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Speaker Reviews - Part 2
JoeE SP9
JoeE SP9's picture
Last seen: 8 months 5 days ago
Joined: Oct 31 2005 - 6:02pm

Not to be snarky, but what's your point?

JBH's picture
Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 14 2012 - 12:18am
JoeE SP9 wrote:

Not to be snarky, but what's your point?

It's intended as a series of equipment reviews of various speakers i found noteworthy at various price poiunts. Though there is perhaps some editorial content, there was no intention of making a specific point or editial comment.

I'll attempt ot make a small one now though i guess. I first posted these on the AudioKarma site. There were a few nice responses from people who still owned Acoustats, but no others. Virtually all the post content there is inexpensive, vintage, and DYI speakers. There appears to be little interest in higher-end models. I then posted it here, since the lack of traffic would leave them visible longer. Again, virtually no response.

Perhaps it's due to my poor or boring writing abilities, but it leaves me wondering what the interest level is in mid-range to expensive traditional stereo gear really is.

End of point :-) 

JoeE SP9
JoeE SP9's picture
Last seen: 8 months 5 days ago
Joined: Oct 31 2005 - 6:02pm

First off, I'm an Acoustast owner. I'm also a regular contributer both here and at AK. It's a given the majority of the posters at AK are only interested in "vintage" gear.

IME there are two kinds of posters here. The first being seasoned audiophiles who aren't interested in general reviews of speakers. The second is mostly "newbies" who are asking for advice about specific products that they usually name in their posts. In either case, for the kind of response you seem to want you need to build some credibility around here.

To be blunt. Who the hell are you and why should we listen to you?   

Ariel Bitran
Ariel Bitran's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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this negative energy.

don't scare JBH away. he can share his thoughts on the speakers however and whenever he chooses, and it's your choice whether to listen to it, but not to be lame and tell him he can't have an opinion just b/c you don't know his "status as a reviewer". 

have fun JBH. i enjoyed your post.

JoeE SP9
JoeE SP9's picture
Last seen: 8 months 5 days ago
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I was mostly responding to the implication that a review from someone should get lots of responses. Had I peppered my response with lots of smilies perhaps it wouldn't have seemed "snarky". There was no intent in my part to come across as snarky. I was actually looking forward to a somewhat indignant response.

The truth is, I actually read both of his posts. I also agree with a lot of what he said. So, come on back JBH I didn't mean to be that rude. 

Ariel Bitran
Ariel Bitran's picture
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its hard to interpret tone on the internet.

hukkfinn's picture
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I really enjoyed these reviews and I am especially happy to have found more input on the Fact 8.

From reading them, it is apparent that you know at least something about what you're doing.  I was able to assess whether your views carry credibility based on your writing.  It seems to me that these reviews are at least as credible as what I've read in Stereophile (which I also must assess purely on the basis of what is written, since audio "credentials" mean nothing to me as I find many who have them profoundly lacking in credibility for my tastes).

Thank you!


JBH's picture
Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 14 2012 - 12:18am

I find the measurements section of the product reviews to be both credible and the only reason that i continue to subscribe.

As to the subjective comments, try this fun trick

Go to the equipment archives, and pick a random review.Cut and paste a portion of the review into any other review that you pick at random. Can you tell even what kind of equipment was being described in the first review? Does the pasted section seem any less credible in the second review?  

What you'll see is that you can't identify the type of equipment under review,much less the quallity or cost of the unit. The reason is the the magazine can't make direct conclusive comparisons to current models, as it would alienate all manufacturers other than the one deemed best.Since you have no absolute basis for comparison, the reveiw, regardless of the objective quality of the unit, is of zero value for making purchase decisions.

The descriptions of specific recordings is the most egregious of this homoginization. Here's an example -

I'm currently listenting to Sade. Her voice sounds unusually soulful an sultry, with more room ambience than i usually hear.

What kind of system am I listening to? Am i even listening to speakers?

That's why i tried to provide some idea of what you can expect from a given price point. There are no giant killers out there in the speaker universe. Generally, you have to pay a fairly high price to approach reproduction that mimics sonic reality. 

Best of luck ,and thanks for the positive comment. 

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