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...nice smoke screen.

Thanks, man!

Tried to send it in several directions at once.

You know me too well.

ncdrawl's picture
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made me laugh, buddha. Good on you.

If cliffy was commissioned, theres a good chance that he did nothing. If the military were to need an enema, officers would be the point of insertion.

Lamont Sanford
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Clifton is harmless. He has an ego bigger than life. He has his freedom to be a prima donna. Clifton takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience....

I sort of regret having to drag him, kicking and screaming, through that night again.

Also, to set the record straight, Clifton. That is not a puppet in my avatar. That is me after white phosphorous and countless surgeries.

JoeE SP9
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When and where did you serve?

Lamont Sanford
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21 TASS (attached) 82nd Airborne Div. 79-83 Call sign: Barbarian 99 (niner-niner). I stayed with the 82nd my whole enlistment. Ground forward air control aka Close Air Support. Its where I learned how to bitch like a professional. It was a time when it was okay to write with a magic marker on your steel pot, "Reagan's Hired Gun". The army didn't know what to do with us. So we did what ever we felt like doing. It was a shit job for being in the Air Force. I grew out of my dress blues within the first year and never wore them except for basic. It was also a time where a camo uniform was unique and a beret meant something. When a simple soldier knew the difference between a Randall Model #1 and cheap Ka-Bar. And also knew that one was no better than the other.

gkc's picture
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Lamont, "da shadow," you didn't answer JoeE's question. That is, "where did you serve"?

So you took a dose of Willie Peter, eh? You must have fucked up BIG time, not to have seen it coming. Tell your plastic surgeon he did a lousy job.

Now you are an actor. Did you audition for "Batman, the Dark Knight"? "The Phantom of the Opera"?

In words, you are still a bad actor. You define yourself by tearing others down.

I still don't believe you. You protest too much. At least, we have a picture of ncdrawl in his uni. You give us a picture of an airplane.

Still, only a moron would brag about shooting dogs and sign himself "Canine Killer" on an audio forum.

Do tell us all about your sad encounter with Willie Peter. Tell us it was the chicken-shit Colonel's fault.

Ncdrawl, what is YOUR sad story? Couldn't get into OCS? Flunked out of college? Nobody recognized (or currently recognizes) how brilliant you REALLY are, especially your superiors in rank?

Well, now is your chance. Show us your wit and wisdom.

You both obviously had problems with authority, during your military stints, and couldn't hack it. Lamont is now a bad actor with a busted face, but sure as hell knows good sound when he hears it. C'mon, Mr. "Shadow" man, even the Phantom of the Opera got laid by the main babe. Get out there and hustle. Sooner or later, somebody will recognize the sensitive genius that smolders beneath your raunchy exterior.

Poor baby. Stuck his face in the wrong place and now hides behind a plastic freak. Hey. Maybe somebody will make a movie out of it.

My heart pumps piss for the both of you. You define your miserable selves against the negative, not the positive. You feel the need to cry out against the injustices done to your miserable existences by trashing others, not by elevating yourselves.

And, sans academic credentials, you both feel free to fantasize that all who genuinely have earned them must have somehow cheated. 100,000 of your ilk couldn't make ONE Justice Sotomayer. Eat your hearts out. You have no voices in her appointment, and your only importance in life will come from publishing fake macho personae , under the cover of anonymity that the internet provides, who tear away at the credentials of others.

Yes, ncdrawl. I was a commissioned officer, and I served my country well. Now tell us the sad story behind why YOU couldn't hack it. I had Pfc's and Lance Corporals under my command whose drawers you couldn't lick.

No, Lamont, I don't blame the clerks. They just passed on the orders from the 2-star at G-2, and I obeyed them as they came down the chain. I own my mistakes AND my victories. I don't blame anybody. That is the difference between you and me. I moved on, and apparently you couldn't.

You poor "basterd." I am truly sorry they made you look like a parody of Chuckie. Get your money back, and try again. Modern medicine does wonders.

Happy tunes.

Lamont Sanford
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First off, for an officer and gentlemen, your writing skills are about at an eighth grade level. Let me guess....ROTC?

Damn Clifton. If I lost half a patrol like you did the last thing I would do is get into a childish rant on the Internet. In fact, I would be rather pissed off at my own blatant lack of respect for the men you lost. How many more fuck ups you got in that paper sack? You seem to view your war no different than John Kerry. "You mean to tell me there were other people around? Well, shit!"

