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Obama's Historic Presidency
soulful.terrain's picture
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...the dust bin of history.

Lamont Sanford
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All of which is PC for First Black President.

soulful.terrain's picture
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Lamont Sanford wrote:

All of which is PC for First Black President.

That's something else I don't understand. Obama is not black, he is mulatto. In which, that would still make him a 'historic' President as the first mulatto president.

Of course everybody knows who the first black president was.

Bill Clinton announced at an NAACP event that was honoring him for an Image award in Universal City, Ca that "he was the first black president."

Dick Gregory, a black 60's civil rights activist agreed.  Amazing, simply amazing.

j_j's picture
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Wrong, dishonest, and misrepresentations from the top down, but nice list of lies intended to support the white supremicist christian reconstructionist.


Lamont Sanford
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What is with the racist comments?

soulful.terrain's picture
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j_j wrote:

Wrong, dishonest, and misrepresentations from the top down, but nice list of lies intended to support the white supremicist christian reconstructionist.


Prove it genius.

Or, are you going to do the usual; make an arbitrary statement that most sane people would never do because it's unprovable.

 You can even use your chalkboard if you wish.


Lamont Sanford
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Please excuse JJ. He has yet to learn in life you may find a $100 bill on your dresser only to learn later that it was because it fucked you.  I happen to like this guy.  He's an asshole.  As one myself I should now.  You know he is an asshole because he is saying bullshit that nobody can give a shit about.  Even the assholes that are after him (like me)  really don't give a shit what he is saying.  We just know they are assholes too but JJ (asshole) is talking about people like us.

Look, I'm sorry I even posted this bullshit.

soulful.terrain's picture
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Lamont Sanford wrote:

Look, I'm sorry I even posted this bullshit.

LMAO! Hey, to rip-off a saying from Neal Boortz, "Somebody's gotta say it."

JJ is like a vast majority of modern day progressives.

For example: I posted actual facts that have transpired within and during Obama's two year term.

Progressive group thinkers like JJ will not address any point I posted. Instead, they go into personal attack mode, primarily by using the race card to discredit the post. In which, there is nothing racist whatsoever about the post. Typical class division/group think mentality.

I asked JJ to prove it. No response. So, there's your answer.

In all fairness, If I were to actually meet JJ, I would probably find that he is a pretty decent guy.


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Lamont Sanford wrote:

 he is saying bullshit that nobody can give a shit about. 

It's also B.S. that's hardly discernable because its incoherent.

Lamont Sanford
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I've noticed a lot of liberas havel "" just before and after the new forum format.  I don't know, man.  When Bush was fucking up, according to the liberals on the board, at least we stuck in there.  We didn't go hide our fucking head in the sand.  Stuck to our commen sense principles and kicked their asses on a daily basis.  Now that their guy is a total screw-up they are nowhere to be found.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and state that I would bet they even went crying to the moderators about us.  "Make them stop or I'm leaving!". 

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soulful.terrain wrote:

JJ is like a vast majority of modern day progressives


Please don't lie about my political affiliations, I'm a right of center moderate.

Your list of "facts" is so visibly dishonest that I don't think even Faux News would have the guts to say it.

soulful.terrain's picture
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j_j wrote:


Please don't lie about my political affiliations, I'm a right of center moderate.

Right of center moderate? What the hell is that?

Heck, it's no wonder your as confused as a termite in a yo-yo.


soulful.terrain's picture
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j_j wrote:

 Your list of "facts" is so visibly dishonest that I don't think even Faux News would have the guts to say it.


Oh sure, I think I get it now, So it's not that jj actually has to offer any proof, nor does jj have to give an opinion as to why my facts are dishonest, all that matters is that jj said it was dishonest and that should suffice.


You definitely have the qualifications to work in the Obama Administration.

Lamont Sanford
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"I'm a right of center moderate."

I'm a high fucking independent.

JoeE SP9
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soulful.terrain wrote:
Lamont Sanford wrote:

All of which is PC for First Black President.

That's something else I don't understand. Obama is not black, he is mulatto. In which, that would still make him a 'historic' President as the first mulatto president.

Of course everybody knows who the first black president was.

Bill Clinton announced at an NAACP event that was honoring him for an Image award in Universal City, Ca that "he was the first black president."

Dick Gregory, a black 60's civil rights activist agreed.  Amazing, simply amazing.

In case you weren't aware, in this country, one drop of "black" blood and you are considered black. The only people who use the term mulatto are racists trying to be polite. Terms such as mulatto, quadroon and octoroon were used by slave owners to differentiate their slaves. 

People of mixed race (as I am) know that if either parent is black you are considered black.

Lamont Sanford
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I call bullshit JoeE.  Just because you're half-black doesn't make you entitled to shit.  Including calling yourself black.  I suppose if you're half Italian and half Black that makes you Black.  Bullshit.  Find some toilet to throw up in.  Not here.  You're mulatto.  I suppose your mother is white.  What is she?  Shit?  Welcome to the great melting pot.  You will get nothing and like it like the rest of us.


   [muh-lat-oh, -lah-toh, myoo-] Show IPA

–noun, plural mu·lat·toes, mu·lat·tos.


the offspring of one white parent and one black parent: not in technical use.


a person whose ancestry is a mixture of Negro and Caucasian.



of a light-brown color.

