Voice Shatter

If you like (or even if you don't like) the album version of Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy," try this slow live jam.

If you don't like this version, well, I just think you're crazy.

Nod your head "hell yeah" as Cee-Lo's voice shatters the heavens and makes the rain pour down at 2:08 into the song (or 5:43pm EST).

Stephen Mejias's picture

At just about 5:43pm, as Cee-Lo yearned to reach a high note, on an otherwise sunshiney day in NYC, the sky, without warning, completely shattered, letting loose rain heavier than I've ever seen.

Jeff Wong's picture

Someone recommended Gnarls Barkley to me just Friday night.

Stephen Mejias's picture

>Someone recommended Gnarls Barkley to me just Friday night.This energy has been going around, it seems. I mentioned them to another friend of mine who said she had also just been introduced to them...

Buddha's picture

Just Friday night?

Man, that is one specific recommendation.