Maternity Leave

You know how sometimes you can't tell how wonderful an audio component is until after you've removed it from your system?

Same thing with managing editors.

Ours has gone on that weird thing called "maternity leave." Personally, I don't get it. I spoke with Elizabeth on the phone today, and she sounds totally fine. What's up with this? If I were her, I'd get my ass in the office¹.

And you know she was sneaky about that sex stuff. She planned the birth to coincide perfectly with our biggest, most arduous, issue of the year. Fancy that. Nice move, E., leaving me here like that to handle all the red ink and e-mails, questions and demands, UPC codes and spine dimensions, ftp sites and templates.

I'm not supposed to know about this stuff!


Footnote 1: I'm kidding, E. This entry is just to say, "We miss you." No, seriously: Get your ass back in the office.