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Just got back from a rally at my blue dog congress critters office.


Entertaining and so applicable to your marching ants...your party is center left and your leadership is Marxist. My party is center right and our leadership is all over the place.

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That is not conspiracy...it is in your face fraud, and OK when the left does it.

Except that all you have is allegations made by knowingly dishonest talking heads on Faux news.

So, in other words, you fall completely for their knowingly false, deliberately anti-American, violence-inciting propaganda.

Why do you hate America?

Jan Vigne
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... our leadership is all over the place.

Jan Vigne
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Teabaggers getting off a corporate sponsored bus;


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Dick Armey getting teabaggeres back on the coporate bus;


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I don't give the left the power to label anyone 'dishonest' as so very many lefties suffer from that very fault.

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... our leadership is all over the place

I've noticed.


Lamont Sanford
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Hell, what do I know. I'm just an ignorant fuck from below the Mason-Dixon line.

Lamont Sanford
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Jan. The new DUP.

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I don't give the left the power to label anyone 'dishonest' as so very many lefties suffer from that very fault.

A classic example of bigotry. Consider if you said that about, say, a black person, or a white one. Then you'd be shown for what you are, a bigot. Nothing but a disgusting, vile bigot.

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Steele to moderates: 'We'll come after you'

RNC Chairman Michael Steele, channeling his party's energized conservative wing, said the party will "come after" moderates who support President Obama's domestic policies.

"[C]andidates who live in moderate to slightly liberal districts have got to walk a little bit carefully here, because you do not want to put yourself in a position where you

Lamont Sanford
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The figures aren't hard to find

Yeah, I can see that...

Jan Vigne
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If there were such a thing as "liberal media bias", wouldn't you think they'd have mentioned this?

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WND falsely claimed alleged Fort Hood shooter "advised Obama transition"

WorldNetDaily falsely claimed that alleged Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan "advised Obama transition" in the headline of an article by Jerome Corsi highlighting his listing as a "participant" in a report for the Homeland Security Policy Institute (HSPI) at George Washington University's Presidential Transition Task Force. However, Corsi himself acknowledges that there is no evidence that "the group played any formal role in the official Obama transition" ...

... Corsi: No evidence "the group played any formal role in the official Obama transition." In his article, Corsi wrote: "While the GWU task force participants included several members of government, including representatives of the Department of Justice and the U.S Department of Homeland Security, there is no indication in the document that the group played any formal role in the official Obama transition, other than to serve in a university-based advisory capacity."


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You might want to read this one. If you get your news from entertainers, this sill come as a shock to your system ...


Budget Monitor Says G.O.P. Bill Leaves Many Uninsured

The Congressional Budget Office said on Wednesday that an alternative health care bill put forward by House Republicans would have little impact in extending health benefits to the roughly 30 million uninsured Americans, but would reduce average insurance premium costs for people who have coverage.

The Republican bill, which has no chance of passage, would extend insurance coverage to about 3 million people by 2019, and would leave about 52 million people uninsured, the budget office said, meaning the proportion of non-elderly Americans with coverage would remain about the same as now, at roughly 83 percent.

The budget office has said that the Democrats

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Charlie resorts to same old repub tactic - when you get caught ... lie.

Charlie Crist says he didn't endorse stimulus bill

Crist's comments about the stimulus startled conservatives, Democrats, and frankly, us, who all remember things differently.

The conservative Club for Growth responded Thursday with an online television ad, criticizing Crist's support for the stimulus plan. And the Democratic National Committee blasted Crist's comments to reporters across the country.

(With his own words and if you don't trust the media they include video)

http://www.politifact.org/truth-o-meter/...lus-bill/<br />
<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

How Stooo-Pid do you have to be to get elected as a repub?

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You knew I'd have an answer for that question, didn't you?

The minority "leader?" claims to have his own personal copy of the US Consitution and as he "reads from it" he quotes the Declaration of Independence.

The prepetuaully orange Mr. B doesn't even know the Constitution doesn't contain a preamble, nor do the elected repub officials standing behind him grinning, shaking their heads and repeating along with him the words that do not exist in the US Constitution and it would appear none of those in attendance knew enough to stop him either.

(3:19 into the video for those of you who would melt like the Wicked Witch if you watched KO. Check it out for yourself, it would be totally unbelievable - if it weren't coming out of the mouth of a repub along with the snakes and frogs.)

And that is just how Stoo-Pid you have to be to get elected as a repub!


And for those of you who don't know how to find a copy of the Declaration of Independence on line, read it yourself ...