As for your only legitimate question. I answered that. "I stayed with the 82nd my entire enlistment". That's enough games with your OPSEC bullshit. You're about as good at being a troll as spotting obvious ambush problems. If you got ambushed than you made a mistake. Blaming it now on the establishment in general is a cop-out just like your other excuses. You fought with what you had. I know you did something wrong on that patrol. Your first night? Of course you fucked up. You are are defending yourself like a 23 year old lieutenant. Most people, after decades of reflection, react much different than you do. But you're somehow special. Like Kerry. Right? What world do you live in? "They were just waiting for us", is total bullshit. If it was an enemy patrol on ambush of course they were waiting for something. But not in the context you imagine. For you it has to be a complex system of clerks and generals passing down your marching order in triplicate with the enemy getting one copy. What you're doing is charging the Marines with incompetence. That is everybody but yourself. One thing can be deduced with certainty. A young lieutenant on his first night in country sent out lead a recon patrol, at night (to add more dramatics), in I Corps is absolutely incompetent. And I also find it hard to believe that you even led a patrol on your first day let alone your first night. The Marines weren't like the Army. They didn't put their new guys on point. The same logic applies to sending a green lieutenant, at night, to lead a reconnaissance patrol.

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Where, Lamont?

Lamont Sanford
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As for your only legitimate question. I answered that. "I stayed with the 82nd my entire enlistment". That's enough games with your OPSEC bullshit.

Unless, you're referring to your devastating ambush. The night ambush. On your first night in-country. Than the answer is in this thread. Somewhere near Chui Lai or Phuku.

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How idyllic. You still didn't answer Buddha's question.

Did you eat the dogs you killed? When I was a young pup, growing up in the deep, dark forests that surround Cedar City, Utah (no drawl there), there was only one rule when it came to hunting.

You eat what you kill. Or you can't go hunting.

I can tell you from personal experience that dogs taste very good, if done right. If you didn't eat those dogs, you missed out on an exciting culinary experience.

If you did, I apologize.

Lamont Sanford
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I suspect you've almost done a lot of things, Clifton. And don't make the mistake of pretending to support Buddha. He is pretty good at this game too. He'll turn on you when the time is right.

Yes, ncdrawl. I was a commissioned officer, and I served my country well. Now tell us the sad story behind why YOU couldn't hack it. I had Pfc's and Lance Corporals under my command whose drawers you couldn't lick.

And you obviously got a few of them killed. Nice job.

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Like the rest of the military, the Marine Corps put anything that could breathe, walk, and carry a prick-six anywhere. That comment alone shows that you are a phony.

Hey. You're a wing-wiper. What the hell do YOU know about the Marine Corps?

Nice try.

You don't like my literary style? Try proofreading your own shit, Mr. "Basterd."

Okay. Here is an elementary question, answerable by anyone who stayed awake in English 101.

"Put the F back in Freedom," you say. Okay. This is obviously some kind of weird trope, but let's look at it literally, first (all well-imaged tropes begin with literal sense, right?).

Without the "F," "Freedom" becomes "reedom." Ummm. Doesn't work. So, let's proceed to the figurative level.

What does "F" stand for, metaphorically, metonymically, or analogically? "Fuck"? Ummmm. Doesn't work. Let's put the "Fuck" back in "Freedom." What am I missing? People fuck, free or not. "Fart"? Same deal. "Foot"? "Feces"? Free to shit? No, that "F" is certainly not missing. "Fool"? That makes sense, but only if you are an anarchist or a religious zealot. But that wouldn't be "Freedom," now would it.

Lamont, this shows your true genius. You have come up with a trope that not even a PhD can parse. I bow to you. If you are having a tough time with your self esteem and your bad memories concerning authority figures (did your Dad beat you? Your Mom?), you should submit an article to the MLA explaining this deep, deep trope -- hell, they might give YOU a PhD, gratis and no strings attached, and then you won't have to feel inferior any more.

Look. You are either lying or telling the truth. If you are lying, then keep on with it -- that is your only hope. If you are telling the truth, then get over it.

Obviously, you are a neglected genius who has never gotten his just due. Hey. It is never too late. Enroll in night school. Have you exhausted your GI Bill Education Benefits? Well, then you will just have to struggle to move up in the world. Like Sotomayer did. Good luck. Obama will help you -- with your obvious literary skills, a well-written letter ought to do the trick. You could become a poster child!

Ncdrawl (I address you both in one post, because you obviously go so, er, well together...), for you, I recommend that you spend a lousy 20 bucks for a copy of "Yan Can Cook." Now, HE'LL show you how to roast up a smackin' good stew with that unused dog meat that you are stalkin' the North Carolina woods for. Hell, you may become the next Julia Child of canine culinary cachet. You might make a million. Americans need a new "other dark meat."

