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Isolation Ward Mission Statement
The point of this ward is to discuss, for lack of a better phrase, "experimental or alternative audio"... approaches that are said to alter the subjectively perceived quality of playback, frequently with an absence of traditional/observable/measurable effects on pressure waves coming from speakers or the normally accepted signal chain.
Those who choose to participate in this on-going dialogue can be open-minded or skeptical, but their contributions (if they are to not vanish) will need to be geared to expanding and exploring the possibilities, not denying them. In short, those who choose to use science as a religion that worships at the altar of that which has already been established should post elsewhere.
The purpose of this forum will be to openly--and with genuine curiosity--consider the "experimental" and explore that which has yet to be (possibly) recognized. On the other hand, knee jerk responses from the other end of the spectrum--overreacting to constructive or exploratory skepticism--is behavior that only contributes to silliness and angst, and is also not acceptable.
To those who ask, "Isn't this being unscientific?":
Some may think so. Experimental audio is simply one approach. It does not say that differences exist with every application, only that there may be differences, some of which can't be addressed with conventional tools or understanding.
Many people feel that the true character of a system--which includes the listener (since you can¹t separate the observer from the observed) and those applications/variables which affect the physiology or psychology of the listener ... wine, food, health, emotional state--is only realized after living with the variable in question. These people assert that it takes suspension of habitual/time-honored approaches, beliefs and perspectives; a willingness to experiment; and, sometimes, a good deal of time to fully appreciate and/or understand these certain differences. Understanding and appreciation, however, don't always go hand in hand. Almost all people appreciate love, few understand it. Does that mean we should do without?
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Hi Geoff, sorry didn't see the link to your forum. You stated that you have a forum on audio asylum, but going to their forum page I didn't see the forum.
On the general page however it shows you at one time did regular posting
Is this what you were refering to?
I guess I was expecting to see a real forum, like your own phpbb like or
Sorry, guess I was misinformed by your comments on this forum. You might want to edit where you said you have a forum on AA so people don't go looking for it.
michael green
The forum in question was created for me by the powers that be on AA after the Intelligent Chip dominated discussion on General Asylum back in '05 for a solid 9 months, much to some peoples' chagrin. Gee, didn't I already say that? Oh, I get it. You're pretending to be dense again, right? Please say you're pretending.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Geoff, it's not a trick question. You said you "have" a forum and I asked for the link. How hard is that? You either have a forum or you don't. No need to go off in a spin, it's just a request of a link to your forum if you have one.
michael green
I am beginning to have my doubts about your motives. Lol
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Pretty simple to me geoff, you say you have a forum and there's not one there. You say your the biggest seller on audiogon and you got two products up. You say you've designed products of "advanced concepts" and have no paper work for them. You say you have advice for people with in room systems and don't have one yourself. You say soundwaves are random distortion, when they are pattern based. You say you have this world changing thread that took place for 9 months and everyone agrees on these must have products, and the first 3 post were saying a bunch of you don't knows and at best no change detected. You say you have all these answers and spend your time trying to disrupt forums, so no one can get at the real you.
Geoff you have every opportunity in the world to contribute in positive ways and you do at times, and that's great, but my friend you turn people who want to have peace with you into enemies, and then you try to make them look like the bad guy. Dude your almost or maybe you are 80, why not try for peace instead of spinning wars? Do you honestly think you can out gun others who have maybe done more? Of course not. That's what maybe done more means. Doesn't make your contribution any less, just makes it more honest.
Why are we talking about geoff when we could be talking about music?
BTW you've put up some good topics lately, and I think that's a great building block, but if someone has a different view or experience put it into the wheel of corporate knowledge, that way we all learn, and learn about each other. Everytime so far that I've offered you this hand you've quickly slapped me in the face. Do you think that wins you points somehow?
Right now I'm seeing people be more polite to you then ever before. The outcome is in your court and no one elses.
michael green
This is just like the dudes that hired a scanning electron microscope to look for the quantum material in the Intelligent Chip and reported they found nothing. I suppose it would have helped them somewhat if they had know a priori that the quantum material was INSIDE the silver disc not on the surface. You do see the irony, right?
Why are we talking about this? I dunno, probably because you keep bring it up and saying you can't find it when I already told you where it is. For me, this is just Sunday morning entertainment, kinda like the funny papers. ;-)
Cheers, things will probably look up later in the day.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Yep, it got busy all of a sudden. I haven't even gone to bed. A lot of fun all and all except for here, but I was happy to receive some nice support from members so I'm down with it.
