KBK's picture
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You can also do the same and worse for $3 an hour and tips, which can and generally does include ass pinch damage...by serving drinks in a bar.

ncdrawl's picture
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Have you tried getting a water pick and irrigating you ears out. Not the attachment for your teeth. The other one. A lot of family doctors still use this method to get troublesome ears cleaned out. You'll be surprised what comes out. You got shit in your ears, troop. And yes, you probably did hurt your ears in the service. My outgoing hearing test was worse than my induction test. Loud noise comes with the territory.

Dont have a water pik, but I did buy some carbamide peroxide, going to see what that loosens.. ENT visit thursday..and thank God, I am armed with some terms to present.. thank yall all

KBK's picture
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I failed to mention that I did caution a friend about the whole blood clot thing. He does suffer from blood clot issues and he tried the Jiogulan..and a major clot DID indeed move.

We are talking about 1 or 2 cups of 'tea'. This is potent stuff.

rvance's picture
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As for my logical discourse on parapsychology, that would take about a year or so to really outline so it won't be done here.

Do you understand the term delusions of grandeur?

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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I do.

Elk's picture
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As for my logical discourse on parapsychology, that would take about a year or so to really outline so it won't be done here.

Do you understand the term delusions of grandeur?

We can all safely agree that it would indeed probably take a year - or at least seem like one.

tomjtx's picture
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As for my logical discourse on parapsychology, that would take about a year or so to really outline so it won't be done here.

Do you understand the term delusions of grandeur?

Bravo, Elk :

We can all safely agree that it would indeed probably take a year - or at least seem like one.

KBK's picture
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As for my logical discourse on parapsychology, that would take about a year or so to really outline so it won't be done here.

Do you understand the term delusions of grandeur?

I put that in there so you'd have some hangy bits of chad to debate. Nice to see people can still tilt at windmills when proffered.

What's that spot on your shirt? Oh! Got yer nose!

Lamont Sanford
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Which one of those three guys on X-Files are you, anyway?

KBK's picture
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If I had to be any of them, I'd rather be Gillian Anderson so I wouldn't have far to go to entertain myself.

KBK's picture
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Anyway, after that line silently cleared the table at the bar, I'd like to say to NC that I ran into a brother who was a Doc and is retired but keeps himself busy by stocking shelves at the local big grocery store. I can't remember how it came up but likely via my usual method. Usually I throw a line out that can be heard as 'weird' but if the person has a brain this tends to initiate a conversation, and they start at a pretty high level. In short order we were talking about Jiogulan and he was familiar with it, even though it is quite new in the medical lexicon.

He said that it has been found to be a powerful vasodilator, so no small wonder it will cause clots to move.

Might get renamed 'the sex tea', 'afore you know it. Then they'll have to have a pharmapsuedical company petition to have it controlled so it won't interfere with Viagra sales.

ncdrawl's picture
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I just ordered the Jiaogulan...


KBK's picture
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The exact same brand and company I have experience with, oddly enough.

Buddha's picture
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Just a plug for big government here...

Go here and enter Jiaogulan as a search term and you'll get 127 literature references.

Pub Med is a beautiful resource that is available for everybody.


The other thing about things like Jiaogulan is to look for what I like to call a "tie or a win" result.

If something is safe, the worst thing that can happen is nothing (a tie,) and there is some change (however big or small) that something good might happen (a win.)

Jiaogulan seems like that kind of thing, a win or a tie. No references for Ncdrawl's particular question, but no harm!

Orb's picture
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Did you try the Sudafed to see if anything drained down back of throat?


Buddha's picture
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Did you try the Sudafed to see if anything drained down back of throat?


If he's made it to the tea, I would imagine he tried the other stuff.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
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Did you try the Sudafed to see if anything drained down back of throat?


oh yeah, and a lot did. a whole lot. On a related note, my maxillary polyps appear to be back(they showed up on a dental xray as they did before...the polyps rarely if ever dissapear for good..they always come back, according to the German MD that did my first surgery)..so I think some of the drainage is related to that..

so there is an olympic reg swimming pool here...I take my daughter swimming every evening (gets her wiggles out so she can wind down properly for bed time)..and , yeah, I can barely go down 6 feet without having a tremendous amount of pain/pressure in that ear.. so I am thinking definitely it is something with my Eustachian tubes....of course the polyps/drainage issues probably arent helping.

im slated for an appointment with my "team" (the VA has teams, consisting of Social Workers, ENTs, Urologists, Ortho, Podiatrists..so the first appointments after transferring to a new VA AO are with the whole "team". .. should be interesting.

Buddha's picture
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Polyps can affect eustachian tube patency if they are in the area of where it opens.

I must have looked past you mentioning the polyps before!

PM me if you like. We could try another thing.

GrannyPacquiao's picture
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Did you every find a solution to your problem?

I suffer from the same symptoms as yourself. I also depend on my ears to make a living so it is very problematic and I would love to get rid of this problem.

Catch22's picture
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I was Monty in this thread, before the great web monkey cleansing wash. Since he isn't likely to respond, I'll add a couple of other comments for you to consider.

