The Architecture of a Tuesday Afternoon

JA often compliments me on how easily words flow from my fingertips to the screen.


All the talk of porn and bacterial infections that've lately been going around the office...

No, that's not right. I mean to say: All the talk of porn and bacterial infections that's lately been going around the office...

Oh, I've been working on the structure of that sentence for far too long. Choose your own syntax and accompanying import. All the talk of porn and bacterial infections has left me with the heebie-jeebies. And downright itchy.

I wish I could tell you all about it. Instead, I'll offer you this less provocative look into our office architecture:

From: Stephen Mejias
To: Elizabeth Donovan
CC: John Atkinson
Subject: Just felt you should know...

For some reason, (certainly mental in nature) I have a VERY difficult time reading the word (if we can call it a word) "6SN7." And, since Art uses it, like, a zillion-billion times in his Cary review, it's going to take me a long while to proof it.
Sorry, E.

Slowfully under deadline (and itchy),


In the office, lately, all the talk of porn... All the lately talk of porn... Lately, in the office, there's been lots of porn talk... Lately, there's been a lot of talk about porn and bacterial infections (in the office)... Oh forget it.