Have a great time, now that Ron is here I'll try to find a different approach for now. I hope you have a good relationship with him. He seems like a real gentleman. Plus he's posting a lot so it's not all you and me, and that's very cool for me. Was getting extremely boring for me.
The best part for me is after all this time I now know what you are and what you are not, and I no longer have to think maybe I missed something.
have a good day Geoff!
michael green
Yup, roger that. We need to spread out the work load. Hahahah
As for me, I yam what I yam. Hahahaah
Geoff Kait
Michigan Ceramics
Run Silent, Run Deep
Sorry folks, geoff kait has no forum. Looks like the mention of a forum on another thread was nothing more than another internet trolling adventure by geoff.
I do think it would be a good idea though for he and even May Belt to start one.
For myself it's certainly strange to keep running into things mentioned by geoff that don't exist or are extremely limited in content. So on this topic "the forum that isn't", I'm ready to put my keyboard to rest.
The following will more than likely be an attempt by goeff to do more trolling or flaming, so we will just have to let it speak for itself. For this camper it's back to listening.
have a great day listeners , and thanks geoff for the entertainment once again!
michael green
Michael, shouldn't you be standing out on a ledge somewhere?
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Seriously, dude. The forum has gotten quite active of late. I got called down on the carpet by a studio tech for Dave Mason a couple days ago. It got pretty ugly. Lol. Hey, here's an idea, maybe you can troll for new Tunees there!
Isolation Ward Mission Statement (this is the second time I've posted this mission statement for Isolation Ward on this particular thread on Stereophile, for those who might be asleep at the wheel)
The point of this ward is to discuss, for lack of a better phrase, "experimental or alternative audio"... approaches that are said to alter the subjectively perceived quality of playback, frequently with an absence of traditional/observable/measurable effects on pressure waves coming from speakers or the normally accepted signal chain.
Those who choose to participate in this on-going dialogue can be open-minded or skeptical, but their contributions (if they are to not vanish) will need to be geared to expanding and exploring the possibilities, not denying them. In short, those who choose to use science as a religion that worships at the altar of that which has already been established should post elsewhere.
The purpose of this forum will be to openly--and with genuine curiosity--consider the "experimental" and explore that which has yet to be (possibly) recognized. On the other hand, knee jerk responses from the other end of the spectrum--overreacting to constructive or exploratory skepticism--is behavior that only contributes to silliness and angst, and is also not acceptable.
To those who ask, "Isn't this being unscientific?":
Some may think so. Experimental audio is simply one approach. It does not say that differences exist with every application, only that there may be differences, some of which can't be addressed with conventional tools or understanding.
Many people feel that the true character of a system--which includes the listener (since you can¹t separate the observer from the observed) and those applications/variables which affect the physiology or psychology of the listener ... wine, food, health, emotional state--is only realized after living with the variable in question. These people assert that it takes suspension of habitual/time-honored approaches, beliefs and perspectives; a willingness to experiment; and, sometimes, a good deal of time to fully appreciate and/or understand these certain differences. Understanding and appreciation, however, don't always go hand in hand. Almost all people appreciate love, few understand it. Does that mean we should do without?
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
As I said earlier, I didn't know you were calling threads on AA your forum. I thought you said you had your own, no biggie.
We are pretty happy with our friends and followers from AA, as well as the other audio forums throughout the world. I may not have the time to post everywhere I would like, nore do I have the time to fit into the flow of things as one enters these communities, but I think they're great places for audiophiles to express themselves.
I think if I were to post anywhere else (as far as audiophile sites) it would be TAS if they got rolling more. I enjoy the whole TuneLand/Stereophile thing because of the connection I have always felt, and the welcome they gave me as a designer and listener.
AA, I don't know. They're cool but I would never want to do what you do there. I've got to come from a positive place and wouldn't do well with your type of promotion and reputation. There have been times even here where I have said forget this, but felt it necessary to be part of the mix. Figuring you and May out was very strange, but now it is what it is, and I've gotten to the bottom of your MO and hers so not as big of a deal.
michael green
You're a very strange guy. I told you I had a forum that was set up for me when the Intelligent Chip debate ran it's course on AA general asylum. You didn't believe me or you thought, gee, the forum must be called the Geoff Kait Forum or the Machina Dynamica Forum. Doh! Then I gave you the link to the forum and even the mission statement for the forum. You still didn't get it. Then I gave you the link again and you still don't get it. It's hard not to conclude that you're either very naive and have been living in a tree most of your life or you're as dumb as a box of doorknobs.