While you're at the video hit 1:20 into the images for a pure definition of what drives the repubs. This is disgusting stuff the repub national party now embraces as their own voice.

These are the people who wants us to follow their lead.

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I don't give the left the power to label anyone 'dishonest' as so very many lefties suffer from that very fault.

A classic example of bigotry. Consider if you said that about, say, a black person, or a white one. Then you'd be shown for what you are, a bigot. Nothing but a disgusting, vile bigot.

Another power I do not grant the left, the use of the labels 'Bigot', 'Racist', 'Sexist' or 'Homophobe' as the left always uses the labels to squash debate when they do not have a tenable position or argument.

Call me what you want, I did speak the truth.

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No one mentioned that because it was a forgone conclusion in that 90% deep blue district. They would elect Lassie if she had a (D) after her name...no story there.

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No one mentioned that because it was a forgone conclusion in that 90% deep blue district. They would elect Lassie if she had a (D) after her name...no story there.

Kind of like upstate NY for the last 130 years ... Oh, I forgot they elected a Dem this time.

Your BS gets deeper with each and every post as your ass shows more and more with each passing day.

You are in need of a cranial/rectal disarticulation. As an old fart the government run health care program in which you participate might pay for such a procedure even though the outcome is still bleak for your recovery.

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NY23 has been trending blue for a long time...that is why Obama plucked the 8 term incumbent as Army Secretary. It is almost impossible to get rid of an incumbent at the ballot box. Congress has fixed it so that they have pretty much guaranteed job security. Having new players in the slowly trending blue district after a big Obama win in it was thought to be a good idea and turned out to be so. The only thing they did not figure on was a good conservative candidate. They may have a harder time next year if the dem, who ran promising not to support the Pelosi health care scheme, votes the wrong way.

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Call me what you want, I did speak the truth.

You're a bigot and a liar. You do not speak truth, and you have attempted to spin the repugnicans repeated attempts to overcome the will of the voters into the fault of the democrats.

Republicans are sore losers who attempt to usurp power though the use of the court system, no more, no less.

Why do they hate America?

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Call me what you want, I did speak the truth.

You're a bigot and a liar. You do not speak truth, and you have attempted to spin the repugnicans repeated attempts to overcome the will of the voters into the fault of the democrats.

Republicans are sore losers who attempt to usurp power though the use of the court system, no more, no less.

Why do they hate America?

Not a single original line n that screed..the traditional leftie squeal of 'liar' coupled with a few regurgitated DNC talking points...You even included the humorous 'will of the voter' meme, hilarious since Bush/Gore in 2000

Sort of sad really...

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Not a single original line n that screed

Another lie on your part, showing again your sheer, overweening, absolutely unethical and pathetically dishonest bigotry.

You can't recognize truth if it bites you on the butt, you just suck down the swill from Beck, and Limbaugh, and Robertson, and all those other anti-American haters.

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My Goodness...I must have hit a nerve

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My Goodness...I must have hit a nerve

And, when caught with both hands in the toilet, you try to make a joke of it.

Jan Vigne
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NY23 has been trending blue for a long time ...

As has been the rest of the country. The repubs continue to be a regional party of aging if not simply old, white, pissed off, mostly male Southerners and disaffected rural MidWesterners who want nothing to do with their neighbor and outright hate anyone not like them - someone such as Matthew Shepard left to die on a fence post or a black man dragged to death behind a pick up truck in Texas.

Oh, I know this will get a response that makes no sense whatsoever. Go ahead, there is no defending this anymore than there is reason for defending the venomous hate that spilled forth in Washington yesterday.

The once red bits of each state are being gradually turned off to the same old repub message of regressive, radical agendas and anti-Americanism disguised as "personal freedom" as the older voters, along with their biases, hatreds and prejudices, die off. Purple is turning blue and the repubs will once again stay a minority party for decades to come - if they do not destroy themself in the process.

Yes, the 23rd has been turning more and more blue as the red message has become more and more whacky, angry, hateful and closeminded. By next year's election the district will be swallowed alive by the Democrats and be the better for it. This purge of moderates is going to be the undoing of any hope you have for a future.

Look at you own posts, you sound like a f'ing fruitcake jihadist turning the clock back to a time that never existed!

And you don't see how pathetic that is.

Who the hell would want to be associated with idiots and bigots like you? People who carry pictures of Holocaust victims to a supposed repub "press rally" is who. Those people are extremely dangerous to the survival of this nation but thank goodness they are not a growing number - they die and no one replaces them. That is a fact and nothing you can concoct can deny it. You only sound more and more like the wannabe desparate domestic terrorist on the loosing end of the battle when you make up your ideologically cracked bullshit. You sound as if you are the most pathetic excuse for human beings on the face of the planet. No acceptance of others, no compromise, no talking to your opponents - and everyone is your opponent, you are a pitiful group of degenerates who rattle around like cockroaches at midnight in the dirty kitchen.

You people disgust me with your lies and hypocrisy and under the table dealings with corporate killers. You blindly follow a "leader" who doesn't know the Constitution from the Declaration of Independence and another who cannot recite the Pledge of Allegiance! You are all frauds and fakes with peel off bumper stickers that say, "Support Our Troops" as if they were yours and your alone to command into hell.

Show me the writings you made against Bush or any of the other repubs who have increased the US deficits over the last 30 years, against those repubs who have grown the budgets as no Democrat would dream to do! You cannot because they do not exist. You are a sockpuppet for the facists and you dine on their refuse thinking how good they are to you!

Show me your outrage at the real cause of this debacle! Not the people you've been told to hate but the real people who should be blamed. You cannot because you don't pay attention to reality, facts or proof, you just follow the entertainers when they say leap over the cliff.

Show me where you stood for America and American values just once in your life. You cannot! Because until a black Democrat entered the WH you stood silent as you voted a "good Christian man" into office not just once but for a second term even as his first term proved disastrous to the nation and to the world. You've held your tongue until now - now when you are led like lemmings to attack the party that has real ideas. You do so because you have no ideas and no hope of ever having another idea as you are fed a steady diet of bullshit. What comes out of your mouth smells of what goes in - bullshit rank and foul!

The repubs take five months beyond their announced date to present a health care program - something they "admit" is needed in this country - and yet it does nothing to improve the situation by their own admission and it adds more to the deficit than anything the Dems have come up with. This after a $144 billion dollar give away to the insurance and pharmacuetical companies when the repubs held office - a give away that wasn't even thought about in any way of funding, just passsed in the dead of night as a political payoff and a ploy to win a few votes and to hell with the deficits, to hell with the country! It all feeds the corporatists and you follow along as if you had no ability whatsoever to think for yourself - a fish could do better than what the repubs have come up with over the last century. There is only one answer from the repubs and that is to lie and then to lay down and allow the corporatists to eat us alive and you sit there and post idiotic words that say you are ready to be smeared with Bar-B-Que sauce.

You hate gays, women, blacks, immigrants and Muslims because you are told to do so and you make political hay on the violent and needless death of American soldiers. You are the vilest of the vile and you are not yet done reaching into the sewer for more.

You are the most wretched creatures I have experienced in my lifetime! And there is nothing I will enjoy more than seeing the end to the idiocy, racism and bigotry you all claim as "American" values which only you can possess. Well, you are welcome to keep those "values" to yourself, no one else wants to be anywhere near them.

I show you what the repubs say and do and provide proof they are considered as nothing more than sad jokes by the majority of thinking, reasoning, morality driven individuals. You ignore the proof of what has been said and done and support a corrupt system of voting against your own interests and the betterment of the country that allows you the priviledge of protesting against your own government. You take money for government run health care, you use the system to your own advantage even as you want to deny others the same benefits. You want to pay for nothing and yet live off the fat of everyone else. You are leeches! A sickening parasite that needs to be eliminated.

Go to hell every last one of you!

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Hey. What about us disaffected left-coasters who merely want some modicum of stability? True. I am old and white. And my ass is still aching from the last Liberal bum-jammer who sneaked up on me while I was bent over weeding the garden.

Fortunately, I had a couple of 10-ounce gold bars and was able to hammer on his nuts until he ran screaming into the California fog.

What gibberish. Hey, Mr. Politician, you don't have to like me. Just leave me the fuck alone.

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My Goodness...I must have hit a nerve

And, when caught with both hands in the toilet, you try to make a joke of it.

I was not the one making it up....amusing this.

Jan Vigne
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Liberal bum-jammer

Far less dangerous than a manical, homicidal jihadist.

I've never known a "bum-jammer" to carry a sign with pictures of dead babies or Holocaust victims, have you?

I can't remember the last time I read of a "bum-jammer" shooting a doctor while he attended a religious service, can you?

Can you name a "bum-jammer" who has advocated violent revolution against their own government?

Do you suppose McVeigh was "bum-jamming" Nichols when they decided to blow up a Federal building thereby claiming the lives of 168 victims including innocent women and children and injuring over 800 others?

Your bigotry is abhorrent. Crawl back in your hole.

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Just leave me the fuck alone.

If you prefer to be left alone, you have the personal freedom to live anywhere that is possible.

In the United States we have a Constitution that spells out how this system operates.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
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A repub who knows everything, Fox shows its bias (natch!) and a bigot gets put in his place by a wounded POW.

Interesting stuff tonight regarding how one side plays their game of strawman.


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Doctors, AARP and now Catholic Bishops sign on.

Repubs say, "No".

Now that's representing your constituents!


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Getting to know repub Rep. Virginia Foxx.


She reminds you of your own Granny, doesn't she? Just before the family decided to put her in a place where she couldn't hurt herself.

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In the United States we have a Constitution that spells out how this system operates.

And we have a Congress and too often a court system that pays it absolutely NO attention...

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Right-wing media respond to Fort Hood shooting by attacking American Muslims


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They may have a harder time next year if the dem, who ran promising not to support the Pelosi health care scheme, votes the wrong way.

Misleading talking point that Owens "ran against the health care bill" spreads from right-wing blogs to Fox


I was not the one making it up...

But you do make stuff up ... or at least take your talking points from dishonest entertainers ...

Owens Announces Support For House Dems' Health Care Bill

Owens's position here is in line with his prior statements at a debate held last week, shortly before the election.


By their own words, you and the repugnant repubs who lie to cover their ass are all liars.

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Lou Dobbs pulls his own "stunt", shows his bigotry and his ass.

Dobbs: Dems using Ft. Hood shooting as "cover" to pass health reform in House

(with video in his own words)


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Op ed from a Pultizer Prizing winning journalist - not an entertainer.


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They may have a harder time next year if the dem, who ran promising not to support the Pelosi health care scheme, votes the wrong way.

Misleading talking point that Owens "ran against the health care bill" spreads from right-wing blogs to Fox


Owens Breaks 4 Campaign Promises in first hour in Congress


He changed one of his 4 promises not to support the scheme right before the election but the other 3 remain...and he will vote with Pelosi...could be the shortest term for a congressman in a long while. Elected, barely, Nov 2009, thrown out Nov 2010 in the republican landslide.

I guess he did not really want the job.

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Remarkable! What secret decoder ring must I have for this BS to load on my computer?

BullShit repub Sites Avoid Liberal Computers!!!!!

And you complained about MediaMatters!

OK, let's go through this one more time. I have Owen's own words to back up my post. You have BS from a site that won't even load and nothing real that supports your contention he did not support the bill.

Now, you can cough up Owen's own words that say something other than what I have posted and we can call this a politician's draw. Or you can leave it as is and you have no proof of anything more than "you continue to make stuff up".

What part of the "fake news story" on Fixed News didn't you understand? Quoting entertainers is not what I am after.

What part of "don't trust the entertainers" are you not grasping?

Try finding a Pulitzer Prize winner on your side. Pretty hard to find. I'm sure you have a reason for that too, you always do. But humor me and try pulling up a real journalist who corroborates your claim using Owen's own words.

Otherwise, once again, you got nuthin' but BS!

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You can believe what you want. The folk in his district will have their say in about a year.

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I knew it! When pressed for factual evidence you fold like a cheap cardtable.

This is not a matter of "belief" for those with the capacity to reason. Belief belongs to the jihadist and the sickening ideologues. I have no time for either.

I don't rely on what I "believe"! I find facts to support a position and I use those facts to become more informed in my decisions.

You fail to do any of that.

You do not know how to find evidence! You do not know how to use real words and actions to prove your claims. You pull shit out of your butt, make idiotic threats of what is to come - you yourself just said the district has trended blue which we both agree on, it is turning blue and will remain so as long as the repubs are on their witch hunt and for decades after, now you want me to believe your Stoo-Pid prediction of impending repub victory a prediction as likely to be wildly invalid as your prediction the stock market would react poorly to Obama and the repubs would sweep the 23rd last Tuesday. Your predictive powers are a joke and an embarrassment of swallowing what is put in front of you by the entertainers! You expect people to accept claims that are unsubstantiated and mostly just plain fruitcake - just as you do willingly and constantly.

You are being duped! Why can't you see what is in front of you?!

Learn not to trust entertainers and clowns. Use real evidence. Don't be a patsy for the corporatists and their shills!

Do all of that and you will no longer trust what the repubs and nutjob conservatives are feeding you. You will no longer be on a RINO hunt. You will understand moderation over ideology.

