Overheard at HE 2007

"Man, hemp seed drivers?!"


"And you got all these guys out there doing beryllium and titanium and whatnot."

"Yeah, we've got to bring things back to earth."

"Can you smoke it?"

"No, there's some glue in there."

Wes Phillips's picture

Kids today. Who smokes seeds?

Jim Tavegia's picture

Maybe if you live in CA you can get your doctor to write a prescription for them. Take 2 of these and call me in the morning. Like the old Harry Nilson song: "Put the lime in the coconut".

john devore's picture

Mmmmm.... glue...

Vinnie Rossi's picture

Maybe there should be a warning label on the hemp driver... "If you blow the driver, do not attempt to roll up the cone to smoke it." :-)