1585–95;  < Spanish mulato  young mule, equivalent to mul ( o ) mule1  + -ato  of unclear orig. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011.
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Link To Mulatto


World English Dictionary

mulatto  (mjuːˈlætəʊ) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]


n  , pl -tos , -toes


a person having one Black and one White parent




of a light brown colour


[C16: from Spanish mulato  young mule, variant of mulo mule 1 ]

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
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Word Origin & History


1595, from Sp. or Port. mulato  "of mixed breed," lit. "young mule," from mulo  "mule," from L. mulus  (fem. mula ) "mule," possibly in allusion to hybrid origin of mules. Fem. mulatta  is attested from 1622.

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
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Glotz's picture
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I would love to smear it all over yr face, and spell


"I call bullshit JoeE.  Just because you're half-black doesn't make you entitled to shit.  Including calling yourself black.  I suppose if you're half Italian and half Black that makes you Black.  Bullshit.  Find some toilet to throw up in.  Not here.  You're mulatto.  I suppose your mother is white.  What is she?  Shit?  Welcome to the great melting pot.  You will get nothing and like it like the rest of us."


I thought Mulattos were both black AND white, by your own definition.  And from that, he would be Black, wouldn't he..?  He still would be the first Black president.   Oh wait, no he's still not an American, either. 


Your pic is clearly proof of your utter racist, Republican bullshit- you hate-filled, demonic excuse for a human.  Your words belong only in one place...


PS- If Stereophile had any guts, they would ban you forever.

Lamont Sanford
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Hit a nerve?  Good.

You MIT type trash keep leaving out half of every equation.   PIECE OF SHIT IDIOT.

JoeE SP9
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I also wonder why this site continues to allow his racist vitriol posting privileges.

JIMV's picture
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But his political philosphy, ego, and tendency to grab power.

JoeE SP9
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JIMV wrote:

But his political philosphy, ego, and tendency to grab power.

What kind of person other than one having a very strong and well developed ego would even aspire to be president? Saying that President Obama's ego is a problem is only calling him "uppity" in a very polite way. Do you think any other recent president is afflicated with an "ego" problem? By recent I mean ones that falsify information and get us involved in 2 wars, including the current one in Afghanistan that is slowly grinding the life out of our military forces.

A tendancy to grab power is a trait that all successful politicians have.

That leaves political philosophy. Other than being of the party you don't support why is it a bigger problem with a "Black President"?

soulful.terrain's picture
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JoeE SP9 wrote:

 The only people who use the term mulatto are racists trying to be polite.



I thought the term 'mulatto' was just a term used for a person with one white parent and one black parent. That's all. I was not aware of any negative racial implications concerning that word. , and I certainly did not want to imply any racial connotations.

I suppose a better term would be bi-racial.

By the way, I support Herman Cain for President, who also happens to be black.



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'Black' is not the issue, 'Red' (as in socialist) is....BoBo would be equally inept regardlessly of his color.

JoeE SP9
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soulful.terrain wrote:
JoeE SP9 wrote:

 The only people who use the term mulatto are racists trying to be polite.



I thought the term 'mulatto' was just a term used for a person with one white parent and one black parent. That's all. I was not aware of any negative racial implications concerning that word. , and I certainly did not want to imply any racial connotations.

I suppose a better term would be bi-racial.

By the way, I support Herman Cain for President, who also happens to be black.




Your use of the word wasn't an issue. It is however a word that is going out of use. Mixed race is what is commonly used. My umbrage was directed at the resident trailer trash dumb ass.

I must say I'm glad to hear you're not supporting Michele Bachman. I saw her not answering any questions on meet the press on Sunday. 

Lamont Sanford
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"trailer trash dumb ass" = white person.  But I won't complain to the moderators.  Why do you hate your mother?


soulful.terrain's picture
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Lamont Sanford wrote:

I've noticed a lot of liberas havel "" just before and after the new forum format.  I don't know, man.  When Bush was fucking up, according to the liberals on the board, at least we stuck in there.  We didn't go hide our fucking head in the sand.  Stuck to our commen sense principles and kicked their asses on a daily basis.  Now that their guy is a total screw-up they are nowhere to be found.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and state that I would bet they even went crying to the moderators about us.  "Make them stop or I'm leaving!". 


I have no reason to doubt anything you said, I totally agree. I kind of look at it this way also, When W. Bush was in office; Yes, he did make mistakes and most conservatives called him out on it. Some, not all. But I certainly did.

Like when he instituted the first bailout of AIG, etc.  Alot of conservatives hammered Bush on that. I even called him a 'fiscal socialist'

The problem with modern progressives is; they will not, and in no certain terms will they ever admit, that Obama is capable of error.

The leftists were screaming at the top of their lungs when Bush initiated the 700 billion dollar bailout. Where are they now?? Obama bailed out basically the same institutions to the tune of 785 Billion, and where are the leftists? Nowhere to be found. Dead silent.

Look, that's why others and myself alike call them obamazombies. They earned the title.

JoeE SP9
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Lamont Sanford wrote:

"trailer trash dumb ass" = white person.  But I won't complain to the moderators.  Why do you hate your mother?



So, you just automatically assume I have a black father and white mother. You're just proving how much of a racist dumb ass you really are.

The description "trailer trash dumb ass" does not refer only to white people. I guess you aren't aware that a large number of Native Americans, Blacks, Puerto Rican's and yes White's live in trailers. Most of them are not "trash". Therefore "trashy dumb ass" seems an apt label for you.

