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The Washington Post seems to see the handwriting on the wall as they have already begun advising every leftie who will listen how little the events mean nationally.

I'm not surprised you crow about trying to grow up a whole generation of children in ignorance.

Still, it shows you as endorsing deliberate ruin of society.

Just like Beck and the teabaggers, who have nothing but ruin and destruction as an agenda.

What do you expect from Faux, anyhow? Murdoch would love to drag the US down to the level of his homeland.

Jan Vigne
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repub lackey, no one gives a shit about your BS prognostications. Cheney lied 72 times!

This thread is about "worst", like vice presidents lying 72 times to cover their own ass - you know, like Bush Sr. did. It is something the "originalists" have down.

Hoffman is the next repub crook, that's all. Getting elected in a district that hasn't put a Dem in Congress in decades is his easy pass to tax payer riches.

If you want to endorse that sort of crime, go somewhere else to spout your BS.

Lamont Sanford
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This thread is about "worst", like vice presidents lying 72 times to cover their own ass - you know, like Bush Sr. did. It is something the "originalists" have down.

Only two presidents have been impeached and both were Democrats. The most corrupt administration was Grant's and he was a Republican. The most censored and unconstituional perod was during Wilson's tenure and he was a Democrat. A social Democrat that failed miserably and set in motion Word War II and kept troops in Siberia for two years after World War I to protect collateral belonging to Wall Street after the Russian Civil War serving as a goal for "idealists" to hawk and "realists" to criticize ever since. Warren Harding was responsible for the Teapot Scandal and he was a Republican. Kennedy was responsible for the Bay of Pigs and he was a Democrat. LBJ lied about the Tonkin Gulf and escaleted the Vietnam Conflict and later just quit as president because he couldn't finish what he started and he was a Democrat. Nixon, a Republican, was forced to resign due to the Watergate Scandal, lied about Cambodia, owned the failure of the Vietnam Conflict, created a permanent scar on the Republican Party, and failed to do something about Hoover, who was hired by Coolidge, a Republican. Hoover served under every president from Coolidge to Nixon and loved to have an index card on every American like you. "Jimmuh Cahtuh", Democrat, was just an idiot that help set the stage for what Iran is today not to mention he still has a need to publicly lie on a dialy basis as his dementia gets worse. The list goes back and forth throughout the history of U.S. presidents and their adminstrations. Jan, you are too narrow minded to be a monument to the "worst". If Cheney only lied 72 times than he is low on the totum pole. Social Democrats want people to shut up and fiscal Republicans want to make money. Both are a recipe for disaster. Did you just wake up yesterday?

Jan Vigne
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If Cheney only lied 72 times than he is low on the totum pole.

As is your typical closed minded manner, LS, you've missed the point again. You view everything as an opportunity to attack the "other side" and dismiss the transgressions of "your side". That's not my intent with this thread.

Giving false testimony to a federal agent is an impeachable offense. Doing so 72 times is a heinous act of also forgetting just who your employer is. Such poor memory (or being "out of the loop") is just as impeachable today and just as vile today as it was when other appointees of the public trust used the same defense. To argue whether any one individual should have been prosecuted for their words is not the intent of this thread.

This thread is not about who did what and at what point in history and certainly not about decades old history. As the repubs are quick to pass the ownership of the world's dilemas to Obama, so too do I prefer to view most of Clinton's achievements both good and bad as ancient history and not worthy of discussion in this thread. Been there, done that and remember 22 million jobs created.

This thread is about who said or did what most recently and can you provide evidence with their own words or actions. To that end I supplied the editorials regarding Hoffman. I'm not interested in predictions of who will or might do what, there are scads of entertainers who supply those opinions in vast abundance. I'm interested in who said or did what just now and can I provide words to back up the story. That level of proof has been missing from the political threads on this forum. I intend to supply the words.

It was the evidence of his own words that brought Nixon to within a hair's breath of being impeached by his own party's members and resulted in the only US President to resign his office in disgrace and under pressure. And, yes, we do agree about Hoover's deeds, they were against the US Constitution and they presisted under both Dem and repub administrations. We've just witnessed yet another administration who lost the faith of those they were elected to serve leave office with poll numbers as low as those of the Nixon regime and the responsibility for possible crimes as unAmerican as those of Hoover. I'm not here to argue about whether they have committed impeachable crimes, I'll leave that up to the reader to decide based on their own words and deeds which I can attribute directly to them. If 72 lies aren't enough to convince you, then I doubt you'd be convinced by any opinion I might bring to the thread.

I'm not going to argue whether Kennedy was responsible for The Bay of Pigs since his own words say he took ownership of his orders. Whatever anyone thinks of the Kennedys is not something I care to argue about in this thread. IMO to go from that public admission of failure to 72 lapses of memory in closed testimony is a heinous act of forgetting who and what you were elected to represent. "The buck stops here" would appear to be a peculiarly Democratic slogan that persists over time. "I don't remember" seems to belong to the repubs as their own words prove - 72 times in the most recent testimony.

