JIMV's picture
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Big Tea Party...
Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Pennsylvania Ave is packed from the White House all down to Congress. Or as an AP writer describes it as a "line".

The line of protesters completely filled Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.

KBK's picture
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$50 says it is under reported in the 'Major Media' by a factor of 100:1, at a minimum, compared to the more mundane crap that is out there.

Can't let the people know that their efforts are amounting to anything. Heaven forbid. 'Hold the line', the owners said. If at first you don't succeed.. then lie, lie, lie, & shill, shill, shill - some more.

Everyone go back home, there's nothing to see here. No, really.

The most important part to understand, is that it has not even begun, yet. This is still the calm before the storm.

Lamont Sanford
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Why is the flag at half mast in the photo?

JIMV's picture
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I fly my fag at half mast and will as long as the dems hold congress and the White House...

ABC called the crowd at the end at 1.5 million with another million who could not get to the rally due to congestion. CNN reported 2 million, the DC police said, early in the event 1.2 million and the UK's daily mail says 2 million.

Of course...the Washington post says 'tens of thousands'...which is right, about 100 tens of thousands.

Obama seems to be speaking to a half empty rally far from DC...

The local Boise Rally had about 1500...

Lamont Sanford
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Do you think that guy running away from the pole moved the flag down? Anyway, your flag shouldn't be at half mast. You want to make a statement than fly it upside down. The sign of distress.

Buddha's picture
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A sea of tea bagging losers who can't quit their tantrums.

Maybe those macho tea baggers took their guns, too!

I bet Obama telling kids to work hard and stay in school drove them to new heights of tantrum, too.

Where were these idots for the 8 years we had the chimp in cheif vandalizing the country?

Unbeleivable wastes of tissue.

Flag at half mast - what a crock of shit, man.

You should be busy lining your bunker with tin foil to keep yourself safe from the EMP!

Lamont Sanford
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Do they make you angry?

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Do they make you angry?

No, as a parent, I've seen tantrums before, but usually from children, not masses of angry loser adults.

I'm more amazed by the paradox those cretins present.

I am seeing masses of people protesting government subsidized health care while packing Medicare cards and demanding their donut holes get subsidized.

I see the cretins rally behind Mr. Romney in their party polls, oblivious to the fact that of all red party potentates, he's the only one to have ever implemented universal health care!

I have seen tea bagger interviews where a guy totting a gun to a town hall meeting was asked why he thought it necessary to bring a gun to a town hall meeting, and the guy said, "Because I'm a hunter."

When asked what he was hunting that day, he started a rant about universal health care.

We are faced with a segment of the population who is so lazy and unproductive, they actually have time to sit and listen to AM talk radio during the work day - blind to the irony that they are the very anchors on society they bemoan.

The mood of the nut bag tea baggers is such that they pour a million dollars into the coffers of a guy who is so low class, he heckles from his conressional seat during a Presidential address.

Maybe Gordon Holt was correct, these white middle aged baby boomers are stuck in fifth grade.

I'm awestruck. It turns out that I actually have underestimated the stupidity of that segment of the public!

The fun part will now be trying to figure out what stupid thing they will think of next!

We should start a pool!

My bet is they will start flag burning and the use of effigies to lynch, talking a cue from their conservative bretheren in the Middle East.

Lamont Sanford
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But people have been marching on Washington for over 200 years. The Confederates came very close to marching on Washington during The War. Just think? We came pretty close to becoming a lot like France. The president can end all this nonsense just by following Woodrow Wilson. Just bring back the Sedition Act of 1918. On second thought that wouldn't be a good idea. Obama would be guilty under the Sedition Act of 1918. Seems to me he is between a rock and hard place.

As for these people today? They are no different than the "tens-of-thousands" that marched on Washington during the previous administration.

edever's picture
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I think you are all missing the point with these, "marches". The Obama administration is secretly pulling the strings behind all of it, so they can identify who the trouble-makers are.

