00_12_2's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: Apr 23 2011 - 5:32pm
Building my first system around Paradigm Reference Studio Series 20 v.5
deckeda's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: Feb 1 2006 - 7:41pm

Playing movies, and have other speakers coming, too? And is FM a requirement, or just an assumption?

If not, you'll find more choices with stereo integrated amps, external phono preamps etc. Because these days, stereo receivers are mostly the Low End. Surround Sound receivers have taken over the receiver market, with variable results. (Not that stereo receivers were ever really representative of better sound in most cases.)

You might start at the other end and shop turntables first, since it sounds like you already have amplification. Listen to something playing through a system with smaller speakers like the 20 v.5, priced similarly, and you'll perhaps also learn what kind of amps are appropriate matches.

You can deicide on that front end and later go with an amp. I'd hold off on getting a DAC or computer solution just yet as that stuff changes fast, and you want the rest of the system in place first. You're correct that USB out from the computer can be a good way to go but I'm telling you, get your foundation first.

deckeda's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: Feb 1 2006 - 7:41pm

... somewhat parallels mine, and having said all of the above there's not type of direction you can go, which doesn't have much to do with what I just said above.

Something like one of the Benchmark DACs and a power amp. The Benchmark DACs (there are I think 4 in the line) combing a good DAC with a preamp. Several companies make varying flavors of this. One also has USB, another remote control and so on. Take a look at their site and the Recommended Components in Stereophile for the kinds of things that are available today.

And if It's all a blur, that'll make turntable, cartridge and phono preamp shopping that much "easier" while the rest gels.

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