I'm not interested in what you want this to turn into. This thread is about what is occurring today. I'm not interested in this thread turning into a back and forth over who did what twenty, fifty or one hundred years ago, those opinions are set in stone and what transpires on an audio forum is not going change anything.

The thread is mostly about "worst" as the title says and as I have stated several times. IMO worst is proven when your own words betray you. If you disagree with my assessment of who deserves to be included in this thread, then you have the right to ignore 72 lies to a federal agent. I leave it to the reader to decide who is "worst" and I don't intend to wander off into BS regurgitations of some over paid, under performing entertainer's robo-shouts of this party's victories or defeats. That's for another thread, I'm not interested in it here and I would appreciate you and others taking it elsewhere. Just because O hasn't won an international prize or bailed out any indutries of late doesn't mean you have to come over here and shit all over this thread just to get your daily percentage of robo-jollies.

When the words or deeds are available as evidence then it goes in this thread IMO. One after the other, on and on. If you care to bring quotes from Wilson into this thread, then you have the ability to do the research. You clearly know how to post. If you believe that proves anything about what is weighing on the American psyche today, then it's fair game. Opinionated accusations that this President did this and that administration did something just as egregious don't interest me in this thread. I'm concerned with the here and now not the gone and argued about endlessly.

I intend for this thread to remain about the "worst" - and occasionally about the "best" when it seems fitting. The use of their own words and deeds to represent those who influence us in the here and now and the day to day is what this thread is about. Entertainer's and their views can stay away unless they have proof of their shouts, solid proof not the BS "I know what he thinks" that comes from the likes of elRushbo and Hannity.

The reader gets to decide the facts and their opinions of those facts, I'm just here to present the evidence in the words of those so named. That's what this thread is about and I hope it remains headed in that same direction throughout its run.

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The Washington Post seems to see the handwriting on the wall as they have already begun advising every leftie who will listen how little the events mean nationally.

I'm not surprised you crow about trying to grow up a whole generation of children in ignorance.

Still, it shows you as endorsing deliberate ruin of society.

Just like Beck and the teabaggers, who have nothing but ruin and destruction as an agenda.

What do you expect from Faux, anyhow? Murdoch would love to drag the US down to the level of his homeland.

We simply want the America we grew up in and the one the founders fought for, not the one the left is perverting into existence. And I am growing increasingly sure we will make a giant step in that direction in 2010.

The lefts talking points are simply not resonating.

Jan Vigne
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What part of, "This thread is not about the rabid shouts of entertainers and their sycophants" did you not understand?

We simply want the America we grew up in ...

I'm sure you do but you had no problem with the America of the years immediately preceding Nov. 5th, '08. The years that gave us near billion $$$ deficits each year of the Bush administration, Terry Schiavo and the multi-billion $$$ Medicare part D(oughnut hole) as a completely unfunded federal mandate passed by repubs ignoring Senate rules and treating Dems' objections as jokes.

I've asked you to point me towards your posts decrying that time and those actions and you've ignored the request. Once again you've only shown up to dump your load of shit on this thread. You are tiresome, tedious and IMO mentally unstable.

Here's what this thread is about, now pay attention this time;

... But the electoral math is less interesting than the pathology of this movement. Its antecedent can be found in the early 1960s, when radical-right hysteria carried some of the same traits we
Jan Vigne
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#3 Who knew Pat Boone was so senile he doesn't remember who is in the White House and that a democratic election held just 12 months ago placed him there?

#2 An elected repub official would rather see an attack on this nation by terrorists than see health care reform. Why? you ask ...

#1 There is no excusing this - even from the would be entertainers/shouters ...


Jan Vigne
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GOP trails in money chase

When compared with 2003, the gap between the two parties is even more evident. The early donation rate to House Democrats jumped a whopping 69 percent between 2003 and 2009. It

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Going Out of Business?

A new ad goes too far when it says Medicare will be "bankrupt" in eight years.

A new health care ad from a conservative group claims that "Medicare will be bankrupt in eight years." That gives a false impression ...

... Analysis
The conservative group Americans for Prosperity has released a new 60-second ad through its Patients First project. The ad, which features a family doctor, Dr. Amy Siems, talking to viewers, recycles a few misleading talking points against health care legislation in Congress, but includes a new claim that is quite startling. Dr. Siems says that "Medicare will be bankrupt in eight years."

(with video)


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Fact of the Day

Fun with Semantics
October 30, 2009

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele takes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to task in an RNC fundraising e-mail for claiming that a tax increase isn

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You crank out an anti American and Anti Conservative rant and then pretend any post not in slobbering support is 'off topic'...sorry, it don't work that way.