You know what come next, right? Once universal health care gets passed into law, only those who have been identified as associated with the tea baggers will be on the hook for paying. Imagine that, these folks are concerned about paying more taxes for universal health care, when what's going to happen is they -individually and to the exclusion of non tea baggers - will foot the bill for the whole fucking shebang!

Mahvelous, baby.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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I think you are all missing the point with these, "marches". The Obama administration is secretly pulling the strings behind all of it, so they can identify who the trouble-makers are.

That is exactly what I had in my signature in code but KBK read right through it and demanded I take it down...

I don't give a fuck if it's Blue Oyster Cult, it's a pussy song! Let me tell you something: every band puts out at least one pussy song so they can find out who the faggots are!

Monty's picture
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Wow, that's a lot of people. I had heard earlier in the week that they were hoping to see 50K show up. I've certainly underestimated these tea baggers. And I am one!

Lamont Sanford
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Wow, that's a lot of people. I had heard earlier in the week that they were hoping to see 50K show up. I've certainly underestimated these tea baggers. And I am one!

Now the numbers are between 1 and 2 million (counting the folks that couldn't get in because of the crowds). I guess that makes it "sold out". We now know that you can't fit more than a million people into D.C. for a march. And these are people that showed up on their own dime. No organizations busing in bums up and down the east coast. "You hear me talkin', ACORN boy? We ain't through with you by a damn sight. We'reah gonna get medieval on your ass. "

Parody from Pulp Fiction (For JoeE who will accuse me of being a closest racist again.)

You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.

KBK's picture
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No such thing, Lamont. I mentioned that I thought that your signature was something that the entire forum on all areas -did not need to be seeing. That's about it. It would make the forum overall look bad. And I can guess that it would not be more than a day or so later than that-when Someone like Stephen would be asking you to remove it (just my guess).

As for the 'animated discussions' that may occur about this stuff in DC, I'd say it's pretty obvious that the guy in office NOW..is literally carrying on the same agenda as the guy who was in office BEFORE..and the guy who was in office before HIM was committed in totality to the SAME agenda.

So they all play for the same team,and they change the names of the people in the grease seats. Ie congress, the senate and the Prez office.

The same people have been behind the scenes pulling the strings for years and years..and years.

Figure it out.

Until the greater mass is given a chance to figure that out--the same stuff will be driven forward by WHOEVER is in office.

There are no parties, there is simply a group of finger puppets who drive an agenda. Voting hasn't done a thing for you, for a very long time.

Canadians actually, overall, are better at knowing this than the US general public mass. As percentages go, there are more of us in Canada who realize this (about our politicians) than there are in the overall US population. We don't trust any of them, ever. This small but critical point (amounts to maybe 10% more overall in the Canadian population vs the US population's overall 'awareness') becomes a critical point.

Part of it has to do with the need to absolutely support one another due to things like WINTER being a large part of our culture as part of the backdrop. We can't just shoot our neighbor, drink his booze and lie in the ditch at night and then go on to pillage the next guy. Too goddamn cold (for a large part of the year) to even think about it or actually do such things.

You might note this aspect of community comes from and resides in the populations of countries where the larger mass has WINTER. Thus our political systems tend to work in a fashion that serves the public better.

Thus we inherently understand the basic need for community better than many of the populations of countries in the more temperate regions.

The US?

Southerners don't know much about 'community' and how a proper government works in that direction..ie, the republican party is primarily invested in the south. And the ability to actually BE a serfish idiot** (selfish idiot!) runs a little more rampant in the south, as percentages of the population goes-as compared to the north of the US.

In the north of the US? You might note that the 'democratic' party is more prominent there, with their ideas of 'community' and sharing. for a reason. it gets cold and people have to work together, they -have to- realize that being a selfish unaware asshole simply does not work-but only to some extent. They have summers too. But not all year around.

These are not hard numbers, as there are variations of that norm in many given part of the given groups but that is the general lay of the land. literally 'the land', in this case.

