sealrock's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Joined: Jan 18 2018 - 12:49pm
Which would you choose - Marantz 2230 or 1152DC?
dadriver's picture
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: Apr 7 2020 - 10:20am

I have a 2230 and just love it. Love my sound. Love looking at it. Yet, I always feel I want to get the best sound possible out of what I have and can afford. I keep thinking there must be something better. I'm drawn to vintage Sansui, Pioneer, Yamaha, etc. Each has qualities that I want ... but is it better? To answer your question, 1152DC certainly could be better but it ultimately is you're very subjective opinion. I added a Pioneer equalizer to my set up and I definitely have appreciation for the sound I'm getting now. I wonder if it is better than before...I just can't tell any more. I guess that's why this hobby is so fun, maddening, addicting, etc.

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