You can write about imaginary crimes and lies from republicans and I will write about real, and current lies and crimes by today's happy socialists.

I am not off topic, simply expanding the idea of corruption and crimes to include your crooks.

Jan Vigne
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I POST EVIDENCE! Something you do not understand.

I use the very words of those on "your side". I throw them in your face and, if you find them to be "anti-conservative", then you should consider just who is putting the ring through your nose!

But do not even attempt to call me "un-American" for it is not you who decides who is the patriot in this group. It is not for the cowardly like you who cannot face up to their own flaws and failures to say others do not live up to your rotten ideals. I want nothing to do with your "ideals" and I wish them buried in the scrapheap of history. They have brought this country to the brink of collapse and, if the words you read on these pages do not prove it to you, allow me to make it clear - your side is devoid of ideas and has been for decades. I want your "ideals" to be buried so swiftly and so deeply they will never again see the light of day nor foul the air with their stench!

If the words and deeds of those on your side as shown by the evidence I post here cannot stand up to scrunity, then you do not have a compelling idea to present! That is the bottom line and proven more with each passing post.

The crimes you report are all in your head which has too much rank smelling vacant space where such crap can fester and rot. Always the victim and always the whining little complainer. A four yeard old has more respect for others than you show.

You offer no evidence just more and more kneejerk entertainer spewed BS. You are sickening to anyone who responds as a real American.

I allow the reader to make up their own mind, you insist they march lockstep or risk being labelled a RINO or "Anti- American". What Bullshit!

More of your poorly digested pablum spit up on the page is not worth the effort. You are nothing more than a nutcase fueled by your hatred toward your own government. It is not "your America" that is at stake, your America is a figment of your imagination created by the punksters like Dick Armey and Grover Norquist who feed richly at the corporate troughs. "Your America" full of teabaggers and RINO hunters would reject Reagan today for his tax policies - you and everything you support is a fraud built upon never ending fear! Fear you will loose the power of the white middle class that you remember from 1950's televison and 1930's novellas. Face facts, either it never existed off the page or it is long gone, destroyed by politicians who were installed, paid for and cleaned the asses of the upper 1% of coporatists. Your invocation of Rogers is hypocrisy at its height! That you repeat it as if you found something admirable in the man who spoke those words sours my intestines! Rogers lived and died as a Democrat - apparently everyone but you knew that.

This country belongs to everyone residing within its borders and those who are restrained by the boundaries of its power. It belongs to those who democratically installed the administration and who support its ideals and not to the handful of pissed off wingnuts who just can't get over loosing because they never spoke up when the real damage was being done. You voted in "a good Chrisitian man" who took this country down a rabbit hole and now you want to bitch and whine and blame anyone other than yourself for the crimes committed in his name. You disgust me and so many others with your whiny, pathetic, accept no blame complaints that all have their roots in your own candidates and paid for entertainers.

Isolationism, nationalism, anti-imigrant hatred and an international policy of militaristic projection of power never worked and will not today. Your side has bankrupt this country and most of the world with it, feeding only the rich who wish to become richer still. Your lack of morals and numbskull social hate agenda have left a stinking hole in this country that other nations smell around the globe. You shout insults for a tiny, angry, insane minority that is fading into being an ever smaller, ever more insignificant but dangerous crack in the stewpot. You feed off the very rights and priviledges you would deny others. How wretched is that?

As bad as the evidence I post proves, that's how bad!

Pay attention to what the thread is about. You don't participate in the audio threads except to gripe about prices, you are as worthless an any member could be, existing only to vomit your posionous bile on this portion of the forum, a portion that was opened after your never ending whining cries of victimhood. Whining and puking are what you do best and do always.

If you can only rant and whine and shout what has been fed to you by entertainers, your ideas are not worth putting in print! If you can't manage anything more than that, start another thread and leave this one the hell alone. You've spread enough shit for the time being and you are turning my stomach. I have no intention of allowing you a voice, so go away. Find another hole to crawl into and await the next unsuspecting passerby.

This thread is about evidence not your idiotic rants. The words your side uses are on display. That they make you uncomfortable is understandable and is the point of the thread.

Get over it creep! This thread has over 600 views simply because people want to see you and your kind taken down to ashes and blown away.

j_j's picture
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We simply want the America we grew up in and the one the founders fought for, not the one the left is perverting into existence.

So I see you're down to repeating revisionist history.

We're moving back, right now, to something like the founders set up. There are changes, but at least we're not moving in the direction of total theocracy right now.

This is as opposed to the 8 years of Fundie 'Christian' rule that destroyed civil rights, organized the political police (Homeland Security, SS, whatever) into a group, denied citizens various rights without court review, etc.