The Dems, as you like to call them, realize this (slightly better than the southern Republicans do-are you getting this?). The republican types (as some call them) don't generally realize this aspect of 'lie of the land' itself creating the molding and shaping of the political bent of the general population of that given land area. Hell, it even can dictate the social, mental, and ethical awareness of the population of the given part of the country, in the overall sense. This should be as obvious as the day is long - but some can't see even the basics.

You can see it, right here, actually...

Once again, though, it is the same people behind the scenes in the last, oh....40 or so Presidencies- at lest. Deal with that and understand it, and you might start to get somewhere.

Until you do, you will remain being someone's toy and will spend your life being gamed, every day.

** That was a typo, but it worked pretty well. Any time you have in you, or in a group, a blind spot in the mind or psychology, there are people who will step in and USE that aspect to manipulate that mass of people. Happens every day. That's why there was this giant march on DC, you see? The blind (or unaware), of course, see it being done for 'all the right reasons' and they'd be ~HALF~ correct. All they or you are seeing is the cover story. You are being controlled by your blind spots, your lack of awareness - in the same way a 13 year old is manipulated by a 40 year old pervert. Same shit.

Anything that ever comes out of it, will definitely end up being ~NOT~ in their favor or benefit, EVER. Don't be foolish and stupid and imagine anything else. For it has never been that way, not once, not ever.

Your government is corrupt. It's not the 'party in control' (which is just a seat and face change to placate the masses) ---it's the entire system. There are good people in the government, that is a given. But for the most part the system is corrupt to the point that it has not served the public interest for a very long time. They toss crumbs to the public every now and then, and make big gas bag public outcrys and struts on stage about the tiny bits they do, but the vast majority of the system is slated toward serving the directions and desires of the controllers behind the scenes. Canada and most countries are not much better-if at all.

All these things I say here that the given person cannot 'see' are levers the US population is being manipulated through and by - and has been, for over 250 years. Hell, for over 300 years. And before they came to this continent, the same-same, in other places. This - for the past 12,00 years, minimum.


Here's one for you: Before the change in government in South Africa, the South African Stock market was either directly or indirectly controlled to the tune of 75%--by the Oppenheimer family.

After the BIG CHANGE? How much of the stock market was controlled by the Oppenheimer family? -- 75%

It was only a finger puppet change for the purposes of public awareness.

Basically, all the people in positions of real power in your government (or the entities connected to the government, like think tanks or advisory committees and groups-ie places where they are out of the public eye and their media friend make sure they stay out of the public eye) are members of globalist groups. Every last stinking one of them-are members of these groups. These are the real movers and shakers. And that group? They are controlled by the even smaller hidden group that is really running things.

So, in essence, when you go to these things like giant rallies and tea parties, etc, you are literally talking to the WRONG people, to the tune of three layers, three times removed.

Monty's picture
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Your conclusions are incorrect. It's not so much a geographic split as it is a rural vs urban split. This is quite apparent by the population density and voting patterns. You can take most any state and find the pattern to be consistent. Rural and small town Americans have vastly different paradigms from their urban brothers. Only a smug elitist could fail to see the virtues and pitfalls of each.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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I have to agree with Monty. I spent most my life in urban areas (Bay Area and Houston). Now I live in Roswell. There are distinct differences in how people view the country in the country. They are more in tune with the spirit of the constitution than city folk. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out.


Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: No disrespect to you brave men, but why are you fightin' this war?

Confederate prisoner: Why are you?

Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: Why to free the slaves, of course.

Confederate prisoner: I can't speak for some other folks, but I'm fightin' for my rats

Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: Your what?

Confederate prisoner: My rats. The rat to live my life like I see fit. I don't know why we can't live our lives our way and you live yours. Live and let live I've heard so folks say. Well, I guess this war's over for me anyway.

Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain: I appreciate you talkin' to me.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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No such thing, Lamont. I mentioned that I thought that your signature was something that the entire forum on all areas -did not need to be seeing. That's about it. It would make the forum overall look bad. And I can guess that it would not be more than a day or so later than that-when Someone like Stephen would be asking you to remove it (just my guess).

