Chem Man
Chem Man's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
Joined: Jul 8 2018 - 4:11am
Advice on Aurender N10 with Musical Fidelity M6s DAC
Leatherneck's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: Jan 23 2018 - 4:58am

If you don't require a server, but just a streamer for access to Tidal, isn't the N10 definitely overkill? Can't any good streamer give you Tidal access especially if you get Musical Fidelity M6 Dac? Or maybe you could combine Streamer with Dac and get the Auralic Altair? I think they can be ordered with a 1TB hard drive as a server option you don't really want.

Simon123's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: Jul 17 2018 - 9:20am

My first advice is don’t get caught up in formats. What you want to be doing is looking for the best dac, amplification and speaker combo.

My inclination is if you are happy with speakers you need spend a lot less on sources than that aurender and plenty of other options like Innuos or melco or auralic in a cheaper price bracket, would be fine. If you want to upgrade speakers and you are spending the same as a aurender n10, and m6 dac, then you really want to be improving speakers and amplification first and using a decent digital source. Maybe something basic like an auralic Aries mini which with only 200 CDs you can rip to the Aries minis hard drive you can add.

On the dac side of things I’d look at chord electronics. The Qutest which I have is going to be some way ahead of the m6 dac which is an old design, it’s fpga and one of the best for similar money.

If I was you I’d get a Qutest, basic digital streamer if you are starting out on streaming, as you simply won’t get the benefit out of that aurender in sq terms, and max the rest of the budget
out on new speakers and better amplification. If you want to keep the fab LS50s then improve amplification but don’t go too high on Digital sources as there is no point with midrange budget speakers. You could have a think about floorstanders or bigger stand mounts. 9000 euros gets you kef ref 1s and new amplification with a basic streamer with dac, would take the LS50s/aurender and mf dac combo to the cleaners.

Simon123's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
Joined: Jul 17 2018 - 9:20am

Also it sounds to me the dealer isn’t to be trusted if they are recommending the aurender and mf as best way of improving system. They ought to be telling you to change speakers and amp. I agree on your comments re cables

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