The world is your oyster. The both of you. Channel your hatred and get a better job.

Love, Clifton.

ncdrawl's picture
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Ncdrawl, what is YOUR sad story? Couldn't get into OCS? Flunked out of college?

You both obviously had problems with authority, during your military stints, and couldn't hack it.
Yes, ncdrawl. I was a commissioned officer, and I served my country well. Now tell us the sad story behind why YOU couldn't hack it. I had Pfc's and Lance Corporals under my command whose drawers you couldn't lick.

Couldnt hack it? Hell, I didnt want to be an officer. Where I came from, the ranks of the Infantryman(airborne), officers are looked at like the lazy, whining, self-entitled pussies that they are. now granted, all are not..the guys that started out enlisted and crossed over...those guys have their asses glued on...but the shmucks who come in straight out of college?? 100 percent blue falcon. We used to call the cadets "SPOT" cmere SPOT, bring me some water, SPOT, lick my boots, SPOT. (the cadets wore a blue spot on their uniforms/headgear)...


I graduated college(degree in vocal performance, pretty worthless)... was strung out, womanizing, drunk piece of flotsam...so I figured id better do something to pay off my college loans and above all, to straighten my ass out....

joined in Late Summer 2001. Went to Benning(home of the 11B(thats infantry)) for basic, ait, and airborne school....oh yeah, as part of my terms of enlistment, I had college loan repayment plus option to beef up GI Bill with an extra contribution monthly from my Base Pay...also got a 25 G enlistment bonus for signing up to be a grunt. I figured if I was going to be in the Army, I might was well go for the gusto..shoot stuff. blow stuff up...

so as part of my terms of enlistment I had Hawaii(Schofield barracks) in my contract as first duty station, guaranteed...well one day at chow the Drill Seargent calls some of us up and says that Hawaii is crowded, that we could still get it, but that the army was offering slots in other places if we wanted to go.... Germany came up, and I jumped at the chance...

so when I graduated AIT/AB School/Basic, I flew over to mannheim, Germany where I became part of the Allied Mobile Forces, (LAND) or AMF(L)... a "quick reaction" special operations Nato Brigade...the ONLY unit of our kind in that we were TOTALLY self sufficient..had cooks, grunts, medical personnel, supply bitches, drivers, and commo guys... unprecedented before and since.. did that gig, loved it... went to Ukraine, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Siberia, Norway, Iceland, and many other places. Our job was primarily to be ready to react and mobilize within 24 hours to anywhere in the world....we also trained foreign armies. well, that Unit Disbanded couple years into my being there, and I came down on orders to be part of a Security Detachment for the guarding of the US Army Europe Commander, (Montgomery Meigs), and the EUCOM Command Seargent Major(a Marine, Sergeant Major Mersino)..lived with them for 7 months in Katowice Poland as they ramped up for the mobilization of forces to Southeast Asia and other destinations.. was involved In VICTORY STRIKE and other Wargames. Fun times..

when I got back I was reassigned to HQ US Army VCORPS(Victory Corps)...was in Germany half the time and half the time was in Iraq or Afghanistan, getting my ass shot off or shooting asses off. ... so that sums it up. I joined to fight, and fight I did, what time I wasnt guarding brass or doing really cool training in strange European Countries. Another cool part of the deal was that I was authorized as my Security Detachment mission to be enrolled at the Defense Language school where I picked up German, some Farsi, and Arabic.

I loved the Army so much, I am resubmitting my paperwork to get back in(going to reclass to Broadcast Journalist (46R)

if they will let me retain my E5(p), and give me station of choice, ill be on that boat faster than hell.

I loved the Military...talking trash, getting screamed at, camraderie, making fun of Air Force, Navy, etc..

(We used to be out running our asses off in Iraq in 130 degree heat around the gym where the fucking air force and navy guys would be on damned treadmills in civvies. bastards!...we stole their Guidons like 20 times)

the military is in my blood.

gkc's picture
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Okay, ncdrawl, you're real. I wish you the best, sincerely. I hope you get your life back the way you want it.

I apologize.

I would have been proud to have had you in my outfit. Trust me, I would have listened to your gripes and, within the military structure, I would have done something about them. In the big picture, that was my biggest problem -- having gone through enlisted boot camp myself, I always listened to everybody's gripes and tried to satisfy them. No big problems ever developed out of this human desire, but (sadly) no big solutions ever developed, either. Structure is structure, as I am sure you understand. The military does NOT run on individual desires -- we all got THAT during boot camp.

