hopeful's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: May 19 2019 - 7:24am
Warped Pro-Ject turntable
commsysman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2006 - 11:33am

You should be able to obtain a new platter through a dealer.

I can't visualize what this "kink" might be.

You might want to contact Audio Advisor and see if they can help.

hopeful wrote:

I've an old Pro-Ject turntable (1991) that has been in our loft for many years. We want to rediscover our vinyl collection but the turntable though it spins has a kink in it. It's metal so not really fixable. 2 Questions:
1) I tried it with a record I wan't worried about and it played OK but will it wreck vinyl if I continue to use it?
2) Can I buy a replacement just for the bit that goes round (platter?)
Thanks folks

ukillmewell's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
Joined: May 30 2019 - 3:04pm

Warped platters do something similar to warped records when you play them. Technically, if the warp isn't significant it wouldn't "damage" your vinyl however it would create some additional subsonics in the sound and over a long period of time will put additional stress on the internals of your tone arm from the extra vertical/sideways movement.

If the warp is quite bad, it could damage the stylus or cart or possibly the vinyl over time if the stylus is riding at a very strange angle or scraping the head for instance every so often.

If the sound isn't noticeably different because of the warp you are probably fine just know you are probably getting some additional noise in your sound.

Some companies do offer replacement parts, or you could try to find a broken "for parts" player or something to yank the platter off of.

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