
Robert has asked me to review the new Sonic Youth album, Rather Ripped. You'd think I'd be thrilled about this. I would be, normally. But, so far, I find the new Sonic Youth album to be disappointing, an underachievement. Having to review the new Sonic Youth album is beginning to stress me out. Thus: this, therapy.

The new Sonic Youth album starts with a song called "Reena." "Reena" turns me off in such a way that I can hardly get through to its end. Maybe, I'm thinking, if "Reena" wasn't around, or if Rather Ripped simply didn't begin with "Reena," I'd like the album a whole lot more.

Also, I can't listen to this new Sonic Youth album without having my mind drift off to older Sonic Youth albums. This has been concerning me. Sonic Youth needs to learn some new chords, create some new tunings, become alternative again.

Excuse me. I'm just working this out.

Jim Teacher's picture

Dude," ""Incinerate.""

Donald N.'s picture

I like the album but, have to agree with you overall however, get it some more time. They do need to reinvent themselves IMHO.

Stephen Mejias's picture

I've been listening to the album all day," and - yes - I'm liking it more and more. Except for ""Reena.""

Clay White's picture

By coincidence I read your post immediately after reading a rundown of Rather Ripped in the new music section of the current Music Direct Newsletter. Mind you, they are hoping to promote sales of the recording and their review is not just ho-hum, but borders on the apologetic. Maybe the fact that you have to work at it to find something to like says more about the band's work than about you. Is Robert inclined to pull your leg from time to time?

Stephen Mejias's picture

I've been trying not to read any other reviews of the album, but I'm curious about what people are saying. The more I listen to the album, though, the more I like it. It seems to be a transitional work for Sonic Youth, a more direct move towards a lighter (in every sense of the word) sound. Um, Sonic Youth goes folk. Just kidding. Sonic Youth turns into the Rolling Stones.