The Truth About Being a Writer

Is there anything better than having written? Well, perhaps not having to write at all, but do people who have never itched know how exquisite a good scratch can be?

Jim Tavegia's picture

I have written a fiction novel, The Dreamers, but when I started the effort I hoped it would be published, but had no real delusions about that happening. There are many great writers who are rejected 50+ times. My psyche is not quite that strong. You can self publish which, to me, is more ego driven. What is the point of having them sit at the outlet mall book stores for a buck? Writing is really just like the ultimate term paper. My wife was surpirsed to see over 300 pages from someone who is not much of a novel reader. Who has time with old and new copies of Stereophile around.I am working on net publishing and may also offer it as an on-demand paperback, which may or may not have a demand"" LOL. I know I'll buy one...and give it to my wife for Christmas next year. Don't tell her. She probably thinks she'll get a real present. I am working on a second one just to keep writing if for no other reason for my grandkids to read after I kick. That Grandpa can sure spin a yarn.Spell check rocks

Monty's picture

I once considered writing a pamphlet, Everything I know About Women. I forget who to credit, forgive me. Who was it that responded when asked how he went about writing," ""I sit in front of my typewriter", terrified," until the blood starts beading up on my forhead.""