Sorry, your lie won't wash here. You may sell it to other voters who don't realize you want to turn us into postwar Iraq in 100 years, ruled by superstition, infrastructure and economy gone, education ruled over by the "Christian" version of mullahs...

Note, I use "Christian" in quotes, because the people like Robertson, Beck, etc, who are trying to take over this country are not "Christians" by any version I've seen.

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Jan...an opinion piece is not evidence of anything other than that the writer agrees with YOU....

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We simply want the America we grew up in and the one the founders fought for, not the one the left is perverting into existence.

So I see you're down to repeating revisionist history.

Prove it complete with quotes from those founders...not contemporary opinion from the far left.

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We simply want the America we grew up in and the one the founders fought for, not the one the left is perverting into existence.

So I see you're down to repeating revisionist history.

Prove it complete with quotes from those founders...not contemporary opinion from the far left.

I'm simply repeating common history. You're the one trying to revise things, so if you fail to provide quotes like you demand (in a dishonest attempt to shift the burden), well, then, we know you hate America.

Why do you hate America?

Oh, and btw, just for kicks, go read "Common Sense".

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We simply want the America we grew up in and the one the founders fought for, not the one the left is perverting into existence.

So I see you're down to repeating revisionist history.

Prove it complete with quotes from those founders...not contemporary opinion from the far left.

I'm simply repeating common history. You're the one trying to revise things, so if you fail to provide quotes like you demand (in a dishonest attempt to shift the burden), well, then, we know you hate America.

Why do you hate America?

Oh, and btw, just for kicks, go read "Common Sense".

It does not work that way...common knowledge as in 'common to all our confused and poorly educated friends' does not proof make.

A claim was made...to quote, slightly, one of those founders..

"On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." --Thomas Jefferson to William Johnson, 1823. ME 15:449

Find your evidence and quote it. Till then the revisionist is you.

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A claim was made...to quote, slightly, one of those founders..

A statement representing the common historical understand was made.

This is not a claim, this is a recitiation of teh historical understanding.

If you wish to refute it, please get busy.

Otherwise, just admit you're a historical revisionist.

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What 'common understanding'...you claim there is one, but fail to produce it, and when asked to justify exactly how that common understanding is supported by or history, you decline.

Again, from a founder...

"Strained constructions... loosen all the bands of the Constitution." --Thomas Jefferson to George Ticknor, 1817. FE 10:81

You have not even offered a 'strained construction' but instead simply run from the debate...

Lamont Sanford
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You posted this...

As is your typical closed minded manner, LS, you've missed the point again. You view everything as an opportunity to attack the "other side" and dismiss the transgressions of "your side".

AFTER I posted this...

Only two presidents have been impeached and both were Democrats. The most corrupt administration was Grant's and he was a Republican. The most censored and unconstituional perod was during Wilson's tenure and he was a Democrat. A social Democrat that failed miserably and set in motion Word War II and kept troops in Siberia for two years after World War I to protect collateral belonging to Wall Street after the Russian Civil War serving as a goal for "idealists" to hawk and "realists" to criticize ever since. Warren Harding was responsible for the Teapot Scandal and he was a Republican. Kennedy was responsible for the Bay of Pigs and he was a Democrat. LBJ lied about the Tonkin Gulf and escaleted the Vietnam Conflict and later just quit as president because he couldn't finish what he started and he was a Democrat. Nixon, a Republican, was forced to resign due to the Watergate Scandal, lied about Cambodia, owned the failure of the Vietnam Conflict, created a permanent scar on the Republican Party, and failed to do something about Hoover, who was hired by Coolidge, a Republican. Hoover served under every president from Coolidge to Nixon and loved to have an index card on every American like you. "Jimmuh Cahtuh", Democrat, was just an idiot that help set the stage for what Iran is today not to mention he still has a need to publicly lie on a dialy basis as his dementia gets worse. The list goes back and forth throughout the history of U.S. presidents and their adminstrations. Jan, you are too narrow minded to be a monument to the "worst". If Cheney only lied 72 times than he is low on the totum pole. Social Democrats want people to shut up and fiscal Republicans want to make money. Both are a recipe for disaster. Did you just wake up yesterday?

Which side was I favoring?

You've been trolled you nitwit mooncalf.

I intend for this thread to remain about the "worst"...

I took a shit in your thread but you'll never find it.

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The Dem loses BIG in Virginia...

"The exit polls showed that nearly a third of voters described themselves as independents

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Corzine was really a surprise to me. And who would have thought Bloomberg would be having a problem?

There's an anti-incumbent mood blowing around, I guess. If it helps derail the health care agenda then it was a good night. The blue dogs are going to have to think twice before cowering before Pelosi and Reid.

