How Nerdy Were You in High School?

This is definitely an example of what Alan in Victoria dubs "hard-hitting fluff." Fun though.

Alan in Victoria's picture

Yeah, lots of fun! That I can still remember the noises from that old duck hunting game all these years later is probably the reason I can't remember my current PIN numbers and secret codes: I'm out of brain room....And although I was plenty nerdy in high school, thank you, I was an actual married, home-owning grown-up when we got our first Atari game.

Jeff Wong's picture

I got 14 out of 18 and blew one or two that I should've gotten. Does that make me very nerdy?

Wes Phillips's picture

Not by itself. But add a love of comics, vinyl, and Brian Eno and there's no escaping the conclusion: You're one of us, all right.

Alan in Victoria's picture

Hey, Captain America is still in the Avengers, you know that?!