General comment: You have to have every single post be some sort of personal attack on me, and I have no idea why you include May all the time. I think most likely the sun has bleached your brain. In terms of physics, while I'm on a roll, you have the physics IQ of a tenth grader at Dayton High School.
May Belt and I are too different people. Yes, I realize we both think you're a big liar so it's easy for you to get confused. Be that as it may, I suspect a nice long stay at a Las Vegas rehab will fix you right up. ;-)
My favorite quote from you, and one which you've repeated more than once, over this past year: "I looked for it but I couldn't find it." Too funny!
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
>>> “Figuring you and May out was very strange, but now it is what it is, and I've gotten to the bottom of your MO and hers so not as big of a deal.” <<<
Michael, will you please stop using your own PRESUMPTIONS and presenting them as facts – as in you saying “you have got to the bottom of hers (Mays) MO”.
May Belt,
PWB Electronics.
ChrisS, quick question...are you really that dumb or are you just pretending?
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
and your words that go round and round.
Despite trying to erase how people respond to you on your own "forum".
People are seeing who and what you are.
Hi May
I feel pretty comfortable using "MO"
"Modus operandi (plural modi operandi) is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as "method of operation". The term is used to describe someone's habits of working. In business, modus operandi is used to describe a firm's preferred means of interacting with other firms."
In reading through your posts to me and on other forums you have a particular way of approaching others. I would call this an internet "MO". If you wish to change this, it's up to you, but it would be un-fair for me to say it is anything but what I see.
What have you been listening to lately, anything cool?
have a good evening
micahel green
MO, as in Michael Green's MO of lying, mischaracterization, misstatement, spinning, overuse of buzz words like SCIENCE, REFERENCE and AUDIOPHILE, dropping names like Qualcomm, NASA, and other science buddies, characterizing all those who would criticize or contradict him as enemies or of having poor character. Or not listening to music 20 hours a day. Or of having an Internet MO.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
I would say, the MO's you and May have created by your own doing, might be just a little different from the picture you paint of others who call you out in the open. Trust me, if I were the guy you painted above, I'd be looking for a rope, lol.
I do like this one though "listening to music 20 hours a day". Now that's a realistic MO of myself. Can't get enough of it, love my work.
As for yours, I would think someone could have a lot of fun reading through your posting on AA over the years and how you have maintained the same level of passion toward trolling. We could spend time linking to your internet mishaps for years and never reach the end lol.
as for myself, your right "I'd rather be listening"
michael green
When someone cals me out I simply consider the source. It happens all the time. Usually I'm quite patient about this sort of thing, people calling me out. I just put up with it. It's a hazard of this business. I just give my view from 40,000 feet. Of course folks who are at sea level are going to get upset. It's only natural. Think of it like a bunch of superstitious natives on some remote island somewhere looking up and seeing a jet aircraft cruising at altitude way overhead for the first time. Or seeing a Polaroid camera in operation for the first time. There are going to be some very freaked out natives, no? Lol. So, when you see people attacking me, uh, calling me out as you say, it must be like seeing yourself in the mirror, eh? Lol
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica's where the Tunees are
here's where geoff kait is
michael green
Of course, there's more...
It's like looking in a mirror, no? Backsliding knuckleheads abound on audio forums. There's just more of them on my forum. Like moths to flame. Lol
There is no joy in Mudville.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Must be tiring swatting at flies all your life...
People saying the same things to you where ever you go.
You have made a tough life choice for yourself.
Well, now we're getting somewhere. At least you acknowledge that you are nothing more than flies. I actually enjoy swatting flies, now that you mention it. Walk softly and carry a big fly swatter. SPLAT! Lol
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Sure, if seeing flies fits in with your own excremental image you have of yourself...
We'll play!
I already have a girlfriend. Get lost, freako.
Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Two beetles in a dung heap.
Geoff is a troll in case you haven't figured that out. I have to admit I must be pretty dense as it took me longer than 24 minutes to do so myself.
Gee, what’s this, the three stooges convention?