Freako's picture
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What a crazy world...
Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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If he is using Head & Shoulders he will need his hair insured.

mark evans
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Isn't it amazing; almost to the degree of sickening how superficial this modern culture has become. We live in an American Idol world where the superficial overrules substance.

Proof of this was the election of Obama. An overt socialist and wealth redistributor with virtually no experience in government, military, economics, nor has he ever ran a business or made a payroll.

But, the American public was won over with his polished veneer, platitudinal speeches, and his ability to read a teleprompter. This is why Americans are losing thier freedoms and liberty faster than Barney Frank can lose a boyfriend.

alot of buyers remorse from democrat voters who bought into the 'hope and change' mantra.

Mark Evans

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Isn't it amazing; almost to the degree of sickening how superficial this modern culture has become. We live in an American Idol world where the superficial overrules substance.

Proof of this was the election of Obama. An overt socialist and wealth redistributor with virtually no experience in government, military, economics, nor has he ever ran a business or made a payroll.

But, the American public was won over with his polished veneer, platitudinal speeches, and his ability to read a teleprompter. This is why Americans are losing thier freedoms and liberty faster than Barney Frank can lose a boyfriend.

alot of buyers remorse from democrat voters who bought into the 'hope and change' mantra.

Mark Evans

Yeah, Troy's hair thing is that fucking Obama's fault, as is the egregious wage paid to government workers and their ludicrous pensions.

I also blame Obama for Paris Hiltion and that fat Kardasian chick's elevated social status.

If only Obama's daddy had arranged some sort of professional sports team ownership as his first job, then everything would be OK!

Next, get ready for the Bush time-bomb income tax increase - designed to explode after he left office!

Amazingly cynical....and there will be idiots dumbass enough to blame Obama for that, too!

Bush raises taxes in the future...and we blame someone else.


So brilliant, in fact, that someone esle must have come up with that.

Lamont Sanford
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Buddha's picture
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Obama wanted to talk to us in a language that we can easily understand...

Yes, he's not fit for the job and he has become salesman of the year for the firearm industry and yet we were fooled by the Kennedy's as well. Hitler also talked in terms that we could understand. I dare anyone to say that GWB talked in terms would could understand and yet he was reelected. The difference between Obama and GWB is that GWB did what he thought was right to protect our national security. Today, I feel as if we are right back at September 10, 2001. Tomorrow could be Manhattan's next nightmare. How soon we forgot. "Never Forget" is a fucking joke. Here we go again.

So, you are saying Obama has taken us from post 9/11 to 9/10 - well, Bush certainly took the DOW back to 9/11.

Lamont, were you fucking asleep from 2010-2009?

Biggest revesrsal of fortune for this nation, ever...under the watch of a red party House, Senate, and White House...yet you're still tantrum-izing over Obama?

Man, if you'd been upset before the last election, I'd give you a shred of credibility. Now you're just a sore loser-whiner. It's been bad for a while now, amigo.

(I bet you think Barney Frank, acting as a minority party committee member overwhelmed the committee majority, the House majority, the Senate majority, the Republican President, Moody's rating values, and pretty much all of Wall Street to enact his evil agenda. Lamont, not even Starbuck's could have done what you stupidly lay at the feet of Barney's ruby slippers.)

I'm feeling let down by Bush and need to wake the fuck up.

Lamont Sanford
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You're forgetting that this happened on Obama's watch. I don't give a shit what GWB did. Obama wanted the job even though he knew what was coming. That is his fucking fault and his fucking baby. And he hasn't done shit except make the American people shareholders in organizations that are no longer a going concern. In other words, we got ripped off. Don't worry you will pay the bill later. Diner's Club was the first credit card, "Buy now, Pay Later". Later doesn't go back and blame Diner's Club.

Look, you can still get Diner's Club.

"Buy now, Pay Later".

They have been using that slogan for 50 fucking years.

When it comes to Obama it's "Get Elected, No Problem"? Bullshit. A president goes into the job and the problems becomes his own. He took the job voluntarily and with his own free will. He knew the opportunity cost. Bush took responsibility for 911 even though it was Clinton's fault, who didn't do shit but bomb flour factories. Grow a pair, Buddha. And don't forget to get a Diner's Club card.

But believe him. We're moving in the right direction.

mark evans
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lol! Naw, can't blame Obama for everything. Just an observation of this modern culture's priorities and the damage it can do politically when apathy enters a voting booth and subsequently affects everyone in the country. I guess its what gets my Libertarian blood a churnin'. I supported Ron Paul in the primaries.

But, Here's what I do blame Obama for:

2.1 Trillion in stimulus spending: Where did it go? I know $186,000 of stimulus money was given to the city of Dover, Delaware to hire 2 state workers. Yes, thats 2 state workers. And whole litany of government jobs(labor union employees) Census workers etc;

We need more private sector jobs.. not more government employees.

Obama critized Bush for "keeping with the status quo"

Now, while Bush in my opinion was a fiscal socialist (800 billion in stimulus spending), Obama out spends Bush by trillions. (Now who's keeping with the status quo???)

1. Numerous banks have been taken over by the Feds under Obama.
2. The Student loan program taken over under Obama.
3. General Motors taken over under Obama.
4. Chrysler taken over under Obama.
5. Credit card companies taken over under Obama.
6. Health care taken over under Obama.
7. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae taken over under Obama.
..just to name a few.

This should come to no suprise considering the Democrats now control the White House, House of Representatives, and the Senate so naturally this was to occur as predicted by talk radio.

My question is this:

Is this approach free market capitalism that built this country into the greatest economic power of the 20th century?

Or, is it what it is.....government control of private industries?

Government needs to stay within the constraints of the Constitution. This current government is not.

But, in all fairness, BOTH parties have continued to expand government over many years. It's just that the democrats do it at warp speed. Actually at a rate of 2 1/2% per year for Republicans when they are in control and 4 1/2% per year for Democrats when they are in control.

politics...politics.. it is what it is I guess.

Keld, I apologize for derailing your thread.


Freako's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Jan 17 2010 - 8:29am

No problem my friend

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