Oh, Eat Some Garbanzos

I'm on deadline, so of course all I can think about is dinner. Think I'll go upstairs and start some chhole cooking, steam up a bunch of brown basmati rice, and mix up a raita—think I'll add some fresh mint, cilantro, and a chopped, drained tomato to that last 'un.

Oh yeah, and listen some more to the WATT/Puppy 8s, so I can turn my review in on time. Honest.

Al Marcy's picture

I am behind schedule, even after a decade in bed ;) I nuked some turkey corn dogs and gave each a generous dollop of brown mustard. I returned to bed and watched the basketball players sweat a lot for their million$. Double OT! I listen to TV on the mighty 1" monitor drivers. My system handles USB, but, quite frankly, sportcasters' voices do not benefit from higher fidelity. The big system provides joy during commercials. The TV advertisers do not wish to seduce me, neither. Sigh ;)