I apologize to the many decent people who live in trailers. Unlike you offending people in general is not the kind of behavior I practice.  

Lamont Sanford
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"The description "trailer trash dumb ass" does not refer only to white people."

OMG, you're right.  Trailer trash are the poorest of people who live in run-down house trailers in bad neighborhoods.  My bad.

BTW, single quotes within double quotes, "dumb ass."

JoeE SP9
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Your twisted mind has to resort to fabricating what you think are witty comments. There are no quotes within quotes in my post. Read it again "dumb ass".

JoeE SP9
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soulful.terrain wrote:

The problem with modern progressives is; they will not, and in no certain terms will they ever admit, that Obama is capable of error.

That's not entirely true. I'm one of those "mp's" and I freely admit President Obama has made mistakes. Unfortunately many conservatives insist he has made nothing but mistakes. That IMO is also not entirely true.

Refusing to call him President Obama shows how conservatives automatically condemn our current president.

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JoeE SP9 wrote:
soulful.terrain wrote:

The problem with modern progressives is; they will not, and in no certain terms will they ever admit, that Obama is capable of error.

Refusing to call him President Obama shows how conservatives automatically condemn our current president.

And likewise for the leftist progressives that addressed ex- president George Bush, simply as 'Bush' and 'Bushie' during his eight year presidency.

Lamont Sanford
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OMG, you're right.  I put those outside double quotation marks.   Even trailer trash, poor people in bad neighborhoods" would have seen that right off.   But trailor trash is poor white folk. Ghetto trash is poor black folk. Thought I would let you know that your subconscious is racist, which makes you racist, since your half-white side is a fucking pussy.

Lamont Sanford
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According to MSNBC his name is really President Dick Obama.

JoeE SP9
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You are a coward who uses the safety of the INTERNET to say things using language you're afraid to use in a face to face confrontation. Your life must be truly dismal and lonely. The comments you post are how you compensate for your wretched life. Living vicariously by being foul and disgusting via your keyboard is a reflection of how your very soul is tainted.

Yes, I did complain about your racist comments. It's a shame you are allowed to post on this forum. DUP was banned just for being a jerk. You're a racist asshole and should banned also. You're response to this post will be filled with the same foul language and racist innuendo's you would not say to me face to face because you are a coward. 

Lamont Sanford
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I think you are a racist but I would never go off on a tangent ending with you should be banned and crying to moderators.  You're half white.  Anybody that brings that up is a racist.  Sue me.  For the life of me I can't figure out if I'm being racist because of your half-blackness or your half-whiteness.  Could you clarify that for me because your sending mixed messages.  Especially, with your lack of control.  At the very least you should be half-angry, calling me a half-racist, and demanding that I be half-banned.

JoeE SP9
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If you think mentioning my ethnic background makes me a racist you are even dumber than I thought. I think you should be banned because you constantly make veiled racist remarks. That you seem to be unable to write without a constant string of profanity is just boring. It's the constant racist innuendos that are thoroughly disgusting. All the snide remarks and now the attacks on me are proof positive that you're a RACIST. You're also a coward of the worst sort. You sit there at your keyboard and type things that you wouldn't say to anyone's face. Now you accuse me of a lack of control when the loosest thing I've posted is to call you a "racist dumb ass". That is an apt description for you because that's the way you present yourself. I would say that to your face because you deserve to hear it in person. After all you are nothing but a "cowardly racist dumb ass". Leaving out the profanity in your last post doesn't change things at all. It's been my experience that racists always bring up the ethnic backgrounds of others while accusing them of being the racist. It's a standard tactic to try to place guilt on everyone but yourself.  

I'm quite certain in the next day or so you'll go right back to your foul disgusting language. That you seem to think it's "cute" is typical of the way trailer trash think and speak. The racist innuendo's (your last post is an example) are something you can't seem to leave out. It's for those that I think you should be banned.

You would spout that racist drivel to me face to face only once. However, being the coward you are you save that crap for the Internet where you have the protection of anonymity. I'm quite certain you don't talk to people like that at your job.

I won't respond to any more of your posts. You're not worth the time and effort. You'll only use more veiled racial insults which the moderators here don't seem to comprehend. On the other hand, maybe they do and don't care. That doesn't say much for them. I still think you should be banned.

soulful.terrain's picture
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JoeE SP9 wrote:

 It's been my experience that racists always bring up the ethnic backgrounds of others while accusing them of being the racist.


Hope you don't mind me jumping in here since this was originally a political thread. But, that statement above jumped out at me when I read it.

To address your point:

As an active member of the Tea Party, the mainstream media; MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CNN along with Hollywood types like Jeanene Garafalo, Alec Baldwin, Jamie Foxx etc; Musicians like Beyonce,  Sheryl Crow, Springsteen, Elton John, Russell Simmons, Kanye West etc; along with the Progressive Democrats in Congress and the Senate such as Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Durbin, Feinstein, Slaughter, Wasserman-Schultz, etc; and the Congressional Black Caucus have worked tirelessly in trying to portray tea party members as racists by implying that no black members are in the Tea Party which is the furtherest thing from the truth. Our particular Tea Party organization has 72 black members, 48 Hispanic members amongst 2,800 total members. Also included are Christians, Atheists, and Agnostics. And Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents of varying degrees. 

