I actually read the interview. Like the guy doing the interview, I'm not a believer, but I did find this observational opinion to be a somewhat contradiction to the Clever Clock basis.
"Sheldrake: Morphic fields take place in self-organizing systems. Machines are not self-organizing – they are made in factories – and I would not expect them to have morphic fields."
I actually read the interview. Like the guy doing the interview, I'm not a believer, but I did find this observational opinion to be a somewhat contradiction to the Clever Clock basis.
"Sheldrake: Morphic fields take place in self-organizing systems. Machines are not self-organizing – they are made in factories – and I would not expect them to have morphic fields."
Sheldrake is a biologist and his theory of causative formation (Morphic resonance) was developed based on behavior in animals and plants, living things. However, it does appear to be true that these "information fields" are also produced by inanimate things. I say this based on my experience with things like the Clever Clock, but many other things as well. Pop quiz - Is time a real thing, and if it is would you say it's inanimate? It might be in the case of a digital clock that the sequence of numbers on the display for all the millions of clocks in that time zone is what produces the Morphic field, at least that's what appears to be happening. And for analog clocks and watches it's the pattern formed by the minute and hour hands. Words themselves, and phrases, and symbols, codes appear to produce Morphic fields. The COMPACT DISC logo on CDs. The CDs themselves. One can build a pretty strong case for Morphic resonance with respect to Morphic messages and bar codes. Why are all electrons the same? At the same time, a real, living thing is involved, a human being, who is sensitive to these fields.
One can't help wondering what Richard Fenyman might have thought of Morphic Resonance and all these Audiophile Tweaks that go bump in the night. Here is the talk on Cargo Cult Science Feyman gave back in 1974.
"Last year, militant skeptics captured hundreds of entries on Wikipedia, including my own biography page. Moderate editors who tried to maintain Wikipedia's stated objectives of fairness and balance fought back, but the dogmatic skeptics prevailed through force of numbers, and by perverting the Wikipedia rules to bully everyone who opposed them. My biography was one of the main battlegrounds, and there are currently 19 pages of intense discussion in the "Talk" archives on the Rupert Sheldrake article. An entire website is devoted to documenting this problem: Wikipedia problem Fortunately, there is now a new initiative called ISHAR (Integrative Studies Historical Archive and Repository) which is building up a vast online library of reliable sources on mind/body research. This will be formatted in a way that fits in with Wikipedia's guidelines, and will make it much harder for dogmatic skeptics to bias Wikipedia to fit their own prejudices. ISHAR is currently raising funds on Indiegogo here: ISHAR I think this is an important initiative and have just sent off a financial contribution myself. If you are concerned about the systematic bias in the media in general and on Wikipedia in particular against consciousness research, integrative medicine and holistic science, you might want to support this project."
Now just imagine about 7 billion people shitting at least once a day, and all the animals doing it (BTW, scientists think methane released by farting cows is affecting global warming).
Guess it creates a strong pattern and we're all living in a shitty world!
Now just imagine about 7 billion people shitting at least once a day, and all the animals doing it (BTW, scientists think methane released by farting cows is affecting global warming).
Guess it creates a strong pattern and we're all living in a shitty world!
The rest of the world is shitting regularly,,but I'm not so sure about you.
That's clever recycling and keeps the planet green. But then if you presume I produce less of it it also means I consume less of it.
If this is your idea of mind-matter interaction I wonder what the state of your mind is, considering the "matter" you interact with.
That's clever recycling and keeps the planet green. But then if you presume I produce less of it it also means I consume less of it.
If this is your idea of mind-matter interaction I wonder what the state of your mind is, considering the "matter" you interact with.
Especially bullshit, and I can smell an old fart from the distance (that's odour teleportation, if you know what I mean).
Education - what's left after you've forgotten everything you learned in school. If you earned a PhD, which I actually doubt, you've forgotten a lot. Lol
The one you got off the back of a matchbook? I trust you didn't pay too much for it. At least I know the difference between an electromagnetic field and a magnetic field. You are what we call over here an empty suit. Do you have that expression in Romania?
"Electric and magnetic fields: different aspects of the same phenomenon
According to the special theory of relativity, the partition of the electromagnetic force into separate electric and magnetic components is not fundamental, but varies with the observational frame of reference: An electric force perceived by one observer may be perceived by another (in a different frame of reference) as a magnetic force, or a mixture of electric and magnetic forces.
Formally, special relativity combines the electric and magnetic fields into a rank-2 tensor, called the electromagnetic tensor. Changing reference frames mixes these components. This is analogous to the way that special relativity mixes space and time into spacetime, and mass, momentum and energy into four-momentum.[29]""
Quoted from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_field
Also try, if you can (under)stand it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_electromagnetism
"Electric and magnetic fields: different aspects of the same phenomenon
According to the special theory of relativity, the partition of the electromagnetic force into separate electric and magnetic components is not fundamental, but varies with the observational frame of reference: An electric force perceived by one observer may be perceived by another (in a different frame of reference) as a magnetic force, or a mixture of electric and magnetic forces.
