "heads-up".

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