Lamont Sanford
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Arh, I be an Independent, Matey! Jan must be so depressed he is taking out the frustration by roaming the park after dark.

j_j's picture
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Corzine was really a surprise to me.

Not to me. The guy isn't too bright, to start with.

Jan Vigne
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What's that sound I hear?


Ahhhhh, it's the sound of chains clinking around the limbs of elections past. It's the sound of unsupported words coming crashing to the ground. However, I suppose when you are sinking fast in quicksand and it's up beyond your eyebrows you hope anything that's thrown your way is a rope.

Do you think?

At all, I mean.

Do you think at all?

It certainly seems as if you are incapabale of such a thing as rational, meditative thought. It's all just kneejerk, lockstep "we won a race last night" BS that cannot detect what didn't occur last night.

Do you just allow the entertainers to fill your skull with their entertainers'/corporate shills' BS until it finally runs out of the holes in your head and lands on the computer?

I supply facts, facts that are the very words and deeds of the repubs/conservatives/teabaggers/deathers/birthers/9-12'ers themself and you call it "opinion".

You can't see the truth when it is placed on a platter in front of you in the form of quotes and figures.

You are so blinded by your hatred of what is no longer "Your America" that you simply cannot see what is in front of you.

Do you really, even for a moment, think Keith Olberman cares whether he agrees with me?!

Or Thom Hartman?

Or Bernie Sanders?

Why, for the loveofchrist, would they care whether they agree with me?! They are liberals and can think quite well on their own with no input from me, thank you very much!

I only wish I could say the same for your side of the entertainment dial.

You've all been punked by the corporate shills and the got my share of the pie and some of your's too lobbyists into thinking they agree with you, haven't you? That's how the game is played on your side and that's why it shows up everywhere, 24/7 on a dozen stations in any market. Repeat the propagandist's dogma over and over on multiple entertainer's "shows" all day and into the night, while you eat, while you sleep and while you vote away your own and all of our childrens' future and soon the nincompoops start believing, "Hey, that Party Leader Guy! he agrees with me on everything! That's amazing!"

When, if you listen and think about what is being said, all that Party Leader Guy cares about is whether the advertisers agree with his way of doing business. He's said so on his show and others multiple times. His intent to is present no journalism, no opposition opinion, he's an entertainer and what an entertainer cares about is the market share and nothing more than what he gets from growing it.

You are duped and pooped on and you just keep coming back for more 'cause you all think, "I could do that! He gets all of his ideas from me! MegaDittos!!!".


What a bunch of stupes!

But you're Stoo-Pid and you're happy staying that way, You'll tune in today to hear how black is white and bad news is good on this cubed shaped, red sun Bizarro world you inhabit.

In the Bizarro world of "Htrae" ("Earth" spelled backwards), society is ruled by the Bizarro Code which states "Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!". In one episode, for example, a salesman is doing a brisk trade selling Bizarro bonds: "Guaranteed to lose money for you". Later, the mayor appoints Bizarro No. 1 to investigate a crime, "Because you are stupider than the entire Bizarro police force put together". This is intended and taken as a great compliment.

The entertainer's all tell you liberals respond with emotions while you are driven by logic. You nod your shiny little pates as you're all slobbering down your shirtfronts waiting for Him to give you The Good News of last night. Never even for a moment thinking there might be something he's intentionally leaving out.

You listen everyday to all of your favorite entertainers 24/7 and wonder how they all agree with you on everything. And soon all the gun toting nutjobs are showing up at Presidential townhall meetings. They're buying teabags and carrying signs made by the lobbyists. They're calling out "Socialism" and "Oligarcy" wherever they're told it is creeping in. Living in fear and not knowing what you should really be afraid of as it is happening behind your back.

Then Dick Armey gets back in his stretch limo to go collect his paycheck.

You're pulled around by the nose by the paid for leaders and you swallow hard and march right in step. Have none of you ever been told by the car salesman your choice of color is sooooo smart and not many people think that through as you have?


You see me as the enemy and them as the people fighting for "our values" and "Our America!". Forchristsake, you ninnies! Dick Armey is not interested in your welfare! Palin is pursuing "other interests" which you should take as "not your interests".

They lie to you and you follow them into your own personal Hell. I show you their words and then their deeds which do not agree with those words and you call me "Anti-American".

And I notice you have yet to refute a single post with those words and those deeds. Your schtick is to attack me. Attack those holding the mirror.

Much easier than looking in the mirror, eh?

Is that the sound of slop hitting the troughs that I hear?

Go ahead, go get your daily ration. The entertainers are waiting for you.

Jan Vigne
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Back to "Worst" and it's getting deep in the trough;


Jan Vigne
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Exit polls: Mixed bag for GOP, Dems

Republicans scored big victories in both Virginia and New Jersey Tuesday, but the majority of voters in both states told poll takers that President Obama was not a factor when they cast their vote.

