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March 24, 2008 - 5:49am
Vandersteen 1C or B&W 603 S3 and Why
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Vandersteen 1C with the 1C base.
They just sound better to me. Listen to them both and maybe you will agree.
I ordered the 2CE sig II but they are too heavy to ship through the Post Office, so I may consider the 1C and get
rid of the 603's
My vote is for the Vandersteen... but is it totally impossible to get the 2CEII Sigs? Those are some seriously killer speakers for the $, and jackfish has been a proselytizer for a long time about them... for good reason.
I'll probably wait until I return to the USA in 2010. I
was thinking the next best thing but I'll just wait until
then to get the 2 CE. My Rogue Cronus will be here soon
I see. But given everything, I think you can be reasonably happy w/ Vandersteen 1C. I have a friend who was using his Leben CS600 integrated QUITE happily with Vandy 1Cs. He just recently got Spendor SP 3/5s, but he was still singing the praises for the Vandy 1s. Very underrated IMO.
Thanks guys,
The 1C will actually be better due to my large family (9)and limited space.
Just bought the 1C, will let you know how things goes when the Cronus and Vandies are broken in.
Man, I bet that Rogue Titan Cronus with the Vandersteen 1Cs will sound sweet! What is your source?
I'm using the Rotel RCD 1072 with all MIT AVT 3 cables. My speakers shipped today and should have them by Saturday or Monday. I can't wait hear them and am glad to have sold the B&W 603 S3 with less than 100 hours on them, I was in a rush to just purchase a good system and should have thiught it out, I'm still happy even though I lost $500 on the B&W/
I'm hearing that the new JJ KT66 tubes are better than the EL66's, would you upgrade these in the Cronus, where to buy and do I need a matched set since each tube can be biased seperately. I listen from a cd source do I need to change the 12AU7 also?
I would listen to your amp with the stock tubes through an adequate break in period before deciding to change tubes. If you like the sound as it is then you are OK, if not you can always change out the tubes later as the old wear out or replace them and keep the old for backup. But then what if you find you still are wanting? Perpetual upgrade?
Thanks Jackfish.
Needing some ideas on the best way to convert by MIT AVT3 bi-wires to banana plugs? Currently using some cheap 20 year old Radiochack plugs. The 1C are fantastic and their not even broken in, the piano sound beautiful!
I have found THESE to be the best banana for the money.
I second rgibran's recommendation - good call. I use BFA terminations on mine, too.
Trying to picture how would I connect high frequency and low frequency cables to one of those, four spades per speaker wire.
AHHH, I'm thinking your in need of something like THIS?
Thanks, that will work!
I was able after all to receive the large 2 Ce Sig II through the post by bulk mail. I've only had them 3 days and they are wonderful. I've upgraded my tubes in the Rogue Cronus to the RCA Cleartop 12AU7's, Tung-Sol 12AX7 original and a German RFT tubes. These were recommended my Rogue and made a huge difference in dynamics and removed the veil of the factory tubes. I definately prefer these over the Thiels 2.3 I had three years ago, something about the aluminum diaphragm Thiel uses that in my opinion degraded the life like sound of the 2.2 and traded it for brightness. The 2 Ce Sig II will only get better with time.
Thanks for recommending the 2 Ce Sig II, their awesome and I almost bought the Avalon NP 2.0 and glad I didn't, the
Stereophile review was basically an average speaker.
I've never felt the need to upgrade from my Vandersteens. Many years on them and if they ever die, I'll replace 'em with the current edition of the same Vandy's. Enjoy!
I have B&W 603 S3 and I am quite satisfied with them.
However, I would like to improve my stereo output SINGFICANTLY. I heard very good opinions about Vandersteen 1ci.
Can anyone please advise me if it makes sense to replace B&W 603 S3 with Vandersteen 1ci. I realise that Vandies will probably be better but will this difference be really big?
I have a rather small listening room about 18-20m and apm arcam AVR 400 with Oppo 83SE
I will be very grateful for any comment and help with my dilemma
Best Regards
Any help or comment?