The Aerodynamics of Toast

'Fess up—you've always wondered about that butter side down thing.

My personal favorite factoid concerns the reason that time seems to speed up as we get older.

Buddha's picture

Well, he missed it on why time seems to go by faster as we age. It's actually a percentage thing: When you were eight, one year was equal to 12.5% of your entire life. At age 50, one year equals 2% of your life. Over time, each year takes up a smaller and smaller percentage of your life. Obviously, it takes less time to go 2% than it does 12.5%! At age 80, one year equals less than 1% of your life, so savor the 2% you've got now! He also left out the speeding up of time produced by procrastination. If you really want time to fly, try putting off some things you've been meaning to do.

Stephen Mejias's picture

Buddha, your brilliance is sometimes frightening. I'm gonna start procrastinating more because I'm anxious to see where I'll be five years from now. (Just kidding.)

Paolo's picture

Buddha, this percentage thing really seems brilliant to me: did you figure this out by yourself or is it a quotation from an author/scientist/psychologist?Thanks.

Buddha's picture

Purely self-generated flights of fancy. I'll save my theory of social evolution for another time...:)

Buddha's picture

Oops, I did a math boo-boo. I meant to say that at age 80," each year equals ""nearly"""," not ""less"" than 1% of your life.