Jan Vigne
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Joined: Mar 18 2006 - 12:57pm
Bookshelf vs Floorstanding
commsysman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2006 - 11:33am

I will doubt it until someone comes up with proof, or at least something close...lol.

Art Dudley apparently had actual sales figures to base this on, and you don't even have a reasonable supposition to challenge him with. Until you get some actual sales figures for some Klipsch models, you have no standing to even begin to challenge him.

And what does being around for 50 years imply in terms of sales figures? The correct answer is...NOTHING!

Jan Vigne
Jan Vigne's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Mar 18 2006 - 12:57pm

... you have no standing to even begin to challenge him.

No standing to even begin "challenging" him?!

OK, I won't since I don't give a dirty dead rodent's hind quarters which speaker has sold more units. This only seems to be important to you. Another case of you like this product so everyone else must be wrong.

This is one I'm not going to get into because I don't care if Klipsch sold this or that many speakers over the last sixty years. Outlasting the competition in this busines doesn't seem to mean much of anything to you until it means something personal to you. The classic Klipsch line was only sold in high end shops. Independent high end shops made Klipsch as household word for the first fifty years of the company's existence. (Bose was once a high end only line also just to point out the obvious.) What Klipsch has turned into since Paul sold the company isn't of interest to me at all. But the Heritage line still sells in limited distribution to dedicated Klipsch dealers, not Best Buy. Of course, ST likes and recommends the Heritage line and plays the LaScalas with his McIntosh MC275, so that would mean nothing to you.

If you have some sort of "standing" to challenge anything, you can call Klispch and ask them yourself. Otherwise, just go on insisting nothing matters unless you say it matters.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am

Damnit Jan .. we were just saying how pleasant it was to be in a thread where the people were actually getting along.

you know what it was don't you..the key ingredient that allowed us all to Jive? absence of Jan Vigne. You ruin any fucking thread you step in with your vitriolic rants and "ive got 20 chips on each shoulder and im gonna make you all miserable too" shtick. go away. are you trying to get on every single person's ignore list? youve made great strides in that area!


... you have no standing to even begin to challenge him.

No standing to even begin "challenging" him?!

OK, I won't since I don't give a dirty dead rodent's hind quarters which speaker has sold more units. This only seems to be important to you. Another case of you like this product so everyone else must be wrong.

This is one I'm not going to get into because I don't care if Klipsch sold this or that many speakers over the last sixty years. Outlasting the competition in this busines doesn't seem to mean much of anything to you until it means something personal to you. The classic Klipsch line was only sold in high end shops. Independent high end shops made Klipsch as household word for the first fifty years of the company's existence. (Bose was once a high end only line also just to point out the obvious.) What Klipsch has turned into since Paul sold the company isn't of interest to me at all. But the Heritage line still sells in limited distribution to dedicated Klipsch dealers, not Best Buy. Of course, ST likes and recommends the Heritage line and plays the LaScalas with his McIntosh MC275, so that would mean nothing to you.

If you have some sort of "standing" to challenge anything, you can call Klispch and ask them yourself. Otherwise, just go on insisting nothing matters unless you say it matters.

Jan Vigne
Jan Vigne's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Mar 18 2006 - 12:57pm

ncdrawl, if you stopped telling me to go away whenever you couldn't figure out a thread, it would stop plenty of the bitchin' and moanin' that exists on this forum.

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