So what you have is a group like the Congressional Black Caucus, that is exclusive to blacks only, saying that The Tea Party discriminates. And the irony is, the Tea Party is not exclusive to any one group, party, or racial background. There is no such thing as a White Tea Party, but there is an exclusive Black Caucus, and a Hispanic Caucus of which echoes the same mantra.

Interestingly enough is the fact that conservative blacks in congress admit that they suffer rejection when wanting to join the Congressional Black Caucus which is 100% liberal. So much for diversity and equality right?

These Democrats also said that Blacks are not allowed in the Tea Party which is a lie of epic porportions. Certain Democrats, and I am referring back to the Congressional Black Caucus, have went as far as wanting an investigation into the Tea Party just to find out the racial breakdown of the Tea Party movement. Thankfully no taxpayer monies were wasted on a frivilous investigation.

Point is, race is the motivator, race is a political tool used by these Democrat operatives.

I'm not sure what party you affiliate yourself with but, if that has been your experience as you stated, and it is obvious you are passionate about it, I cannot see why you could ever vote Democrat, nor anybody else for that matter that is offended by political opportunists that look at a persons melanin content to further some leftist social engineering agenda and or, his or her political career.

As for me, any politician that even utters 'race' as a basis for some legislation or for any other political advancement, I steer well clear of them and leave them to the 'group think' types.

Lamont Sanford
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Oh, Joe.  You can't have your cake and eat it too.  In other words, what would the neighbors think of your 4x4 rusted out redneck monster pickup truck parked next to your metallic purple fleshmonger Cadillac with the white wall tires?  Like I've stated before, you decide what makes you comfortable.  My last name is Italian.  So, I tell people I'm American.  Last names don't mean shit in America.  Neither does the color of your skin.  You want to act like a primadonna and tell people they are racists why go ahead and  knock yourself out.  It just makes you a fucking pussy.  As for the foul language you find boring?  You should read, "Shit My Dad Says".  #1 best seller.

The only problem I have with people like you is that you have become a "professional" black person.  No different than people like the Italian Anti-Defamation League; i.e. "professional" dagoes.  LULAC; "professional" chicanos.  It's an industry and you are part of it.  It comes with an opportunity cost.  Example, people like me calling bullshit on you.  It comes with the territory.  You can't make me shut up by demanding I get banned and calling me a racist.  And you might as well forget about strong arming Stereophile and make them send you check after I'm banned as well.  Again, you will get nothing and like it.   You're not special.  You take a bite out of the same shit sandwich the rest of us do every single day.  

And now you've brought up the ignore bugaboo and your own innuendoes about the moderators not to mention all the innuendoes towards violence to solve a problem. 

I'm beginning to wonder if you believe white people are dumb.


[the Johnsons load their guns and point them at Bart. Bart then points his own pistol at his head]
Bart: [low voice] Hold it! Next man makes a move, the nigger gets it!
Olson Johnson: Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.
Dr. Sam Johnson: Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it!
Bart: [low voice] Drop it! Or I swear I'll blow this nigger's head all over this town!
Bart: [high-pitched voice] Oh, lo'dy, lo'd, he's desp'it! Do what he sayyyy, do what he sayyyy!
[Townspeople drop their guns. Bart jams the gun into his neck and drags himself through the crowd towards the station]
Harriet Johnson: Isn't anybody going to help that poor man?
Dr. Sam Johnson: Hush, Harriet! That's a sure way to get him killed!
Bart: [high-pitched voice] Oooh! He'p me, he'p me! Somebody he'p me! He'p me! He'p me! He'p me!
Bart: [low voice] Shut up!
[Bart places his hand over his own mouth, then drags himself through the door into his office]
Bart: Ooh, baby, you are so talented!
[looks into the camera]
Bart: And they are so *dumb*!

The irony in the scene is that the white townfolk can't see that Bart is Bart, that Bart is black, that Bart is pointing a gun at his own head to get out of the situation, that they really don't want to hurt Bart.    The joke is on all of us and we find it funny as we should.

JoeE SP9
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soulful.terrain wrote:
JoeE SP9 wrote:

 It's been my experience that racists always bring up the ethnic backgrounds of others while accusing them of being the racist.


Hope you don't mind me jumping in here since this was originally a political thread. But, that statement above jumped out at me when I read it.

To address your point:

As an active member of the Tea Party, the mainstream media; MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CNN along with Hollywood types like Jeanene Garafalo, Alec Baldwin, Jamie Foxx etc; Musicians like Beyonce,  Sheryl Crow, Springsteen, Elton John, Russell Simmons, Kanye West etc; along with the Progressive Democrats in Congress and the Senate such as Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Durbin, Feinstein, Slaughter, Wasserman-Schultz, etc; and the Congressional Black Caucus have worked tirelessly in trying to portray tea party members as racists by implying that no black members are in the Tea Party which is the furtherest thing from the truth. Our particular Tea Party organization has 72 black members, 48 Hispanic members amongst 2,800 total members. Also included are Christians, Atheists, and Agnostics. And Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents of varying degrees. 

So what you have is a group like the Congressional Black Caucus, that is exclusive to blacks only, saying that The Tea Party discriminates. And the irony is, the Tea Party is not exclusive to any one group, party, or racial background. There is no such thing as a White Tea Party, but there is an exclusive Black Caucus, and a Hispanic Caucus of which echoes the same mantra.