In New Jersey exit polls, 60 percent of voters said Obama did not figure into their decision, while 57 percent of the Virginia electorate echoed that sentiment, numbers that could potentially calm some Democrats' fears of a backlash against the administration heading into next year's mid-term elections ...

... As expected in an off year election, youth turnout was low in both states. Young adults ages 18 to 29 compromised only 8 percent of the total New Jersey voter turnout and 10 percent in Virginia ...

... A low youth turnout is not entirely surprising in an off-year election, when turnout has historically been low. But the numbers are still a large difference from last year, when the age group made up 21 percent of all Virginia voters and 17 percent of all New Jersey voters.

This year's electorate was also older and included fewer minorities than the 2008 crowd in both states - the majority of voters were between ages 45 and 64. Only 15 percent of African Americans turned out to the Virginia polls, compared with 20 percent last year. About the same percentage of African Americans turned out in New Jersey where minority voters were expected to play a key role in Corzine's reelection bid ...

... Obama's job approval rating was higher than the national average in both states. It topped off at 57 percent in New Jersey and 52 percent in Virginia - higher than Gallup Poll's most recent 50 percent job approval rating. Only a slightly smaller number of voters in both states disapprove of the president's job.


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As to NY 23...I saw a poll a few nights ago that shows Hoffman doubling his numbers in a week with both the Republican and Dem losing points over the same period. If he continues the same, by this time next week, he will be in a 3 way tie and by election day, the favorite...

When the elections come, the conservative candidate gets those disaffected republicans and conservatives, not the dems.

Those GOP 'Stalinists (interesting transference there) are going to win the race ...

The RINO just dropped out of NY23 so Hoffman, the conservative will take the seat Tuesday ...

One has to know something about politics to understand ...


November 4, 2009
Conservative Loses Upstate House Race in Blow to Right


Jan Vigne
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They're at it again! A bunch of lie telling, on the take repubs that don't live up to their words;

Panel goes AWOL in GOP earmark war

On Nov. 19, 2008, House GOP leaders John Boehner and Eric Cantor created a select committee on earmark reform to bring

JIMV's picture
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Lost NY23 by about 3000 votes...If this was a dem he would be in court spinning up the 'count all the vote' fraud. In addition, he did not get the $900K from the national GOP so he had to fight without such support...Even then, he almost took the seat. Remember, it is up again next year. If the republicans pick a real republican to run against the dem, the dem could be in serious trouble...

As I see it your point is that the 3-4000 vote loss in NY23 trumps the hundreds of thousand vote wins in NJ and VA...

If you say so...

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Lost NY23 by about 3000 votes...If this was a dem he would be in court spinning up the 'count all the vote' fraud.

Yeah, like your repugnican candidate in Washingtoon state last year?

Whined for a year.

Just like the repugnican in Minnesota who deliberately conspired to keep the demorat (Franken) out of office.

And now you have the brass cajones to call this on a demorat?

Your revisionist history is showing.... Again....

Lamont Sanford
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But New Jersey? Come on? They voted for Obama. I can let Virginia go by but New Jersey? That has to sting just a little. And the sqweek by in New York? The Democrat won was endorsed by a Republican incumbent for crying out loud. He barely beat the nut he was up against. And that particular district is gong to swallowed up by the surrounding three Democratic districts next time. It will cease to exist.

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But New Jersey? Come on? They voted for Obama. I can let Virginia go by but New Jersey? That has to sting just a little.

Get real.

NJ has had several notable MODERATE Republican Governors, among them Tom Kean and Christy Whitman. It's no news at all, NJ is not a "party line" state in most part, it reacts, rather, very poorly to stupidity on anyone's part, repugnican, dummycrap, independolt, whatever.

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We are learning...if we do not win by at least 1%, the left will go into full fraud mode and steal the thing...we know it. Washington Governor, then Frankin...but we are also learning how to deal with it. prosecute Acorn, and do exactly what the left does.

Jan Vigne
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If you know politics - let's see, didn't someone here say they knew politics and then stuck their foot in their mouth several times? - you know when the gubernatorial seats have changed in NJ and Virginia over the last few election cycles.

Who was in the White House when the last Dem was elected in both states? Who was in the WH when the last repub was elected?

Who would have won Virginia if not for term limits?

There's the significance of the "repub resurgence" for ya!

The voters were older as a whole in this election than in '08. As is typical of youth they stayed home on the off year election. Not even O could drag them away from their Twitter accounts long enough to go vote in this election. With a predominantly older voter in a very small turnout election with little else to draw attention to the ballot, the repubs had an edge going in.