Again, I apologize. In my defense, you DO present a tempting target for the rest of us to shoot at. And I am sure you understand THAT, too.

You gave me extracurricular grief, in public. There is NO way I can back down from that. But I understand. I do NOT understand everything, but I DO understand fighting back.

I am sorry about the comments about the dogs. However, they DO stew up rather well...

Hey. We DO eat cows. And they are at least as cute as dogs. And (no shit) Yan knows how to cook 'em.

I hope your life brings you the rewards you seek. Good luck. Semper Fi (even if you aren't a Marine, you seek what all Marines seek -- an occasional good fuck, a few happy tunes, and a sense of fulfilled destiny). So, again, Semper Fi.

As good an Army man as you were and will be, you would have been a better Marine.

Sorry. I had to get that in.

Best wishes, and happy tunes.

Lamont Sanford
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You're so full of shit, Clifton.

JoeE SP9
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Beret's did mean something then. I wore a red one.

Lamont Sanford
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Air Force?

JoeE SP9
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Lackland AFB April 1966 for basic. I don't know about now but back then that was the only place the AF had basic. They were so short of everything they pushed us through basic in 4 weeks. No Saturdays off. If we didn't go to church on Sunday they made us work half a day.
When I was at Sheppard AFB I volunteered for Air Sea Rescue. I was already in basic medic school. The idea of jump pay, white laces and a red beret looked interesting.

JoeE SP9
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Much respect. I hope you get your choice of assignment.

Lamont Sanford
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Lackland is still the only base for basic.

Lamont Sanford
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You got good experience in those European countries. You'll need to go back. Shit is brewing up there.

Lamont Sanford
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Hey. You're a wing-wiper. What the hell do YOU know about the Marine Corps?

Because they invented Close Air Support? I learned a lot from Marines. Back in your days of combat they didn't have much sister service cooperation. Reagan created the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF). Now known as CENTCOM. Shit just doesn't appear over night, Numbnuts. We learned from your mistakes. We had to wait for your generation to get out. A lot of officers got rifted during that transition. They didn't make the grade and the young competition was far superior.

JoeE SP9
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I got out 39 years ago. I thought it was still only Lackland but wasn't sure.
I was a military brat. My father retired (USAF) with chickens on his shoulders the same year I got out. Fortunately the old GI bill was still in effect then and I made use of it.

Lamont Sanford
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I served with guys that just got in under the GI Bill. I was too late. But Texas took care of veterans and waived tuition and fees at any Texas state college. Helped a bunch. Also, the VA was my primary PCP for over 10 years. That was my medical coverage. I don't use them any longer since I went to work for the government. Anyway, they got their hands full right now.

gkc's picture
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And where was that? The "82nd" means nothing to me. Where were you when you were dumb enough to get faced by Willie Peter?

I'm full of shit. Okay. You keep deflecting the central questions, Private Troll. So what are you full of, you phony moron?

Explain to us your catch phrase, since it obviously took you a lifetime to think it up, and it still makes no sense.

Explain why you can't spell "bastard." Or does your misspelling have some secret significance, known only to your obviously fragmented brain?

Ncdrawl seems real. You don't. You are a phony in every aspect.

You probably slept through the safety procedures that are always outlined before Willie Peter gets tossed during basic training. You most likely caught the canister and thought it was a Pepsi. Whoosh! I wish I could have been there...

You need a more realistic avatar, if what you say is true. C'mon. Give us the gruesome details.

Oh, never mind. I am sure that, whatever happened (or didn't happen), it was some officer's fault. C'mon, Chuckie. Give us the goods.

Where did you serve? How did you get a face-full of Willie Peter and a permanent desire to smoke everyone who earned a better life than you did?

You are not merely full of shit. You are pathetic. Tell us your sad story in detail, so we can all pity you.


And, by the way, square it all up with your superior listening skills. After all, you have an aural discrimination acuity that defies all cost-limitations that REAL designers must face. And this IS an audio forum...

I suppose you are going to tell me that Willie Peter didn't visit your ears, eh?

ncdrawl's picture
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"Basterd" is the spelling of Bastard from the new Tarantino Flick,


Lamont Sanford
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"Basterd" is the spelling of Bastard from the new Tarantino Flick,


Like I stated. Clifton is full of shit...

Clifton, I was just kidding about that really being me in my avatar. It really isn't me. I was being facetious and making fun of you. I really didn't know you were stupid (thanks Buddha). In fact, everything I wrote since you bounced into this thread is all made up. I'm sorry about you being stupid. Like I mentioned, I had no idea about that at all, man.


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