Interestingly enough is the fact that conservative blacks in congress admit that they suffer rejection when wanting to join the Congressional Black Caucus which is 100% liberal. So much for diversity and equality right?

These Democrats also said that Blacks are not allowed in the Tea Party which is a lie of epic porportions. Certain Democrats, and I am referring back to the Congressional Black Caucus, have went as far as wanting an investigation into the Tea Party just to find out the racial breakdown of the Tea Party movement. Thankfully no taxpayer monies were wasted on a frivilous investigation.

Point is, race is the motivator, race is a political tool used by these Democrat operatives.

I'm not sure what party you affiliate yourself with but, if that has been your experience as you stated, and it is obvious you are passionate about it, I cannot see why you could ever vote Democrat, nor anybody else for that matter that is offended by political opportunists that look at a persons melanin content to further some leftist social engineering agenda and or, his or her political career.

As for me, any politician that even utters 'race' as a basis for some legislation or for any other political advancement, I steer well clear of them and leave them to the 'group think' types.


I am a registered independent. I vote for whoever I think is the best candidate. I've not voted Republican since Reagan. This is primarily because of the alliance with the Christian right, the stand on abortion and the constant and continuous granting of tax breaks to those who already have more than they'll ever need. I could overlook the tax break thing but the affiliation with the Christian right and the abortion stance are significant enough to turn me away. I'm against any public funding for abortions. However, if a woman wants to have one and can pay I don't believe it's any of my business if she does. IMO this is a perfect example of the government intruding on a citizens personal liberties. The Supreme Court made it's ruling concerning abortion. That should be the end of it. The anti abortion stance of the Republican Party has been strengthened because of the influence of the Christian Right. The GOP allied with them solely to acquire more votes, not because of shared beliefs.

I don't want a Christian America I want an "America". That's why in an earlier post in this thread I said a wanted a President, not a "Christian President" or a Jewish President or a Catholic President. I'm fed up with having a bunch of beliefs I don't subscribe to forced down my throat by a bunch of religious zealots. I want religion left to the individual. When it becomes part of the government that's just another step on the road that ends with a religious theocracy. As far as I'm concerned, one of the first steps in that direction was when President Eisenhower added "under God" to the pledge of allegiance. I don't care what an individuals spiritual beliefs are. I just want no part of them. I don't want them to be part of our government either.

My feelings concerning racist's are of the "If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck" school. Many racists are Tea Party members because of a stated idea that the Tea Party supports giving power back to the people. Racists read this as bringing back white supremacy. Having what I consider to be a less than "bright bulb" (Palin) as one of the primary spokes persons doesn't help either.

If anyone has inferred that I throw the word racist around indiscriminately that's simply not true. Although there may be a whole slew of racists posting here, I don't think that's the case. If there are, they have been very "undercover" with one exception. I've called him a racist and will stick with that because of the phrasing of the opinions he has posted. I can get around his disgusting parody of an avatar even though IMO the picture and name were chosen as a racist expression. The fact that he seems incapable of posting anything without some profanity is juvenile. I suppose he's been bullied most of his life and the only way he can feel like a man is to speak on a forum in a way he wouldn't do in a face to face encounter.

If anything my political philosophy leans heavily toward the Libertarian view. I think all victim-less crimes should be legalized. I think all drugs should be legalized for anyone of voting age. While I believe all drugs should be legal, selling to a minor should be an executable offense

I support capitol punishment. I believe executions should be public and high school juniors and seniors required to attend. Child molesters and rapists should be executed. Those crimes are the result of a mindset that is incurable.

If I run for office would you vote for me? I am too old to have benefited from any affirmative action programs or legislation. So my education and status in life is something I achieved on my own. Gee, now is when I wish I had access to some smilies.

BTW: IMO some Republicans are just as guilty as some Democrats about using the "melanin" card. They just use it in a different way. 

72 out of 2,800 is not something to brag about. In a DBT that would be called statistically insignificant. Darn, where are smilies when you need them?

soulful.terrain's picture
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JoeE SP9 wrote:


I am a registered independent. I vote for whoever I think is the best candidate. I've not voted Republican since Reagan. This is primarily because of the alliance with the Christian right, the stand on abortion


 Joe, you couldn't have liked Reagan very much, after all, it was Reagan that inserted the pro-life plank in the Republican platform.

Reagan said, " I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born."



and the constant and continuous granting of tax breaks to those who already have more than they'll ever need.


So, Joe, your against giving tax breaks to the producers of this country, who also happen to be our employers but, you have no problem with the massive regulations the Obama adminstration has placed upon our employers resulting in higher additional unemployment rates?

Joe, you have bought into this taxing the rich stuff like alot of Americans have.

Joe, if you taxed everyone in this country earning over 1 million dollars a year, at a 100% tax rate, you would not even touch the debt.

Solution: You control Governmental spending from top to bottom. Tax breaks, and exemptions are all well and good but until spending comes under control no amount of taxation will solve anything. It will only destroy small businesses thus resulting in massive unemployment. With no where else to turn, subsequently, the unemployed will now become reliant on government for subsidies. This is going on all over the world in socialist economies.


