Dangling Modifiers

The thing about Tuesday is that I've got my therapy session at 6pm. I spend the day processing submissions for our Buyer's Guide. I go through each Excel spreadsheet making sure things look the way they're supposed to. It's a tedious, generally unfulfilling, task. A task measured out in columns, rows, and cells. I have found no way to incorporate art or love. I transfer the tidied files from one folder on our server to another. Cut and paste. Control X, Control C. Kristina then collects the new file and transfers it to a Master spreadsheet. It is a strange kind of communication, this digital dance we do.

Kristina leaves the office at a little after 5pm.

Last night, after therapy, I came back into the office to post a blog entry. My mind, however, was consumed by other things, therapy things. And, so: I forfeited and went home, to sleep.

Here is what I would have offered, and more:

I suppose the big news in the audio world today was the announcement of Slim Devices' Transporter, a music server even audiophiles will love. A mysterious piece of me wants to write something clever about the Transporter. I mean, I could, you know. Write something clever, that is. I received the press release just like everyone else. I can shuffle words around with the best of them. But, I figure, you've already had your fill of Transporter news. Some other blog has taken care of that. I, instead, will tell you more about me.

I have to watch out for dangling modifiers. Copy editor, Richard Lehnert, has pointed this out. And he's right. The dangling modifier gets me all the time. In an attempt to embrace sound, I sacrifice sense.

I have some trouble with communication. I forget the most important words, leaving the meaning, that which I truly want to convey, "dangling." It's quite sad, if you think about it. Of course, I had to Google "dangling modifier" before I came to the conclusion that this is true, but still: Neither here, nor there. It's true.

What can I do about this? Well, the first step is, as they say, "becoming aware." After that, I don't know. Editing, I suppose. If only life could be edited. Cross out the bad bits with red ink, highlight the good bits in bright yellow, rearrange the order of things to optimize beauty and meaning. Ah, life would then be covered in green grass and sound like your lover's laugh and smell like lilies.

I can be dramatic. "Lighten up," they say. "No one died," they say. But when do you tie a knot in the lace? When is "only" enough? When is it too much? It's only a word. It's only a toy. It's only a job. It's only a band. It's only hi-fi. It's only life.

Today, I'm tired and depressed. Tomorrow, I'll be a bit better or worse or just about the same. I'll still have to watch out for dangling modifiers. The sun will come out or it won't. Nothing's changed, no one died.

In other news, I received a call from Bluebird Music's Jay Rein. The Exposure gear and cables will be arriving late next week. And Christian thinks it'd be interesting for me to discuss cables. I will certainly give it a shot. I'll brave those cryogenically frozen waters, leaving dangling modifiers in my wake.

Jeff Wong's picture

Your post reminded me of when I was in elementary school. I had a teacher, Mr. O'Mahoney, a ruddy complexioned, pig-faced man in black horn-rims, who often warned us about dangling participles.

Christian's picture

When the new gear arrives, the review will be interesting.

Al Marcy's picture

Theory of Dreary Me? Moods are only as important as we dream them to be, or not to be.What's that, a question?

Jeff Heinbach's picture

Brother,I'm sorry to hear the bad news. Like I said on the board, the MPS has porvided me with some of the happier moments of my life. I know how much it meant to you, and I hope you realize that your work has had a tremendous, positive, and loving effect on a great many people. It's funny, but in the last couple of days I've gone on an MPS binge of sorts," even reading all of your archived Bridges and Tunnels posts and the Teachblog. I can only aspire to have a fraction of the talent that you guys've displayed again and again with such vatic passion and affection. Keep in touch while keeping and mind that those ""fuck yeahs"" which the Bucks crowd had shouted repeatedly were cried with a raw and genuine enthusiasm and that they'll reverberate through our memories and hearts. Also", you guys'll always have a special throne as being my favorite band. Peace.