Have you upgraded or somehow modified the power cords that connects your equipment to the AC outlet?

The current Soapbox features a rant about power cords. Have you upgraded or somehow modified the power cords that connects your equipment to the AC outlet?

Have you upgraded or somehow modified the power cords that connects your equipment to the AC outlet?
Yes, here's what I did
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Glenn Bennett's picture

Getting "hosed" is a very nice way of putting it.

fhundertfun@stny.rr.com's picture

Cardas Quad-Link power cords to match the Quad interconnects

Bruce's picture

I've put RF chokes on them, but haven't listen for a difference from premium cords.

Russ's picture

I replaced all the non-captive cords in my system with after-market cords and noticed a tremendous quieting of the background. Noise that I had barely noticed before was very noticeable because it suddenly vanished! My belief is that this is due solely to the heavy shielding of the after-market power cords.

H.K Mendenhall's picture

Mike VansEvers could explain better than Myself.............analytical geometry never had it so good. As far as using silver........tis only an 8% better conductor of electricity than copper.........if the 1000 dollar wire was made of Platinum ..would be fair deal...... other wise an 800% profit margin is ummm above fair value for goods or services rendered. Different diameters and strand configurations matter BUT here I trust what Einstein said "Everything should be as simple as possible......but no simpler"

NK's picture

I have a TICE Conditioner and I used Audio Stoppers clamped around the receiving end of all power cables. Smooth.

Brian Burke's picture

I'm fortunate enough to have a dealer who lets me try cables at home, and, yes, I've found that AC cables enhance things—if not dramatically, then at least to the point where I see their value. Anyone not involved in our hobby would invoke "diminishing returns" though, I'm certain.

Postal Grunt's picture

I've used ferrite clip-on filters for my CD player's power cord and a Highwire PowerWrap RFI/EMI filter for the power chord on my integrated amplifier. The ferrite clips helped on the CDP and the PowerWrap made a substantial improvement on my amp. However, I live in a neighborhood that's surrounded by communications antennas. Even though I haven't made any measurements, I think it's reasonable to suspect that I live in a RFI-enriched area.

theob's picture

Got a Python and a Hydra. Great upgrades to the system

Shane's picture

Could you please tell me what difference it makes when you have 75 feet of standard romex wire running through your house for 10 bucks, then for last three feet to your CD player you spend 100 bucks. Stereophile, could you please explain that to us? I really would like to know. Thanks.

Randolph Schein's picture

I have upgraded most of my power cords to E.S.P., which are actually fairly moderately priced, and which I chose after listening to various alternatives, such as the various Kimbers, including the Palladian, which to my ears gives music an unnaturally sharp edge. I have Shakti On-Lines on various power cords, and multiple AQ RF-Stoppers on various fixed power cords such as my Vandersteen sub and and older Magnum Dynalab Etude. I also have the upgraded power cord to my Power Wedge.

Dave's picture

Replaced the power cord on my CD player with a Wireworld Stratus that I bought as a kit from UHF magazine in Canada. Can't say it makes a hugh difference but I do live in the middle of nowhere with a transformer for just me and one neighbor so maybe my AC is better than it would be if I lived in a city.

Robert's picture

No changes to the cords themselves, however, all my active equipment is on power filters/surge protectors.

George Peter's picture

Made my own power cords from good quality copper wires woven "a la Kimber," terminated with hospital grade plugs. Initially sounded a bit brighter but after the break-in period, they were not far from a revelation. You guys better think twice before spending big bucks on a fancy power cord. Nothing justifies the megabucks asked for them by lunatic engineering. The sound is here on the Earth.

Istvan Pulai's picture

Built one from high quality components, ferrite RF stoppers, etc

Kevin's picture

Not convinced it will make a difference. Power generators (ie PS Audio Powerplant) on the other hand have peaked my interest.

Richard Diamond's picture

Although I don't understand why they work, they do. I found a reasonably-priced, all-silver power cord that transformed my all-Krell system. Pure Note Sigma did the trick. (www.purenote.com)

luck's picture

Better sound

Bucket's picture

I use shielded powercords , made of 2,5 mm2 stranded copper. Each unit has its own mains-filter with fo at approx. 4 kHz.

Tony P., Phoenix, AZ's picture

I doubt my system has sufficient resolution to uncover a difference in pwer cords, and high-end power cords are not in my budget, and likely won't be for a long time. But I'm prepared to believe that they might make a difference given the right environment and the right level of listening expertise on the part of the listener.

FS's picture

I just used a thicker one and the electrons look more relaxed, HAHAHA. Seriously, I got better bass with this cheap option.

TPBrown's picture

Easy, cheap, and available at RadioShack: ferrite clamps for computers—just snap them on your power cords.

Steven M's picture

Replaced most cords with various PS Audio cords for significant improvement. Got some improvement by adding shielding and better connector to captive turntable cord.

Al Marcy's picture

I polished the connections.

Nick S.'s picture

I use power cords from Harmonic Tech. I think the author of the soapbox rant is correct that Stereophile should do a full inverstigation of the power cord market. It should include lab and listening tests. You should check out digital cables, too.

Mark Thompson's picture

I do use a Furman balanced power unit in my studio. Does that count?

Ed S.'s picture

PS Ausio PP-300 and Lab Cable power cords to all components. Makes a big improvement, sorry.

Frederick Bourgoin's picture

Yes basically my main gear: Amps+preamp+ digital fron ends all have MIT Zcord2. Thinking about putting a PS300 for the digital fron end as well not sure yet. need to try. Upgrading your power cords should be the last thing you do to tweak around the edges, if the sound of your system doesn't cut for you, then change the components, if you like it but want more of it, then it is a good way to improve imaging, bass tightening, and micro details.

Roger K's picture

Added ferrite chokes, better IEC connectors, and plugs on both OEM and aftermarket power cords. Replaced two-pronged recepticles with IEC recepticles.

Gerald Neily's picture

I've got to think that whatever a fancy power cord does could be done better by a good AC power conditioner.