I'm not going to imply the NJ contest was not a referendum on Corzine's stewardship of the state but it was also a consideration of someone who benefitted monetarily from his connections with Goldman Sachs and passed the money around as if he had it to spend - another Dem stimulus package creating jobs! - along with an anti-incumbent attitude. Anyone with as little as half a brain - sorry, that leaves out you repubs and so called independents who just won't say they vote against one party all the time, you'll have to get your fake news and "official" opinions from the entertainers and your decoder ring - can recognize a mood of "throw the bums out" is washing across the country right now in both parties. If anything, that's what the Dems have to worry about next year, not the repubs who will still be purging the unpure from their fold and trying to figure out just what the hell Palin is actually useful at other than being the butt of a joke.

Two points; 1) The repub winners both ran as moderates, not as teabaggers and their states both face tough economic hardships.

Virginia has fared far better than NJ under Dem gubernatorial leadership but still has tough decisions to make. Infrastructure, as it is across the nation after eight years of willful neglect by the Bush administration and a repub Congress, is in need of 21st century attention. The repubs in this race straddled what might easily prove to be a non-existent line of where does the money come from and so they chose to run as moderates rather than "cut your taxes" teabaggers. They were also smart enough to not utter those fateful words, "Read my lips."

The Party Leader said yesterday on his radio show that "moderates have no principles". It must be good news to everyone that the repubs were ready to elect someone in NY who knew nothing of local issues and didn't live in the district he was wanting to represent but settled for candidates in Virginia and NJ who "have no principles".

Kinda makes ya long for McCain, doesn't it?

Honest to God, I don't know which scenario is funnier.

But ya gotta love The Entertainer, no?

MegaDittos all around!!!!!

2) The repubs who won governor's seats must now govern on their promises.

They essentially embraced O's campaign style of "hope" and "change". I don't live in the areas so I can only go by what I saw but both repeated the '06 and '08 philosophy of not running ads that identified them as repubs. Why would they do that do ya think?

Maybe they still remember GWB.

Mr. McDonnell
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Whoa...WAY to long to respond to...If I quote it my response would run to two forum pages...I'll leave my response to this

That should get him labelled a RINO for sure!

Well Duh!

Jan Vigne
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Some people never learn a lesson.

That's why they remain repubs.

I still can't get over that repub "earmark" committee.

Jan Vigne
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No sooner had I said that than I went to check "The Truth-O-Meter" only to find it filled with repub quotes and emails.

Take a look;

GOP health bill analysis meets the Truth-O-Meter

By Angie Drobnic Holan
Published on Wednesday, November 4th, 2009 at 4:35 p.m.

The Republican analysis of the Democratic health care bill.

A few months ago, a chain e-mail purporting to be a line-by-line analysis of the House health care reform bill reached inboxes all over the country, warning people of the dire consequences of the Democratic plans for reform. Taking a page from the same playbook, the House Republican Conference has created a similar list for the new health care bill that will be coming to the House floor in the next few weeks.

The Republican analysis, which provides talking points that Republican members use on radio and TV, portrays the Democratic bill as overly restrictive, bureaucratic and a threat to senior citizens. The GOP analysis isn't quite as over-the-top as the chain e-mail, but at times it crosses the line into outright distortion.

We should emphasize that the House bill has yet to be voted on, and aspects of it could change. The Senate has its own bill that is similar but has different approaches about how reform should be paid for and how various mandates should work.

Here's the text of the GOP analysis, followed by a PolitiFact ruling and a summary of our reporting, with links to more extended coverage:


Check it out, for the twelve items listed in "the Republican analysis" ten items are less than truthful according to Politifact.

Of course, Politifact is not an arm of The Party nor is it recognized as an Official Media Outlet of The Official Party.

Jan Vigne
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Jan Vigne
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Muddle about the medal

Three Republican members of Congress wrote President Barack Obama a letter telling him he needs to "obtain Congress' consent before formally accepting the Nobel Prize."


Jan Vigne
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You just knew she was in here somewhere, didn't you?

Michele Bachmann claims Page 92 prohibits private insurance

(with video of the words actually coming from her mouth along with snakes and frogs)


I can't even post the rest. Just enough to say under the "Pants on Fire" meter the caption reads, "She should read the other 1989 pages."

And this is "the media darling" of the repubs?!


Anyone have any idea how much she's been paid to go on TV and radio to spew this crap? This woman is making a career for herself to become a media talking head/corporate shill after she leaves office. Ann Coulter needs to look over her shoulder for this gal. "Dangerous", meet "F'ing Nuts".

Jan Vigne
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This is how the repubs intend to build a "big tent" and scare the shit out of everyone at the same time.

Research shows the employer mandate in the House health reform bill would "place millions 'at substantial risk of unemployment'
Jan Vigne
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If you haven't already, check the rest of today's listings. Seven repubs not telling the whole truth ...


Jan Vigne
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On to the next site and what do we find?

repubs on trading cards?!


