Speed the Day!

I was walking down Fifth Ave. a few days ago, when a woman striding down the sidewalk behind me gave off such antagonistic vibes that I scurried out of her path. As she passed by, I thought There's someone just waiting to explode.

A minute later I walked into the A&S Pork Store and there she was, waiting impatiently for some prosciutto and screaming into her cellphone. "My therapist scheduled me for an appointment half an hour earlier than usual and waited until I was on my way there to cancel. I could just murder her!"

Uh, gee, thanks for sharing.

Silent communication can't happen soon enough for me.

John Atkinson's picture

For those who are not familiar with South Brooklyn, the A&S Pork Store, between 86th and 87th Streets on 5th Avenue, is the best Italian deli _bar none_ in the whole five boro's. Just don't let your wife go in there unaccompanied if she is bothered by Italian-style flirting!