Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am
I'm so old...
mjalazard's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 days ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 4:38pm

I'm so old that the desk on the "School's Out" album cover was actually brand new when I finished grade school.
...that the cartoons I watched as a kid were drawn in the United States, and that's how I was introduced to many classical music scores.
...that TV remotes were bulky and had that twangy click.
...that when I first watched the Wizard of Oz on TV, I did not know that most of it was filmed in glorious technicolor.
...that muscle cars truly were.
...that the arrival of every new Beatles and 'Stones albums was a day of celebration.
...you could fill your tank with gas for less than $5.
I need some metamucil...........

dbowker's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: May 8 2007 - 6:37am

"Where's the damn generation gap?"

It got re-packaged, slicked up, digitized, compressed, and was given a hard layer of sugar to make sure every future generation didnt have to think for themselves! Some kids do I guess, but not enough... I think kids today grow up faster in some ways, and a lot slower in others. The thing is, all those boomers who rebelled still grew up eventually and became hard working and productive citizens, because that's the ethic they grew up with.

Today? There's a lot for parents to have to fight against- and it ain't Rock n Roll! It's rich kids who are famous for being rich, mediocre people who get famous for being on TV in order to get famous, and a music industry that's about as edgy as Proctor & Gamble. Kids deserve better role models, and a better reason to participate in the world than being famous!

I'm hoping the new independent labels and modes of distribution spurs a new phase of wanting to break out and learn, but future generations will need our encouragement to use their brains for more than gaming.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

I'm so old that the desk on the "School's Out" album cover was actually brand new when I finished grade school.

Lucky you, we had slate and charcoal. Desks hadn't even been invented yet.

...that the cartoons I watched as a kid were drawn in the United States, and that's how I was introduced to many classical music scores.

We had to make flip books to get cartoon action. later, we had go to the movie theatre to see cartoons - Steamboat Willie was the Sponge Bob of his day, fo' schizzle.

...that TV remotes were bulky and had that twangy click.

TV? Remotes? Whipper snapper.

...that when I first watched the Wizard of Oz on TV, I did not know that most of it was filmed in glorious technicolor.

When I first saw that movie, everyone in the theater gasped in amazement!

...that muscle cars truly were.

Probably had those new fangled "radio" devices, too.

...that the arrival of every new Beatles and 'Stones albums was a day of celebration.

True, that.

...you could fill your tank with gas for less than $5.

Yup, I am experiencing "gas pump inversion," where the pirce should be the number of gallons, and the number of gallons the price!

I need some metamucil...........

Yes, you do.

Monty's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Sep 16 2005 - 6:55pm

This was the first Alice Cooper
song that I can remember hearing. I remember it because I was at a friend's house and
his brother was playing it. I was like, WTF????

mrlowry's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: May 30 2006 - 1:37pm

"HE HE Um UH Hey Butthead That dude has Um a chick's name. HE HE HE. Ya"

"UM UH Shut up Bevis I think this guy is about to Rock."

"Oh Ya sorry about that."

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