I don't want a Christian America I want an "America". That's why in an earlier post in this thread I said a wanted a President, not a "Christian President" or a Jewish President or a Catholic President. I'm fed up with having a bunch of beliefs I don't subscribe to forced down my throat by a bunch of religious zealots. I want religion left to the individual. When it becomes part of the government that's just another step on the road that ends with a religious theocracy. As far as I'm concerned, one of the first steps in that direction was when President Eisenhower added "under God" to the pledge of allegiance. I don't care what an individuals spiritual beliefs are. I just want no part of them. I don't want them to be part of our government either.


But Joe, the founders thought differently:


January 1, 1795 - George Washington issued another National Thanksgiving Day Proclamation. Washington articulated his understanding of what will keep America great:

" It is impossible to rightly govern without God and the Bible."


March 23, 1801 - Thomas Jeffeson wrote to Moses Robinson:

" The Christian religion, when divested of the rags on which they [the clergy] have enveloped it, and brought to the original purity and simplicity of its benevolent institutor, is a religion of all others is most friendly to libery, science, and the freest expansion to the human mind."


Joe, there a hundreds of quotes like these from the founders of whom the progressive leftists openly deny by saying that ALL founders were either Deists or Atheists. A total falsehood, except for Thomas Paine, and the possible exception of Jefferson.


  Many racists are Tea Party members because of a stated idea that the Tea Party supports giving power back to the people.


Well Joe, if that is the criteria for racism in the Tea Party, then the founders were all racists. They ALWAYS advocated that the Federal Government is subject to it's CITIZENS and not the other way around.

Joe, that is what the Constitution is all about. It restricts Government and secures individual freedom and liberty. That is exactly what the Tea Party means by giving power back to the people.


If anything my political philosophy leans heavily toward the Libertarian view.


Joe, I am a registered Libertarian. I work within the Libertarian party, in a local County capacity. You may have some Libertarian leanings, but I disagree on your "leaning heavily" phrase.


I support capitol punishment. I believe executions should be public and high school juniors and seniors required to attend. Child molesters and rapists should be executed. Those crimes are the result of a mindset that is incurable.


I agree, with exception of minors viewing. But an interesting concept nonetheless.


If I run for office would you vote for me?


Would you really want that job? I wouldn't :-)



I am too old to have benefited from any affirmative action programs or legislation. So my education and status in life is something I achieved on my own.


Good for you Joe. Which proves my point that Americans can do it own their own if the apply themselves without Government intrusion. Point is: Affirmative action is useless and discriminitory in itself.

Unfortunately, if you own a business, from nothing more than having worked your ass off, the Obama administration would like to redistribute your wealth in one way or another to a non-producer.


BTW: IMO some Republicans are just as guilty as some Democrats about using the "melanin" card. They just use it in a different way. 




 72 out of 2,800 is not something to brag about. In a DBT that would be called statistically insignificant. Darn, where are smilies when you need them?


That wasn't my point at all in context of my prior post. My point was, in context, Chris Matthews, Rachael Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Rosie O'Donnell, Jeanene Garafalo, etc; etc; etc; illustrated their ignorance once again, when they said that there were NO African Americans in the Tea Party.

JoeE SP9
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The alternative to Reagan wasn't up to the job.

I'm not saying that there shouldn't be tax considerations. The tax rates for the rich and corporations have been progressively lowered. The ones who are being squeezed are you and I. You know, the middle class, those of us who "work for a living". The wealth of this country is becoming more and more concentrated in the hands of a very (comparatively) few. It's become almost impossible to move up economically. It's hard enough not to go down.

Blaming the Obama administration for all the regulations is unfair and untrue. They were already in place. I'm against most of them. However the people need some sort of protection from the type of free enterprise that results in melamine (China) in baby formula. There are far too many unscrupulous individuals running businesses that the people need to be protected from.  

We are in agreement over controlling spending.

What about the Constitution and separation of church and state. I don't care what people believe. However, when every question relating to governing the country is answered by referring to ones faith and not answering I have a problem. That's what Michele Bachman did on Face The Nation. That's specifically who I was referring to.

You obviously don't agree but "giving power back to the people" is a code phrase for "White Power" for racists and bigots. I fully realize the intent is what the founders had in mind. That doesn't change the way it's perceived by racists and bigots. FWIW I'm with the founders on this.

I partially agree with you on affirmative action. If there had always been equality in education and job opportunities it wouldn't have been needed. Sadly those two thing have never been equal. I was a military brat. I went to Dependant schools on base not public schools in a large city. I received a very good education because of this. People who grew/grow up in a large city never had the educational opportunities I had.

I don't understand why the Obama administration gets the blame for things that were already there. I might add that the Bush administration didn't get rid of them.

Opposition to affirmative action by claiming it's not needed has always been the GOP's melanin card. If the playing field was level and everyone started from the same place it wouldn't have been needed. Anyone from the south or has spent time there knows the playing field wasn't level because the inequalities were obvious. They were there in the "North" but never so overt.  Does the word segregation bring up any images?

Requiring high school students (Juniors and Seniors) attendance at executions will put the "Fear of God" in them. Where are smilies when you need them.

As far as running for office is concerned, I was kidding. My cousin was the last mayor of Philadelphia so I am frequently asked why I didn't/don't go into politics. My standard response is "I can't lie well enough".

On your last point, I just had to throw some "audio" controversy in. Smilies needed again.

Glotz's picture
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Because you think you have a sense of humor, but your mouth in this forum has proved yr really only a pussy hiding behind your anonymity, just like Joe sees you.

