Lovers of the Press, Liberty Must Root for Cubs

Dean Starkman posits: "As a Burkean liberal and paleo-librarian of longstanding, like many of you, The Audit has long understood that the Chicago Cubs represent all that is good in this life: the sun (day baseball); nature (ivy); tradition (a mechanical scoreboard); openness to alternative points of view and information from foreign, underdeveloped cultures (inning-by-inning out-of-town scores, even from the American League); transparency (W or L flags run up the scoreboard after games); nourishment (smokey links); democracy (I’m sure George Will or someone can help with that); free market capitalism (ditto) and prudent market regulation (see: Krugman)."

Well, if you put it like that, sure. Also: "Even the beer is good. Good. And. Cold. Goddamn. Tastes good to a man. Whew! Needed that."

What're you still loitering here for? Go read it.