You are pathetic as you exist and only you can change how you see the world. I've shown you dozens upon dozens of examples of how the repubs lie and just as many examples of their hypocrisy and outright lunacy and you have not managed to rebut a single post. I've used their own words and their own deeds and you ignore the obvious proof. Even when I reference a site such as MediaMatters I use the actual words and deeds to back up my claims.

You can only manage to attack me and pull more crap from your backside. Dislodge your head from that location!

I am not your enemy nor your opponent, can't you see that?

Forgodssake, man, THINK! Stop swallowing the shit the repubs are dishing out! They have no ideas, they simply do the bidding of their masters and we all suffer in the absurd idea they are keeping us "free".

Or live your life as an angry, uninformed individual following the ring in your nose simply because you refuse to accept the facts I have placed in front of that nose.

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I routed you an input, you simply dismissed it...

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It doesn't load on my computer. I just tried it again and it does not load. It's not my fault your site is as junk as your words.

You've proven nothing.

And you will not have proven anything until you provide Owen's actual words stating clearly his position as of Tuesday AM.

I have provided his words in a transcript.

What is so f'ing difficult for you to understand?!!!

It's known as "proof". I have it and you do not. You have lies printed by entertainers who don't want you to know the truth.

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Here's is his debate position a week before the election along with further commentary regarding his concerns for the paper industry - yeah, that's not supporting the bill ;

"This legislation will reform the insurance industry and provide increased access to affordable healthcare without taxing healthcare benefits, cutting Medicare benefits or raising taxes on the middle class, and that is exactly the direction we need to go," said Owens. "There are still changes I would like to make, including raising the payroll exemption for small businesses, but like I said last week, there is a fundamental need for reform and we must act with a sense of urgency. This plan will reign in costs, strengthen the middle class and protect our economy from additional debt down the road."

In addition, Owens showed concern for provisions that would prevent paper producers from receiving a tax credit for the production of certain wood by-products. "Forestry and the paper-products industry are incredibly important to our community, and I will be looking for way to ensure that they are not unduly burdened in any healthcare legislation," Owens said.

During his campaign for Congress, Owens showed consistent support for legislation that would end pre-existing condition exclusions, reign in spending, protect small businesses and keep middle-class taxes low.

H.R. 3962 would end the ability of insurance companies to deny care based on pre-existing conditions, and would reduce the federal deficit by $104 billion over the next decade. The bill also includes an exemption for small businesses with a payroll of less than $500,000.
Congressman-elect Owens has stated his desire to see this exemption raised to include a greater percentage of operations considered small businesses. In addition, the bill is paid for without taxing healthcare benefits or raising middle class income-taxes.

This legislation is endorsed by AARP and the American Medical Association, among other organizations.

The link to this is in my earlier post.

He certainly did not endorse the repub bill that does nothing but raise the deficit.

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It doesn't load on my computer. I just tried it again and it does not load. It's not my fault your site is as junk as your words.

You've proven nothing.

And you will not have proven anything until you provide Owen's actual words stating clearly his position as of Tuesday AM.

I have provided his words in a transcript.

What is so f'ing difficult for you to understand?!!!

It's known as "proof". I have it and you do not. You have lies printed by entertainers who don't want you to know the truth.

That is my point...he was against the scheme until a day or so before the vote for 4 reasons...He explained away one reason for his change and blew off the rest.


Jan Vigne
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I told you the link doesn't post.

You have no "point" unless you have proof in Owen's own words.

Got that?

You are an incredibly Stoo-Pid person to continue to repeat the same crap without proof.







I have no problem with a candidate changing his or her opinion somewhat a month out. If you remember, which I'm sure you conveniently do not, there has been no single bill for him to consider until this past week and it was still forming up to the minute it was posted for consideration in the House where he will vote.

The Catholic Bishops endorsed the bill yerterday after a change was made so there was no single "bill" to oppose until today.

You are being intentionally obtuse about this because you know you cannot win the point and I have provided more than sufficient evidence to prove you are just pulling entertainer BS out of your ass.

If nothing else, consider he was busy running an election until Tuesday evening and as he states in this video; http://video.aol.com/video-detail/bill-o...cid=VIDLRVNWS08, he is reading as fast as he can at this moment.

So STFU! You have no idea what you are talking about, you are simply repeating the BS fed to you by Fixed News and the other clowns and entertainers.

Just give it up, you are waging a loosing battle without supplying any proof in Owen's own words - and I'm not about to accept your word for anything at this point - against six sources - no, make that seven with the additional video - that say you are wrong. Dead wrong and Stoo-Pid!

Learn to accept reality.

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I don't want to crush you, but it opens fine for me...perhaps you need a better browser.


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