If you actually think anything you say would ever strike a nerve with me, yr wrong.  I would have to actually like or repect you first, and that aint gonna happen- you arent likeable or respectable.  It's no wonder yr still here, Stereophile wont ban people in here, and you have no place else to go, other than troll in here like the hate-filled bitch you are.

Everyone knows yr a pussy racist, the worst kind of coward. 

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and smear my shit from it on your face spelling...


You have no value as a human.  I cant wait until you die.

soulful.terrain's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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[quote=JoeE SP9]

 The ones who are being squeezed are you and I. You know, the middle class, those of us who "work for a living".

Joe, the problem is, we have a president that has never had to work for a living. Even worse, he cannot make a decision on the economy, and what it will take to bring this current spend-a-holic government under control.

How do you think Obama got the nickname ' Senator vote present' while he was in the Senate. He can't make a decision. He hasn't a clue what he is doing. 

The middle class IS the small business community and the feds are squeezing them and in turn squeezing us who work for said small businesses. Wealth redistribution has never worked.

Joe, Obama also stated that "Under his plan of Cap and Trade, Utility bills would necessarily skyrocket." 

Joe, doesn't that sound like we, the middle class are being squeezed?

 The wealth of this country is becoming more and more concentrated in the hands of a very (comparatively) few.

Right, and it is in the Federal Government, not private business. Taking over 1/6th of the economy in the form of obamacare is power and wealth being concentrated within the central planners in Washington on a massive scale. Never in the history of this country has government expanded as much as it has under Obama.

 Can you name one private business, or corporation that has amassed 1/6th of the economy in just two and a half years? I can't!  Why do you think they want to raise the debt ceiling?


Blaming the Obama administration for all the regulations is unfair and untrue.

Joe,  it was Obama that said under Cap and Trade:

"If someone wants to build a coal fired plant, let them do it, but they are going to go broke under my plan."

Joe, those poor people of Appalachia, and West Virginia, who for generations have worked in the coal mines, who depend on mining for survival, to feed their families, what will happen to those thousands?  I'll tell you. Government programs will provide via the 'middle class' in the form of taxes. that is, as you put it, the middle class, you and I being squeezed even more.

Obama also has a moratorium on all oil drilling offshore. How many people are out of work because of that. Joe, that is us.....the middle class again!

here are far too many unscrupulous individuals running businesses that the people need to be protected from.  

Sure there are crooked people in business. There have always been crooked people in business, but those 'crooks' still provide jobs don't they. You don't micro-manage the entire private sector because of a few bad apples. There will be crooked businessmen in a Socialist economy, as well as a free-market economy. the decision now comes down to freedom to choose verses governmental mandated regulation. I'll default to freedom.


What about the Constitution and separation of church and state.


Joe, that language doesn't exist in the 1st Admendment. there is no 'Separation of Church and State' in the Constitution. That is another falsehood leftists repeat over, and over.

Leftists take what Jefferson wrote in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802 about a 'wall of separation' in his personal writings and magically transpose it into the !st Admendment.

The actual word for word reading;

"Congress shall make no law respecting the ESTABLISHMENT of religion, or PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF, or abridging the freedom of the speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to pettition the government for a redress of grievences."

Joe, it is illegal for the government to establish a State ran religion under the Constitution. Also, government cannot prevent the free exercise thereof either. Thats all. The founders wanted to stop what happened in England under King George where citizens were subject to the Church of England.


You obviously don't agree but "giving power back to the people" is a code phrase for "White Power" for racists and bigots.

Defined by whom?

Joe, that is a made up idea by the progressive left to discredit and silence their political opponents. Just like the Democrats also stating that Republicans want to kill old people, and poison children with dirty water. That's dirty politics in the spirit of Joseph Goebbels, Adolph Hitlers minister of propaganda who said, " If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth."

The progressives don't define who we are, We define who we are. Citizens for limited Constitutional Government. That's who the Tea Party is Joe.

Question: Was Democrat Mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans stating a code phrase for 'Black Power' when he said, " We will rebuild New Orleans, and it will be a 'chocolate city'. Was that a code phrase for racism?


I fully realize the intent is what the founders had in mind. That doesn't change the way it's perceived by racists and bigots. FWIW I'm with the founders on this.

I partially agree with you on affirmative action. If there had always been equality in education and job opportunities it wouldn't have been needed.

Joe, the Department of Education was created in 1979, signed into law by Democrat president Jimmy Carter. Seems that was suppose to fix the problem concerning equity and quality in education. Didn't happen. The government schools are a failure. That's why home schooling and Christian schooling is on the rise and has been for the past 20 years. Neither equity nor quality was acheived in this grand experiment. Public Education is about the Teacher's Unions, plain and simple.

 Have you checked the literacy rates lately in this country, math scores, etc; Most kids don't even know the basics when it comes to History, Math, or English. Most cannot even name the Vice-president, but they know all about global warming.

The department of education is a failure. How is that suppose to help job opportunities?


I don't understand why the Obama administration gets the blame for things that were already there.

Joe, the Obama administration gets blamed for the current policies instituted and policies it wants to move forward with. Who owns this economy? Is it still Bush after two and half years into Obama's presidency? Obama thinks so.

I might add that the Bush administration didn't get rid of them.

The Obama administration amplified them ten times over. This president has already outspent George Bush in a little over 2 1/2 years. More than quadrupled the debt, and has not even submitted a budget yet! Has no solution for medicare and medicaid, but why would he, He wants medicare to go broke, thus the reality of Obamacare takes over. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Joe, How many seniors are on Medicare and medicaid? But the Democrats say Republicans don't care about old people. Imagine that.