I was being facetious, KBK. Get it? It was a coincidence I took advantage of for crying out loud. Take a break.

Hey O'Neill why don't you cool it, you don't have to be a prick everyday of your life, you know.

KBK's picture
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You can try to be specific and I can try to be specific, but it is beyond generalizations -due to the complexities of the issues- none of us can every be specifically correct. We can each decide how far we want to look into the issue and from what angle and can then see however deep into it we desire to--in order to prove some sort of reality that we can FEEL is correct so we can find some way to FEEL safe. Hopefully you are not calling me some sort of elitist.

I am from the deep woods and am pretty damn far from being any sort of elitist, whatever that is.

The important thing to always, every second, to understand is that there are those who are manipulating the whole thing right from start to finish for their own agenda and it does not have anything to do with the well-being of the apparent 2 Mil or so people who showed up in DC the other day. That much is true.

As for the facetiousness, Lamont, I had some emotional content I put in the original post, where I said 'southern idiot'. This satisfied my emotions with regard to funning or speaking badly of others for my amusement. This is wrong, as it creates division (and distraction) for no other reason than my amusement. I went back and removed most of it's flavor or sting.

It's OK (sometimes) to do in person where we can absolutely tell that someone is funning us-or funning along with us. But we can't afford to do it on the net. This is my personal conclusion after many years of indulging in such. I can't afford to do that any more and for the larger part no longer do so. Believe me, I do so in person - to the point that it can get me in trouble- but I do it in the same way a comedian does, in order to bring attention to the insanity, callousness, and wrongness of it all.

These are very freaking serious subjects, here. There is a very considerable possibility of things very seriously spinning out of control.

And there are groups who definitely DO want that to happen.

But wiser heads do realize the incredible mess that is flying toward us --and want it to stop. There is serious tugging in both directions-at all times. This is the manipulation from behind the scenes that can be seen of you bother to go look for it.

For example, read this article:


What you will find at the bottom, is a man who was someone's interpreter who is suddenly being groomed and tested (tasted) at Yale. Yale is a place (one of many) where (some of) the most powerful people in the US are groomed and tested.

If he tests out 'OK', there is no doubt you will find him, in the coming years, somehow popping up in positions of power in the middle east, specifically concerning Afghanistan. This is how it is done. And he will be under complete control before it is allowed to happen.

He will very likely suffer the illusion that it is he that is running things or he may be doing his best to help out, realizing that the fast track or effective track of getting to the point where he can help his people is to do exactly what he is doing-which is getting involved in the elite control group. And he most definitely will be ruined, jailed or die if he steps out of line or off the given agenda for that global area.

Just like Barack Obama. And almost all other presidents that came before.

You should try and see the documentary/film 'The American ruling Class'.

In that film, you get to see two fictional kids try and get into Yale/Harvard..and then come out of those organizations..and try and get involved in the publicly hidden 'Oligarchy' who really rule the US and most of the 'free world'. Water Cronkite is directly asked (they actually talk to and speak with real parts of the hidden/known oligarchy) and they ask, on film 'How do I join? How do I get a chance to work in the REAL power system? How do I gt a chance to become a '#1 world dominator?' That interview take place outside of a Kurt Vonnegut roast, not long before he died. Kurt asks the Kid if he has shit for brains or something, because this much about the world is obvious--if you are paying attention. Walter says that the Kid MUST join, as they need good caring people in that system-corrupt as it may be.

Heads of many different corporations and branches of governments and differing organizations are asked these questions -- directly-on camera--and they answer.

The last person they get to speak with in the film, Is James Baker III, right at the CFR.

So it's not exactly hidden, but it sure isn't on the public eye, that's for sure.

See this film, track it down-- to solidify what I say as being 100% real, so that you do maintain such on a daily basis, as the pressures and colors of the daily world can rob you of things that you know are true and real-and you should not allow that-not even for one second.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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I have to agree with Monty. I spent most my life in urban areas (Bay Area and Houston). Now I live in Roswell. There are distinct differences in how people view the country in the country. They are more in tune with the spirit of the constitution than city folk. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out.

I recall a favorite of the red thumpers from back in the day. Seems they forgot their motto...

"America, Love it or Leave It."

Dude, Americans want 59-60 Senators to be NOT from the red thumper tantrum party.

Americans do not want a President from the red thumper party.

Americans want 256 (vs. 179) of our Representatives to be NOT from the red thumper party.

Instead of looking at what they hath wrought, the red thumper party is merely pitching a fit instead of trying to figure out how to create a coherent governing philosophy.

Heck, they forget Chimp tried to pass health care reform via significant tax breaks (7,500 per individual, or 15,000 per family,) and the tax break loving reds ignored him when they could have addressed this issue in a sane way in 2004.

What do the crybaby reds do now?

They lie down on their tunnies and pound the ground when they could have preemptively taken on this issue 5 years ago.

We see a sea of Medicare parasites parading around with guns, protesting the same sort of benefit they take as an entitlement.

Other than the former Confederacy, the red party is facing a long future of having only tantrums to pitch insted of policies if they don't wake up and ditch the morning Talk Radio and get to work.

The red party is so out of whack, they rally for a governor from the state that takes the most federal money per capita and think she's opposed to entitlements!

(To be fair, the nutwing left claims to be pro-choice, then wail that she chose to have a baby with Downs Syndrome. Dopes.)

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Buddha, you're living the past. We got new elections coming up. Lets see how many liberals have a pair when it comes to the wire.

Lamont Sanford
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You can try to be specific and I can try to be specific, but it is beyond generalizations -due to the complexities of the issues- none of us can every be specifically correct.

Have you been reading Joseph Heller again?

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Buddha, you're living the past. We got new elections coming up. Lets see how many liberals have a pair when it comes to the wire.

I'm living according to the most recent election, ya dope.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Yeah, good idea.

And since you got your head up your ass read this article. It would sound eerily familar if you weren't going around degrading every class of people that doesn't think like you.



Sep 13, 12:01 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - Despite sweeping Democratic successes in the past two national elections, continuing job losses and President Barack Obama's slipping support could lead to double-digit losses for the party in next year's congressional races and may even threaten their House control.

j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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What's truly sad is to see what kind of the lunatic-right's lies have been taken to heart by the dupes who are calling for the overthrow of the government.

JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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Already overtaken by events...today 57% of the public would fire everyone in Congress if they could...both parties. There is no love for the dems outside of their own party...

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Already overtaken by events...today 57% of the public would fire everyone in Congress if they could...both parties. There is no love for the dems outside of their own party...

Where was your love of polling data the past few years when Shrub was tearing up the Constitution?

Recall Cheney's response to polling data ?

The red nutjobs flip flop based on a whim now.

True hatred of their country.

Yup, love it or leave it, ladies!

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Happy Birthday, Buddha.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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What's truly sad is to see what kind of the lunatic-right's lies have been taken to heart by the dupes who are calling for the overthrow of the government.

What lies? You made a generic statement. You have fully implicated my wife who is a Christian Republican Aborigine Irish American.

j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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What's truly sad is to see what kind of the lunatic-right's lies have been taken to heart by the dupes who are calling for the overthrow of the government.

What lies? You made a generic statement. You have fully implicated my wife who is a Christian Republican Aborigine Irish American.

Get help.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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No, you guys want to whine about the same type of behavior you supported during the last administration. This is fun. Sedition is sedition. I like Michael.


j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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No, you guys want to whine about the same type of behavior you supported during the last administration. This is fun. Sedition is sedition.

Get help. You need it.

Oooh, look, it's "sedition" to engage in political speech. Joe McCarthy would just love you. Probably literally.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Like I said. I like Michael. You got your goddamn head up your ass.


j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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Like I said. I like Michael. You got your goddamn head up your ass.



That should help you out, Lamont.

JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
Joined: Jan 31 2008 - 1:46pm


Already overtaken by events...today 57% of the public would fire everyone in Congress if they could...both parties. There is no love for the dems outside of their own party...

Where was your love of polling data the past few years when Shrub was tearing up the Constitution?

Recall Cheney's response to polling data ?

The red nutjobs flip flop based on a whim now.

True hatred of their country.

Yup, love it or leave it, ladies!

Putting aside the BDS and flat lies, the real issue fails. The left lived by the polls showing Bush's numbers cratering. The right learned the lesson and are watching Obama's number crater at a rate far faster than Bush..It took bush almost 3 years to get as low as Obama is today...

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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It took bush almost 3 years to get as low as Obama is today...

Well, there's a ringing endorsement of Bush!

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Like I said. I like Michael. You got your goddamn head up your ass.



That should help you out, Lamont.

I think its funny you even know about that book.

KBK's picture
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It took bush almost 3 years to get as low as Obama is today...

Well, there's a ringing endorsement of Bush!

Happy b-day! Yer a frickin' Virgo. Welcome to the club, Me'n Keanu sez. (mines the exact same as his-a few hours apart)

Just beware the mirror - we're overly serious, we are very picky, and we're good at bitching. Ask anyone on this forum.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

Happy Birthday, Buddha.

Thanks, amigo!

Trying to decide whether to go out or to spend here with you!

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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I have to admit we are pretty good at it when left to our own devices. I can imagine what the causal reader must think.

Monty's picture
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You both need a little more vitriol in your posts. Perhaps large quantities of alcohol is in order.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

You both need a little more vitriol in your posts. Perhaps large quantities of alcohol is in order.

Not enough vitriol, eh?

Piss off.



JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 2 months ago
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It took bush almost 3 years to get as low as Obama is today...

Well, there's a ringing endorsement of Bush!

And a crushing indictment of Obama...

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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It took bush almost 3 years to get as low as Obama is today...

Well, there's a ringing endorsement of Bush!

And a crushing indictment of Obama...

So, since the polls look bad for both, then you would have to agree that both are terrible.

Why, then, the Bush syncophancy?

j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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Why, then, the Bush syncophancy?

He's white?

gkc's picture
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Buddha. You had a birthday. Shit. So did I. I turned 70 on September 10. Well, here's a nice Islay Scotch ( I am waffling between Laphroiag and Lagavulen...) to both of us, for creeping another year into a VERY difficult decade.

Of course, I am further along on the race to...WHAT?? Than you are. I'm not sure that is a good thing.

As for Bush vs. Obama?? Who gives a shit, at our age? Nothing has changed since we slid off the Bretton Woods agreement (in itself, a compromise) in 1971. Gold was "officially" 35 bucks an ounce, then. Overnight, it went to $42. Most of the people I knew back then thought THAT was too expensive.

Guess what. At this moment, the US Treasury "officially" values its gold reserves at $42 per troy ounce.

That, alone, ought to tell you that party politics haven't gone very far, over the last 30 years.

Sorry. I digress. The whole point of this post is to wish you a happy birthday.

Somebody on this thread expressed a hard-on for Virgos. Eat your heart out, stargazer.

May you see your family continue to prosper, and your kids grow up human.


KBK's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Sep 30 2007 - 12:30pm

"Sir, You are talking to a Virgo!" (paraphrased from the pool scene in the Steve Martin film, 'The Jerk')

I had my Virgo birthday before the two of you had your Virgo Birthdays. So there.

Coincidentally, in the world of billionaires, there is a very disproportionately high number of Virgos. A little more 'so there'. Heh heh.

smejias's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: Aug 25 2005 - 10:29am

I had my Virgo birthday before the two of you had your Virgo Birthdays. So there.

Happy birthday, KBK, Buddha, and Clifton. Mine is tomorrow.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am


I had my Virgo birthday before the two of you had your Virgo Birthdays. So there.

