geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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Wire directionality - If fuses are directional doesn't that mean ALL wire is directional?
ytb402's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
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In our work it was found that wires that have softer
insulation had greater directivity. The Hi pot testing
done at manufacture is hard to eraase - as it were.


geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 29 2008 - 5:10am
ytb402 wrote:

In our work it was found that wires that have softer
insulation had greater directivity. The Hi pot testing
done at manufacture is hard to eraase - as it were.


So, the $64K question is do you think wire is inherently directional. Including fuses and cables that have minimal insulation like Anti Cables, part 2 of the question is what about softer insulation materials would affect directionality? On the surface that claim seems a little bit far fetched.

G. Kait
M. Dynamica

BruceNewEngland's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
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So, the $64K question is do you think wire is inherently directional.

No, now where do I collect? ;)

In the context of honest science, the answer is that wire is NOT inherently directional.

But in the context of things human, where irrational feelings often carry more weight than proven and rationally-explainable facts, who am I to say what you must believe?

And that's were we are here, much more subjective art than objective science.

I would be quite happy with a well done $20 copy of a good work of art, but some would be bothered - knowing that it was not the original, to such a degree that they would gladly pay orders of magnitude more, even though the physical stimuli that reached their senses was identical; emotionally, it simply would not be a positive experience unless they believed the item to be the true original.

But perhaps I am simply rationalizing based on my position and options...

If having wires and fuses arranged a specific way helps you enjoy yourself, by all means. Maybe, someday, I will too :)


geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 29 2008 - 5:10am
BruceNewEngland wrote:

So, the $64K question is do you think wire is inherently directional.

No, now where do I collect? ;)

In the context of honest science, the answer is that wire is NOT inherently directional.

But in the context of things human, where irrational feelings often carry more weight than proven and rationally-explainable facts, who am I to say what you must believe?

And that's were we are here, much more subjective art than objective science.

I would be quite happy with a well done $20 copy of a good work of art, but some would be bothered - knowing that it was not the original, to such a degree that they would gladly pay orders of magnitude more, even though the physical stimuli that reached their senses was identical; emotionally, it simply would not be a positive experience unless they believed the item to be the true original.

But perhaps I am simply rationalizing based on my position and options...

If having wires and fuses arranged a specific way helps you enjoy yourself, by all means. Maybe, someday, I will too :)


Answer me this: why do you think cable manufacturers have been marking their cables with directional arrows for the last 25 years? Do you believe it's a scam to make audiophiles think there is something special or high tech about cables with directional arrows so they line to buy all they can get? Do you think audiophile fuse companies put arrows on their fuses to make the global conspiracy and scam even more convincing?

Zowiso's picture
Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
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Pretty new to high end, but have also noticed those arrows. Not sure I buy it, so easy enough to reverse the direction of a cable and listen whether you can hear any difference. I'd be surprised. Needless to say, some cannot be reversed, so it applies mainly to RCA-RCA and speaker wires, I think.

I think those arrows are more to suggest that this is a special cable. Anyway, my newbie 2c.

absolutepitch's picture
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Wire conductors are not inherently directional in the typical sense, of transmitting audio. Some cables are constructed in a way that there is an advantage to hooking them in a specific direction, mainly for reducing noise purposes.

The best way is for you to try it and see if you hear a difference or not.

TD-203's picture
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I am no Cable maker or Wire making master, but from what I understand is its in the way the Copper is extruded and basically the arrow follows the direction that it was pulled/extruded and when in doubt one should follow the way of any writing on the wire. My Question is. Should/does the Positive lead go in one direction and Negative go in the other to follow the flow in Power Cord Wire's and Speaker Wire's?

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
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Speaker cables are AC so both the positive and negative sides should have their correct direction pointing toward the speaker. You don’t care about the current traveling in the opposite direction.

David Harper
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geoffkait wrote:
BruceNewEngland wrote:

So, the $64K question is do you think wire is inherently directional.

No, now where do I collect? ;)

In the context of honest science, the answer is that wire is NOT inherently directional.

But in the context of things human, where irrational feelings often carry more weight than proven and rationally-explainable facts, who am I to say what you must believe?

And that's were we are here, much more subjective art than objective science.

I would be quite happy with a well done $20 copy of a good work of art, but some would be bothered - knowing that it was not the original, to such a degree that they would gladly pay orders of magnitude more, even though the physical stimuli that reached their senses was identical; emotionally, it simply would not be a positive experience unless they believed the item to be the true original.

But perhaps I am simply rationalizing based on my position and options...

If having wires and fuses arranged a specific way helps you enjoy yourself, by all means. Maybe, someday, I will too :)


Answer me this: why do you think cable manufacturers have been marking their cables with directional arrows for the last 25 years? Do you believe it's a scam to make audiophiles think there is something special or high tech about cables with directional arrows so they line to buy all they can get? Do you think audiophile fuse companies put arrows on their fuses to make the global conspiracy and scam even more convincing?

Geoff; you answered your own question. Yes they do it for exactly the reasons you stated.

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 29 2008 - 5:10am

I was being sarcastic, you silly goose. Quack, quack!

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