
I would like a selection of Elvis tunes (digital format) but would like the best sounding of the various offerings out there. Either individual discs or collections are fine. A nice career selection is a plus but I am not an Elvis completist by any means. Any suggestions of titles to look for??

Integrated Amp Choices Under $1000

I'm looking for an integrated amp under $1000. I'm considering a Rotel RA-1062, NAD C-372 or Yamaha AX-596. Has anyone else compared these 3, or have another alternative?


What is your choice for worst new recording of 2005?

People constantly complain how bad music is these days, but what is the worst of the worst for 2005? What is your choice for worst new recording of 2005?

What is your choice for worst new recording of 2005?
That's easy, here it is
61% (14 votes)
Can't think of one
26% (6 votes)
Don't even go there
13% (3 votes)
Total votes: 23
Primary Category: 

How loud do you listen to music?

XLO Oops

In his January "Sam's Space" column, while writing about the system he used with Sutherland's Director line stage (p.32), Sam Tellig wrote "For the most part, I used now-discontinued XLO interconnects and speaker cables. XLO itself has been discontinued, alas. I do miss its founder, Roger Skoff."
Sun, 01/01/2006

Marantz PM7200?

Does anyone own or auditioned the Marantz PM7200? Would like some comments.


Suing the RIAA

We've reported many times on the mass lawsuits filed by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) against individuals or institutions that it alleges are illegally participating in peer-to-peer file-sharing activities, so we felt it only fair to report on a lawsuit where the trade group is being sued. Actually, the RIAA's attorneys are being sued by James and Angela Nelson, who were themselves the target of Motown v. Nelson, which alleged that the couple had allowed an employee of Ms. Nelson's home-run daycare center to access P2P websites from their computer.
Sat, 12/31/2005

Happy New Year: Sony Settles Root Kit Suit

Sony BMG has agreed to settle a NY-based group action lawsuit triggered by the company's use of two different digital rights management (DRM) technologies. Click here to download a .pdf version of the 42-page Motion and Memorandum of Law in Support of Plaintiff's Application for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement.
Sat, 12/31/2005

And a Happy New Year to All

Just a note of appreciation for the informative and enjoyable times provided by the forum and those who participate. Happy New Year. See you next year.
