How important is a manufacturer's website when researching/buying a product? Why?

Audio product information is available in many forms, from glossy brochures or ads to dealers' informed sales pitches. Where does a manufacturer's website fit into the picture?

How important is a manufacturer's website when researching/buying a product? Why?
37% (83 votes)
Very Important
35% (79 votes)
21% (47 votes)
Not so important
7% (15 votes)
Not important at all
0% (1 vote)
Total votes: 225

Dan Landen's picture

No website means not much customer support in this day and age of information availability through the WWW. Sadly, some manufacturers don't understand this. Yet there are some who use the WWW to full advantage, some even offering special access to customer-only areas of their websites. Offering email access is the minimum a company should offer through even just a basic website these days. That's just basic business sense.

Ken's picture

It is mandatory for manufacturers to have their Web presence so consumers/dealers can research their product. A well designed and informative website will not only impress consumers but also an indication of good product. Stereophile staff should also poll for the best manufacturer website . . . .

Bill Bostancic's picture

I check many other sources before buying.

z.  papirblat's picture

its not so important, after all we're talking here about sound, music and feelings.

Stephen Curling's picture

The maker of the product should have the most accurate information about features and specs. My only complaint is that magazines (like Stereophile) get new product information before it shows up on the manufacturers' websites. The manufacturers' sites should feature new products and news.

Peter MacHare's picture

It is great to have information at your fingertips, so a website is important, but nothing can beat hearing a product at home on a loan from your local dealer.

Moody Dragon's picture

That is a one stop site for reviews etc. Sometimes the only reliable source to find out the options and accessories as well as the specs.

Keith Y's picture

This is the first place you look even before you head out to the stores. This way you can do some research on the product before you goo out and listen!

O B Sneed's picture

Often the desired product is not available from a local dealer or the dealer does not have the product or brochure available. In any case some potential customers would like more facts before dealing with the sales staff.

RC's picture

Very, very important. JVC please read this!!!

obieseven's picture

A good website may peak my interest in a product that I was not considering but a poor one would not deter me from investing in a proven product.

Karl Horst's picture

I'd like to have tech-spec, a fully texted brochure, manual and in the service section tech-spec and manuals to download for all old systems, including pictures of old and new.

Robert Arkansas's picture

E-info is a current medium, so I want to see thoughtful and informative web sites ... not just glitzy puffery
