McCormack Back at McCormack Audio

Several weeks ago, we reported on the revival of McCormack Audio by Bill Conrad and Lew Johnson, who purchased the company's assets at an auction in Southern California. This past week, McCormack Audio has announced that one of the original co-founders, Steve McCormack, has rejoined the company as Director of Research and Development. McCormack had worked at the company from its inception in 1982 until 1996.

So how did the first few days back at the job go? "We just had a very intense week back at headquarters in Virginia," said McCormack from his office in Southern California. "We spent the time going over all of the parts and metalwork procedures to get the products back into production. Fortunately, they have a very sharp crew and are making rapid progress."

According to Bill Conrad, "We share Steve's excitement. McCormack Audio is highly regarded for offering affordable products that deliver near-state-of-the-art performance. The McCormack brand enjoys an intensely loyal base of devoted customers. Such loyalty is a rare and extremely valuable asset. Our task is to sustain this passion, which I am confident that we can do."

McCormack said that he will be wearing a variety of hats in his new position, "but my primary responsibility is in developing new products and maintaining the established vision of the company: providing high-quality products for reasonable prices. I spent a lot of time with Bill Conrad when the purchase was taking place, and have been thinking 'McCormack Audio' ever since."

McCormack said that the company will soon turn its attention to developing a remote-controlled preamp, and is "quite interested" in doing a remote-controlled integrated amplifier in the near term. A little further out, they are contemplating multichannel home-theater amplifiers, and perhaps a surround-sound processor.

McCormack will be working out of his office on the West Coast for the foreseeable future. "It's really been a pleasure getting back in touch with the dealers and customers," he said. "I look forward to what we will be doing with this company."