How's your hearing?

In addition to our audio equipment, our ears are very important parts of the audiophile equation. How would you rate your hearing?

How's your hearing?
14% (37 votes)
Near perfect
36% (100 votes)
A little worn
32% (88 votes)
Some problems
14% (39 votes)
Not too good
3% (7 votes)
Pretty bad
0% (1 vote)
1% (2 votes)
Total votes: 274

Pierre Gauthier,Montr's picture

Im still able to hear a 19000 hertz tone.Thank God and may he protect my ears until I ....well,you know.

Keith Y's picture

All the loud music in my youth may have taken off my sharpest hearing edge. But my hearing is still very good.

Bob Lennox's picture

After many great years of listning to loud music played back over my various stereo systems, I now suffer from a mild case of buzzing in the ears nearly all the time.

DJ's picture

I've been playing drums for about 15 years and although I always wear hearing protection, I know I've lost just a little bit.

james schuster's picture

I always made sure that when I was near any noisy equipment I wore ear protection. I invested too much money and effort in my system to jeopordize my hearing thru carelesness, especially with power tools.

Ras Tito's picture

Left ear hopelelly deaf. Right ear useful only with digital hearing aid.

Steven Reyes's picture

Tell your children not to crank the stereo and put your ear next speakerOne stupid New Year's I did this and have been suffering form tinitius the last 10 years!

Heshie's picture

Over the years I've been almost obsessive about protecting my hearing. On more than one occassion I've worn earplugs at rock concerts because of the outrageous sound levels. Whether flying in private planes (prop jobs), working in high noise environments or just mowing the lawn I've gotten a lot of use and more importantly protection out of the plugs. The payoff - over five decades of listening and still going strong!

Carmine's picture

I'm a Action Pistol instructor. The first rule is PROTECT YOUR EYES & EARS!! As an audiophile I spent a goodly some on my Audio gear. I protect my ears with the best "protection" that I can afford!!

john's picture

i have an annual hearing test at work, and have a loss 2500-5000k range, a womans voice range, works out great, WHATS THAT DEAR !!!

Morello's picture

I hear anything from DC to cosmic rays! :-D

Trevor.'s picture

It's how well your brain works that matters. Deaf people enjoy music, I'm told some famous ones even wrote it.

Priece Rich, Jr.'s picture

My office is located within our computer room. With all of the printers, sorters, burters and fans going I'm still able to hear our door chimes when someone without normal access presses the button to enter. Not bad for a guy nearing 50!

Anonymous's picture

At 55 I have Tinitus (ringing in the ears) which seems to be aggravated by poor recordings and loud listening levels. However music detail (maybe not all), soundstage, and imaging are still greatly enjoyed.