What noise, you ask, do these make when you stick them between the spokes of your bicycle wheels - the one you'll be riding when you can no longer afford a car ...

Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and your O.K.
Money it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I'll buy me a football team
Money get back
I'm all right Jack keep your hands off my stack.
Money it's a hit
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit
I'm in the hi-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a Lear jet
Money it's a crime
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise it's no surprise that they're
giving none away

BIG OIL ALL-STAR: The National Wildlife Federation has released a limited-edition trading card but these bad boys won't have your favorite grand slam baseball player on them. Instead, the first trading card commemorates the amount of cash Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) has collected from the oil and gas industry -- $1.2 million since 1989, which is more than any other industry has given the senator. Only four other senators -- past or present -- have brought in more from oil and gas companies, suggesting that the industry views Inhofe as one of its MVPs. And yes, Inhofe is the very same senator who, in 2003, called global warming "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." The NWF has also played politics, spending $430,000 on lobbying so far this year. Get these soon-to-be vintage items while they're hot.


Check out the rest of the page after you're done throwing up. You'll find nuggets like this;

HAVE FREEBEE, WILL TRAVEL: Must be nice being Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.). Free trips to Jordan, Spain, Croatia and Canada this year -- with the family. The cost? Nada, reports Manu Raju of Politico. The bankrollers? The nonprofit Aspen Institute. "Two years after Congress toughened ethics laws that prevent lobbyists and corporations from paying for members
Jan Vigne
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On to the next site and what do we find?

repubs on trading cards?!


What noise you ask do these make when you stick them between the spokes of your bicycle wheels - the one you'll be riding when you can no longer afford a car ...

Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and your O.K.
Money it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I'll buy me a football team
Money get back
I'm all right Jack keep your hands off my stack.
Money it's a hit
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit
I'm in the hi-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a Lear jet
Money it's a crime
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise it's no surprise that they're
giving none away

BIG OIL ALL-STAR: The National Wildlife Federation has released a limited-edition trading card but these bad boys won't have your favorite grand slam baseball player on them. Instead, the first trading card commemorates the amount of cash Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) has collected from the oil and gas industry -- $1.2 million since 1989, which is more than any other industry has given the senator. Only four other senators -- past or present -- have brought in more from oil and gas companies, suggesting that the industry views Inhofe as one of its MVPs. And yes, Inhofe is the very same senator who, in 2003, called global warming "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." The NWF has also played politics, spending $430,000 on lobbying so far this year. Get these soon-to-be vintage items while they're hot.


Check out the rest of the page after you're done throwing up. You'll find nuggets like this;

HAVE FREEBEE, WILL TRAVEL: Must be nice being Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.). Free trips to Jordan, Spain, Croatia and Canada this year -- with the family. The cost? Nada, reports Manu Raju of Politico. The bankrollers? The nonprofit Aspen Institute. "Two years after Congress toughened ethics laws that prevent lobbyists and corporations from paying for members
Jan Vigne
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I admit this is pure op-ed but with a healthy dose of facts for those who understand them;


JIMV's picture
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Just got back from a rally at my blue dog congress critters office. We got him on the phone and he promised he was not going to vote for the Pelosi scheme...

j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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We are learning...if we do not win by at least 1%, the left will go into full fraud mode and steal the thing...we know it. Washington Governor, then Frankin...but we are also learning how to deal with it. prosecute Acorn, and do exactly what the left does.

Aha, a conspiracy theorist, you claim that the Washington race was stolen?

Really, now, do you have some hard, fast evidence? Let's hear it, fella, let's hear it.

Ditto Franken. Seems like when you guys lose, you simply want to scream "fraud fraud fraud", and when you win, you use the plants on the Supreme Court to let you steal the presidency.

Sorry, but the evidence is all against you. You're for the party of cheaters, liars, and whiners.

Jan Vigne
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Just got back from a rally at my blue dog congress critters office.


JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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We are learning...if we do not win by at least 1%, the left will go into full fraud mode and steal the thing...we know it. Washington Governor, then Frankin...but we are also learning how to deal with it. prosecute Acorn, and do exactly what the left does.

Aha, a conspiracy theorist, you claim that the Washington race was stolen?

Really, now, do you have some hard, fast evidence? Let's hear it, fella, let's hear it.

Ditto Franken. Seems like when you guys lose, you simply want to scream "fraud fraud fraud", and when you win, you use the plants on the Supreme Court to let you steal the presidency.

Sorry, but the evidence is all against you. You're for the party of cheaters, liars, and whiners.

No conspiracy as the left acts in the light of day and in our face...they 'discover' ballots, insist smudges are 'voter intent' always for the dem, cancel out military votes and fund nice partisan bought judges to help the scheme along. That is not conspiracy...it is in your face fraud, and OK when the left does it.


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