Formally, special relativity combines the electric and magnetic fields into a rank-2 tensor, called the electromagnetic tensor. Changing reference frames mixes these components. This is analogous to the way that special relativity mixes space and time into spacetime, and mass, momentum and energy into four-momentum.[29]""
Quoted from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_field
Also try, if you can (under)stand it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_electromagnetism
You passed the wiki cut and paste test with flying colors. A+
Thanks for taking my suggestion and going to the library.
I actually read the interview. Like the guy doing the interview, I'm not a believer, but I did find this observational opinion to be a somewhat contradiction to the Clever Clock basis.
"Sheldrake: Morphic fields take place in self-organizing systems. Machines are not self-organizing – they are made in factories – and I would not expect them to have morphic fields."
Sheldrake is a biologist and his theory of causative formation (Morphic resonance) was developed based on behavior in animals and plants, living things. However, it does appear to be true that these "information fields" are also produced by inanimate things. I say this based on my experience with things like the Clever Clock, but many other things as well. Pop quiz - Is time a real thing, and if it is would you say it's inanimate? It might be in the case of a digital clock that the sequence of numbers on the display for all the millions of clocks in that time zone is what produces the Morphic field, at least that's what appears to be happening. And for analog clocks and watches it's the pattern formed by the minute and hour hands. Words themselves, and phrases, and symbols, codes appear to produce Morphic fields. The COMPACT DISC logo on CDs. The CDs themselves. One can build a pretty strong case for Morphic resonance with respect to Morphic messages and bar codes. Why are all electrons the same? At the same time, a real, living thing is involved, a human being, who is sensitive to these fields.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
One can't help wondering what Richard Fenyman might have thought of Morphic Resonance and all these Audiophile Tweaks that go bump in the night. Here is the talk on Cargo Cult Science Feyman gave back in 1974.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
This just in from Rupert Sheldrake:
"Last year, militant skeptics captured hundreds of entries on Wikipedia, including my own biography page. Moderate editors who tried to maintain Wikipedia's stated objectives of fairness and balance fought back, but the dogmatic skeptics prevailed through force of numbers, and by perverting the Wikipedia rules to bully everyone who opposed them. My biography was one of the main battlegrounds, and there are currently 19 pages of intense discussion in the "Talk" archives on the Rupert Sheldrake article. An entire website is devoted to documenting this problem: Wikipedia problem Fortunately, there is now a new initiative called ISHAR (Integrative Studies Historical Archive and Repository) which is building up a vast online library of reliable sources on mind/body research. This will be formatted in a way that fits in with Wikipedia's guidelines, and will make it much harder for dogmatic skeptics to bias Wikipedia to fit their own prejudices. ISHAR is currently raising funds on Indiegogo here: ISHAR I think this is an important initiative and have just sent off a financial contribution myself. If you are concerned about the systematic bias in the media in general and on Wikipedia in particular against consciousness research, integrative medicine and holistic science, you might want to support this project."
Make ya think.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Now just imagine about 7 billion people shitting at least once a day, and all the animals doing it (BTW, scientists think methane released by farting cows is affecting global warming).
Guess it creates a strong pattern and we're all living in a shitty world!
The rest of the world is shitting regularly,,but I'm not so sure about you.
Yes, I'm only joking.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Or would you buy the full load with a 30 days money guarantee?
It's a strict policy that we won't take the food out of another person's mouth. That's just how we roll.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
That's clever recycling and keeps the planet green. But then if you presume I produce less of it it also means I consume less of it.
If this is your idea of mind-matter interaction I wonder what the state of your mind is, considering the "matter" you interact with.
You seem to know a lot about shit.
Just not about audio. Or about physics.
Have a nice day.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Especially bullshit, and I can smell an old fart from the distance (that's odour teleportation, if you know what I mean).
Education - what's left after you've forgotten everything you learned in school. If you earned a PhD, which I actually doubt, you've forgotten a lot. Lol
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Since I never actually bought that whole morphic resonance story you were peddling.
Except I have a diploma to prove it!
What do you have, a pile of guano?
The one you got off the back of a matchbook? I trust you didn't pay too much for it. At least I know the difference between an electromagnetic field and a magnetic field. You are what we call over here an empty suit. Do you have that expression in Romania?
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
"Electric and magnetic fields: different aspects of the same phenomenon
According to the special theory of relativity, the partition of the electromagnetic force into separate electric and magnetic components is not fundamental, but varies with the observational frame of reference: An electric force perceived by one observer may be perceived by another (in a different frame of reference) as a magnetic force, or a mixture of electric and magnetic forces.
Formally, special relativity combines the electric and magnetic fields into a rank-2 tensor, called the electromagnetic tensor. Changing reference frames mixes these components. This is analogous to the way that special relativity mixes space and time into spacetime, and mass, momentum and energy into four-momentum.[29]""
Quoted from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_field
Also try, if you can (under)stand it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_electromagnetism
You passed the wiki cut and paste test with flying colors. A+
Thanks for taking my suggestion and going to the library.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica