ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am
Undigitize me
jazzfan's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 8:55am

Our design team consists of six engineers with degrees in computers and engineering, with more than 115 years of combined experience within the computer and pro audio industries. They are all musicians, which helped to contribute to their enthusiasm to our endeavor. Our final handiwork was a two year long process, from start to final refinements.

Well whatever it is that undigitize is doing it MUST work since they are using engineers with pro audio experience.

Stupid me, I thought that outrageously expensive snake oil was only to be found in the world of high end audio.

michiganjfrog's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Jan 9 2007 - 11:36pm

Are these people seriously wacked out? They're charging $50 bucks to tweak one CD?! That's THE most expensive CD tweak I've ever heard of. On top of that, you have to send your 'precious' CD thru the post, and risk it getting lost and wait weeks to hear the enhancement! But that's not even the end of it. Because they give you ZERO idea of what the heck they're doing for your $50 bucks (lucky you get a discount on 10 CD's... only $475 US!). Then they have all these rules about which CD's they will accept, and then they tell you they might "ban you" if they don't like your "character". There absolutly NO reviews in any audio magazine about their "service", and if all that isn't enough, there are NO refunds either. Even if they lose the product, you don't get shipping refunded. The only thing you have to go on as to whether you should spend $50 bucks to tweak your CD sound, is a few testimonials which could have been written by monkeys for all we know. (Not many monkeys, since there are only 2 testimonials. I don't know what's less credible; the testimonials or the idea that they found 2 people willing to pay for this).

I especially like the way they "combine" the amount of "years of experience" in computers and engineering that their "design team" has. Wow, 115 years experience! And if we count the time they dreamed up this get-rich-quick scheme, it's over 1,000 years experience!

Well, I just had shock treatment, so I think I'm gonna have to try the 10 package deal! "Undigitize me", anonymous internet service! (reg. tm.)

Surprisingly, these testimonials don't sound at all like a copy writer for "Undigitize" wrote them:

"I am wholly shocked, and was short of an accident upon my first listen! As someone that has worked within the music and film industries as an audio engineer for years upon years - working with audio on a daily basis - this is the most astonishing breakthrough in digital music since the advent of high-resolution for recording and reproduction!

Upon my first listen, I was allured by sonic magic that presents the sense of analog flesh from the icy digital freeze. There is a true tangibility to the music - each instrumentalist, note and tone materializes before you. The lack of grain and edge yields a calmness and ease that results in the impression of listening to an analog source.

Although you may start the music as a backdrop to reading or another activity, the music charms and captivates your attention fully. This musical enchantment entices and tempts so you can not escape, leaving you glued to your seat. Before you are aware, your toes are tapping and you are enjoying sonic bliss.

I must applaud and thank you for providing a magical road to audio nirvana for the digital pathway!"
Kent, WA

jazzfan's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 8:55am

But but but they employed pro audio engineers so they must have used extensive DBTs to scientifically prove that the undigitize process works unlike ultra-expensive power cords, interconnects and speaker cable, which as anyone in pro audio knows are pure snake oil and fail each and every DBT.

Personally I think that they just give you back an audio CD burned from high bit rate MP3 copies of the original disc. And we know that this will fool just about everyone since DBTs tell us so.

j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: Mar 13 2009 - 4:22pm

But but but they employed pro audio engineers so they must have used extensive DBTs to scientifically prove that the undigitize process works unlike ultra-expensive power cords, interconnects and speaker cable, which as anyone in pro audio knows are pure snake oil and fail each and every DBT.

Personally I think that they just give you back an audio CD burned from high bit rate MP3 copies of the original disc. And we know that this will fool just about everyone since DBTs tell us so.

Um, what service do these guys do, anyhow? Do they send you back the SAME CD, or do they copy it to another CD, with, perhaps, some processing?

Perhaps they do an LP simulation. Duno. I'm not going to ask, either.

Interestingly, I find myself in more or less total agreement with my stalker Michigan J. Frog on this one.

michiganjfrog's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Jan 9 2007 - 11:36pm

Interestingly, I find myself in more or less total agreement with my stalker Michigan J. Frog on this one.

Your "stalker"?? Don't flatter yourself, "Woodinville", aka "jj". You're the one who came to my forum, not the other way around. And you came here because of me, and you're the one who's been chattering about me to your DBT church-buddies on Hydrogen Audio, as I showed in my expos

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