Air-Motion Adams

"Air Motion" because the Adams—familiar to me from the German company's strong showing at pro-audio shows—feature modern versions of the Oskar Heil-designed "Air Motion Transformer" higher-frequency drive-units that a brief period of popularity in the 1970s. This uses a corrugated aluminum-foil diaphragm that moves somewhat like an accordian bellows, alternately squeezing and stretching the air between the folds. Adam, who is entering the North American high-end audio market, was proudly showing its top-model Tensor series at SSI, but I was also impressed by the active A5 shown in the photo, which crosses the AMT tweeter over to a moving-coil woofer at 2.2kHz and costs just $900/pair. With the $600 Sub 7 active woofer also shown in the photo, a pair of Adam A5s would make the basis for an affordable high-quality system.

The rest of the show system comprised a Resolution Audio digital front end and DNM amplification and cables.

Mario's picture

Hace poco he adquirido estos monitores y estan trmendos!! una calidad excepcional!! tienen una claridad en los medios agudos, y apesar de su tamaño unos graves suficientemente definidos... me gustaria mas adelante adquirir el sub 7 ..pero bueno habra que ahorarr por aca en argentina no se venden muy baratoas que digamos, epro lo valen...saludos

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