Tone of Music Sings

I was smitten by the sound of San Francisco-based dealer and distributor Tim Nguyen's Tone of Music equipment line-up at the California Audio Show. Tim's RMAF exhibit, which featured the Simon Yorke turntables he distributes, included the Simon Yorke S10 Record Player ($19,950), Convergent Audio Technology preamplifier ($9950) and Jl2 signature amp ($19,950), and Synergistic Research cabling. The big difference was the presence of the Lansche No.3 loudspeaker from Aaudio Imports ($30,000/pair in gloss black), a 2-way with 91dB sensitivity and frequency response of 40Hz–150Hz (!) ±3dB.

Once again, this system exhibited gorgeous tonality. Enhanced by the CATs' euphonic shine and air, I absolutely loved the sound of a Reference Recordings LP of Copland's Appalachian Spring. On one of Copland's Emily Dickinson songs, Marni Nixon's voice was especially beautiful. Only the sounds of a show closing kept me from staying longer.

Richard Weed's picture

$30,000 !!! And they go from 40hZ-150hZ !!! If they did anything in the human speech area, they would still be over priced! A 2 way tiny speaker for $30,000! You do realize this is why nobody buys "high end", since this is merely taking people as fools. And teh magazine promotes this crap! Bad.

Richard Weed's picture

$30,000 !!! And they go from 40hZ-150hZ !!! If they did anything in the human speech area, they would still be over priced! A 2 way tiny speaker for $30,000! You do realize this is why nobody buys "high end", since this is merely taking people as fools. And the magazine promotes this crap! Bad.

the fool's picture

Richard, perhaps you can enlighten us and bring a speaker with an ion tweeter for the market for less....I am sure many would be interested. Aside from your ignorance displayed by your comment comment, if you did not like the sound of the room that is one thing. However, you seem to have little experience with these speakers if any. There are companies that makes wonderful speakers that are quite affordable, perhaps that is more agreeable to you. Or maybe you are just posting in the wrong forum.

jyekien's picture

Thanks so much for this! I have not been this thrilled by a blog post for quite some time! You’ve got it, whatever that means in escort Anyway, You’re definitely someone that has something to say that people should hear. Keep up the wonderful job.