Also, this is the first time in history that this country has not been able to rebound from a recession in 23 months. At this point, we should be out of a recession and on the rebound.

2.1 billion for 'shovel-ready' jobs in which Obama just stated laughingly, that shovel-ready jobs weren't as shovel ready as he expected. where are all these 'green jobs? They don't exist. More wasted 'stimulus' money. I guess it's amusing to Obama to piss away billions. But then again, why would he care, he has never had to work for a living, nor has he ever had to be responsible for employees, nor has Obama ever created anything as a businessman. So, it shouldn't come as a suprise that the man believes government is the cure for all things economic and social. Community organizer, Illinois Senate, now President. No real-world experience.

Joe, if this were the private sector, Obama would have been fired already for incompetence.

If the playing field was level and everyone started from the same place it wouldn't have been needed.

Joe, that would be a pefect world now wouldn't it. NOBODY starts from the same place. That's just not reality. Italy, Germany, Cuba, Russian, and China have all tried to level the playing field. Its called socialism. It didn't work. It just created misery, that's why these peoples escaped to America, primarily at the turn of the century. 

But, give it enough time, coupled with Obama's potential re-election in 2012, and his 'spreading the wealth around' and we will all be equal. Equally poor.

Anyone from the south or has spent time there knows the playing field wasn't level because the inequalities were obvious. They were there in the "North" but never so overt.  Does the word segregation bring up any images?

I am from the south, Alabama to be exact, Yes, there was segregation, but Joe, segregation doesn't exist anymore. Blacks have even more opportunity these days than ever before. I have been passed over for promotions in my career because of Affirmitive Action in the fire Service due to the 50/50 promotion policy. Was I discriminated against?



soulful.terrain's picture
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Glotz wrote:

and smear my shit from it on your face spelling...


So, you play with your own fecal matter?  You need a new hobby.

JoeE SP9
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Although I don't agree with all that you say I believe that we could sit down listen to some music, discuss politics, have a beer or two and enjoy ourselves.

Are you saying you don't believe in global warming? Them's fightin' words! Damn where are smilies when you need them.

soulful.terrain's picture
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JoeE SP9 wrote:

Although I don't agree with all that you say I believe that we could sit down listen to some music, discuss politics, have a beer or two and enjoy ourselves.

I agree. Make mine a Heineken light.

Are you saying you don't believe in global warming? Them's fightin' words!smiley Damn where are smilies when you need them.

There's you a smiley.

I believe in global warming. I also believe in global cooling. I believe the Earth goes through both, and will continue to go through both in cycles.

I do not believe in 'man-made' global warming.

Cheers and beers,


JoeE SP9
JoeE SP9's picture
Last seen: 1 day 14 hours ago
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Light beer? Well, at least you said Heineken.smiley

Horay!! I now have the editing screen AB was asking about. Spell check as you type is a nice touch. Here's a smilie for you AB ! kiss

Glotz's picture
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Lamont Sanford wrote:

 You're mulatto.  I suppose your mother is white.  What is she?  Shit?  Welcome to the great melting pot.  You will get nothing and like it like the rest of us.

Lamont is a racist. And yes, Jeff Super Zero, Jimmy Von Douche, Soulless Bastard all support his language and behavior here regularily, and in almost every post and forum section. 

They too, are 'undercover racists', not only by their association, but also with their lack of dissention in all of the following posts in this and other threads. 

They support him and befriend him. They feign disgust at anyone that finds them to be disgusting.  Pure circumlocution, spoken like trapped politician.

And this is why they deserve the strongest language in condemnation. 

soulful.terrain's picture
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Glotz wrote:

 And yes, Jeff Super Zero, Jimmy Von Douche, Soulless Bastard all support his language.

This is language I don't support, It is juvenile and silly, like you.

They too, are 'undercover racists', not only by their association, but also with their lack of dissention in all of the following posts in this and other threads. 

Your attempt to divert the conversation from political disagreement to racism isn't working and it will never work. And neither is it working for the DNC, the Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cornell West, Jimmy Carter, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Chris Matthews, Rachael Maddow, Keith Olbermann, David Corn, Jeneane Garafalo, Neil Young, Eddie Vedder, Louis Farrakhan, Malik Shabazz, The CPUSA, LaRaza, N.O.W., Media Matters, MoveOn, Salon, Democracy Now!, etc; just to name a few of the leftists race baiters in this Country.

Are you an 'undercover race baiter'?

Care to answer?

I didn't think so.

They support him and befriend him.

I know this goes against your authoritarian mindset, but you don't have the authority to tell anyone who they can befriend, or support. Leftists like yourself hate that fact because it goes to the very heart of the progressive lefts 'class division' tactic as illustrated in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" book.

 I support Lamont's positions on the proper role of Government. He is a very intelligent Man.

And this is why they deserve the strongest language in condemnation. 

So, your a hypocrite as well as a psychotic that wants to, as you say, "smear s**t on the faces" of four fellow forum posters.

Interesting that you support 'strong language' in the condemnation of a man that has absolutely NO power in taking away your freedom or liberty like Lamont.

BUT, you are vehemently against anyone using "strong language' condemning the President, and his policies that DO have the power to take away your freedom and liberty...



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