Owen_Electric's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: Nov 19 2018 - 1:31pm
Air Leaking?
commsysman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2006 - 11:33am

Inspect very carefully to see if there is a slight tear in the suspension surrounding the cone.

If not, it may be that the speaker has loosened slightly where it is mounted to the front panel. Try tightening the screws holding the speaker and make sure any gasket is not cracked or damaged between the speaker frame and front panel. It may be possible to take the speaker loose and seal it better by using a bit of sealant between the speaker
frame and panel.

Owen_Electric wrote:

I have the Klipsch Epic CF-2 speakers. When a frequency under 40hz is played, I can hear the air being moved very loudly in 1 of 2 of the speakers to the point where it sort of sounds like a diesel engine. The other speaker can play down to 25hz while still being audible and the diesel engine is nonexistent. I think the noise is being made by the bottom 8" woofer from what I can hear, and not from the port on the bottom of the speaker. Also to mention, the speakers are over 25 years old of use. Thoughts and fixes?

Owen_Electric's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: Nov 19 2018 - 1:31pm

I have run some tests and inspected the woofer. The sound is only occurring in one woofer, that being the bottom one. I unmounted the woofer and set it down on a box while still being attached to the rest of the speaker. Standing alone, the woofer still makes the noise. There are no tears in the woofer that I could see. From what I could hear by putting the woofer up to my ear playing a 32hz tone, the noise does seem to come from the spider/suspension. Ideas?

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