Lamont Sanford
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Joined: Mar 31 2006 - 8:32pm
Are the polls starting to come in?
Jan Vigne
Jan Vigne's picture
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Joined: Mar 18 2006 - 12:57pm

I'm sure it was just an oversight on your part that you missed;

W. would have killed for those poll numbers.

Oh, wait! He did.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: Mar 31 2006 - 8:32pm

What, the parts that show people are pissed off anywhere from 60 to 80%.

As for your site. Do you have any background information for Looks like just a clearing house of information and if you want the newsletter that will cost you $195 via Paypal? Come on, you can find something a little better. There is no real name associated anywhere in connection with the inner operations of that site except for the list of contributors. That is the problem with these sort of sites. They don't qualify for 501(c)(3) status, which sort of questions their claim that they are, "An independent, nonpartisan resource on trends in American public opinion," which is the only information about the site you will find there.

Jan Vigne
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Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Mar 18 2006 - 12:57pm

OhNO! Commissar! Once again I've found information you deem unacceptable to The Party Line! I need to check Party approval of information before I post it, yes?

Give it a rest, Comrade, this is a cross section of polls. If you don't care for the numerous results provided- like the 66% approval or the 67%, 69% or 76% approval ratings shown, I'm sure you can find results more to your liking lurking somewhere in the dark recesses of your bookmarks.

You and JIMV do suffer from only looking at a myopic portion of information and ignoring anything that would interfer with your all consuming hatred of others. You failed to mention the rising "Right track/Wrong track" numbers that go along with a rising market, rising consumer confidence and slight rise in home and retail sales. (Yes, yes, I understand cycles so don't try to negate anything by more BS - these things are on an upswing and confidence is key here not negativity of the Republican "I want him to fail" variety.)

There can be no doubt (even if Republicans doubt it - they're f'ing nuts with hatred right now and closely resemble a fire ant mound in full blown "which way'd they go" operation in their organizational skills) GWB left us in a deep, deep hole that isn't going to be remedied any time soon. That the numbers continue to climb can ony be viewed as remarkable given the uncertainty George left as his going away (very soon and forever we hope) parting gift to us and the world. Unemployment is still at record levels and the Democrat's (can't be called anything else when only three Repubs voted for it - I see your party still has no clear ideas for moving forward just more "I'll do my best to take down Obama and this country" in their "HELL NO!" votes for a budget) stimulus is just about to hit the market. The employment numbers are certainly all George's to own for the rest of his life and then some - let's all hope history is half as kind to George as he hoped for goodness sake it would be - it would be embarrassing to the US as a nation to have another Hoover on our watch.

You also failed to mention just how low GWB's approval ratings had sunk in his last year in power with numerous polls showing a greater than 70% dissapproval - sometimes high 70's!!! I always found that remarkable considering the Repub base clung to hopes for W.s term for so long - but even a rat deserts a sinking ship at some time, eh?

If you care to look at your poll indicating B.O.'s approval lower than GWB's at this time in their terms, then you must remember the conditions each man was handed and how they responded. W. came into power in generally good times (certainly by comparison, no wars, balanced budgets with a projected surplus and a mild recession caused by the bust and, oh yes, that "Enron thing" that W. clearly addressed with twenty minutes of his "undivided" attention during his Waco townhall in front of pre-screened audiences) and the greatest regret for Democrats as Americans is he squandered both his own good will and that of the US so quickly and so thoroughly.

If you persist in this poll comparison by time line, wait until late August when W.'s approval had already fallen to the mid 40% range in most polls.

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