Happy birthday, KBK, Buddha, and Clifton. Mine is tomorrow.

Hmmm, I wonder if Virgo is over-represented as an astrological sign among audiophiles.

KBK's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Sep 30 2007 - 12:30pm

Anal retentive, over intellectualizing, obsessive compulsive, and neat freaks. That's Virgos.

Take a wild guess.

however, in our favor, because we pay such close attention to details and want to make sure we are dong things exactly right and do tend to very much 'do things for others'...we are known as some of if not ~the~ finest boinkers in the zodiac. In the 360 degrees of the zodiac, there is a specific and single degree that is known as the 'sex bomb' degree. From this degree, which takes place in alignment of the planets on the one day.. it occurs in the Virgo part of the zodiac..and on approximately August the 28th. Apparently the world's most awesome and boggling 'ladies of the night' are born on this day. I even knew one, my bud had a girlfriend..and her sister was born on that day. She was as hot as hot gets (incredible looking lady) and that was her exact occupation. But...the mental orientation can also cause issues, eg., the recently departed MJ was also born on the same day.

And Virgos are known for marrying other Virgos, as no one else understands them as well.

Back to the subject at hand..some counterpoint on the thing:

Bloggers claim photo shows millions at "tea party" protest

Over the weekend, conservatives enthusiastically passed around a photo they said showed a huge crowd protesting President Barack Obama's policies during the "tea party" protest on Sept. 12, 2009.


The New York Times reported that "thousands" of protesters "filled the west lawn of the Capitol and spilled onto the National Mall," while Fox News wrote that "tens of thousands" marched on Washington.

And from CNN: "The march leading to the Capitol stretched for blocks on the final day of the Tea Party Express' cross-country bus tour, which began August 28 in Sacramento, Calif. En route, the group hosted rallies in about 30 cities. An official crowd estimate was not available, but reporters at the scene described the massive crowd as reaching the tens of thousands."


There's another big problem with the photograph: it doesn't include the National Museum of the American Indian, a building located at the corner of Fourth St. and Independence Ave. that opened on Sept. 14, 2004. (Looking at the photograph, the building should be in the upper right hand corner of the National Mall, next to the Air and Space Museum.) That means the picture was taken before the museum opened exactly five years ago. So clearly the photo doesn't show the "tea party" crowd from the Sept. 12 protest.

Also worth noting are the cranes in front of the Natural History Museum (the second building from the lower left of the National Mall). According to Randall Kremer, the museum's Director of Public Affairs, "The last time cranes were in front was in the 1990s when the IMAX theater was being built."

It does make one wonder. I know there are other photos, not just the specific one that these comments concern.

It also makes me think of how crowd shots are taken in the Hollywood business. The film "Wag The Dog" is the exact way that Hollywood and politics have integrated with one another. It is a flat out mockery, and it is funny as hell, but the frightening part is that it is 100% true. If you have not seen this film..see it, like -yesterday-, ok?

Yes, I've seen those shots being made. I'm also reminded of a competitor in the 'video screen coatings' business. The shots of their 'laboratory' (on their website) were the same few things taken from different angles. As well, the items photographed in use in the lab were for solvent coatings based use, not water based coatings and..no lab tech or engineer in their right mind would use these items for coatings design-in the first place. This is the first time I mention such a thing and I do it vaguely, as I don't think it's right to call attention to such things, or to disparage the given competition. Right or wrong, in the final analysis, such things usually don't serve any one.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

You mean that the pic is basically the photo equivalent of Obama's 'official' Kenyan birth certificate?

Maybe ACORN has been handling the 'truthiness' of the tea bagger stuff.

Now, I wonder if someone is going to get the tea baggers started whining about how Medicare and the VA are examples of socialized medicine.

The tea bag babies even have a new hero, who, instead of throwing shoes and going to jail, blurts out crap during a Presidential address and gets a million whacko dollars.

Like I said, one big giant huge tantrum.

Seriously, time to love it or leave it now.


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