Like the OP, going under water deeper than 5 feet or so gave me ear pain, even as a child and through adulthood. My symptoms were exactly as described by the OP. And, like the OP, my ear refused to open back up after a flight to Atlanta. No amount of swallowing, opening of the jaws or any of the other usual resets worked. It was as though I had put a cotton ball in my left ear. I also have always had sinus problems and one side of my nose was almost always stopped up and it would occasionally switch to the other side and the previously stopped up side would open. Anyway, fast forward to addressing my stopped up ear from the flight...

I went to see an ENT specialist and he quickly diagnosed a rather pronounced deviated septum that he said was the likely cause of my always stopped up nasal passage. He said the estachean tube was collapsed in my left ear and that correcting the deviated septum would also open up the tube. The procedure worked on both counts and I've had an easy time breathing and very few ear problems, though it wasn't long after the surgery that I started to experience the scratching noise in my left ear and it would activate by bending my head down, just as it usually does after swimming and getting water in your ear.

It only occurs every few months and rarely lasts for more than a few days, though I've had it last for several weeks before. Because I live in Austin, where the allergies are notorious, I'm convinced that it's some sort of allergy induced problem that corrects itself when the particual allergin passes. I'm probably getting more drainage from having corrected the septum and that probably changed something.

Anyway, hope this helps a little as far as possible things to look at.

GrannyPacquiao's picture
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I am pretty sure I have a deviated septum, just went to an ENT and they didn't mention this at all, I have been using drops to clean the eustachian tube, but it does feel like a structural problem rather than something being stuck in there. I'm gonna go to my doctor and see if I can get a second opinion. To have the ability to breathe out of two nostrils would feel pretty good as well I reckon.

Bunty Beats
Bunty Beats's picture
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This worked for me http://www.gluear.co.uk/how-it-works/

Allen Fant
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all excellent suggestions by this panel. As a child, did you have many ear infections and did you take large doses of antibiotics?

michael green
michael green's picture
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Bunty Beats gives a great suggestion. I do pressure exercises all the time. The earlier you start in the morning the better. Also I recommend doing pressure exercising before you go to bed. Once you get in the habbit of doing this a lot of things will clear up and stay clear for longer periods. I do them 3 maybe 4 times a day now or when I feel any pressure inbetween my regular routine. Mouth breathers have more trouble than nose breathers cause they're not exercising both.

Some people get one nostril blockage, like was said here, but here's something you can do. Throughout the day press your thumb against one side and breath, then the other. Even if the one side is closed keep doing it regularly and most times that side will open back up in time.

Keep in mind as weird as it may feel or seem, listening is a part of the body and not just something that is done by a small part of the ear.

Not to get off topic, but this is part of the reason why there is such a big difference between headphone listening and in-room listening.

a good topic and one that can change listening enjoyment for many

michael green

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ncdrawl wrote:

I have this weird hearing issue. I want to preface by saying that my hearing , at least as measured by 3 different audiology experts at 3 different locations using 3 different protocols is off-the-charts good. 21kHz , no problem. BUT..

whenever I hear certain frequencies(havent pinned down which ones yet though I am trying very hard) my left ear goes crazy with this static-like sound(it sounds like digital clipping)... it doesnt get worse at any particular time in the day...isnt accompanied by pain, no ringing at all, just the clipping sound when I hear certain frequencies. left ear only. It DOES seem to get worse when I bend over to tie my shoe so maybe it is a pressurization issue? 3 ENTs have looked at my ears..no dice. my eardrums are in perfect shape, test scores off the charts, no obstructions...perforations, or any appearance of damge.

and so..even though my hearing is fantastic, and things look great in there...i think subconsciously I am making myself hear worse..because my imaging is ALWAYS off(favors the non-cracling side).. this is extremely frustrating.

SO to recap

perfect hearing(in terms of frequency pickup, all there)

eardrums etc no sign of any physical damage/trauma

extreme crackling sounds during certain frequencies

imaging off on hifi, favoring the non-crackling side

bending over/pressure makes it much worse.

I do have severe problems going down deep underwater..excruciating pain even at depths as shallow as 12 feet or so.

I dunno, im clueless. but i make part of my living using my ears(and voice) , and I cannot live like this...even though I hear fine, all the crackling and pressurization/depressure sensations are extremely annoying....!


oh yeah

one ENT thought that I may have had a piece of hair from a haircut/shave resting on my eardrum..getting excited during the offending frequencies.. alas, not that either!

desperate here. help me out, folks...

Oh yes..the problem is with my LEFT YEAR ONLY..all the crackling, all the pain, all the weirdness comes from there. d

This is now happening to me. It started 3 weeks ago. I was prescribed with anti-allergy meds and it didn't work. Now on nose spray, thought it was working but on the 2nd week of usage, that annoying "pulse-like" sound of my left ear is back. Can be triggered by nail-clipping, glass touching each other, or even swallowing saliva. I'm going to have a new check-up with a new ENT. Hoping they'll know what's going on.

webbieinteractive's picture
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Any luck with your ear issues? Been having the same problems for the last 7 months, been to many Ear doctors, but still no idea what's going on.


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