Barry Willis  |  Jun 21, 1998
Fiscal year 1998 will be one of diminished expectations for Harman International Industries, Chairman Dr. Sidney Harman announced last week to assembled analysts and fund managers at a meeting in New York. He laid much of the blame on the continuing economic slump in Asia.
Barry Willis  |  Jun 21, 1998
Digital radio company American Mobile Radio Corporation announced last Wednesday that it has exercised a $52.9 million option to upgrade its satellites. The move will potentially double the channel capacity of AMRC's nationwide satellite-direct audio radio service (SDARS), scheduled for the year 2000.
Stereophile Staff  |  Jun 21, 1998
On June 17, Carlton Communications, owner of Technicolor, announced that it has entered into a merger agreement to acquire Nimbus CD International, one of the world's largest independent manufacturers of optical discs, including CD-Audio, DVD, DVD-ROM, and CD-ROM.
Barry Willis  |  Jun 21, 1998
The "world's largest bookstore" may be on its way to becoming one of the biggest music stores, too. Two weeks ago, began a big push into CD retailing, more than doubling the number of its musical offerings to over 100,000 titles. (Competitor CDnow offers over 500,000 titles.) Visitors to the Amazon website can now click on a tab that will take them to a new music site, where they can listen to audio previews and read reviews, reprints of articles on bands and musicians, and music-industry news.
Stereophile  |  Jun 15, 1998

With the single-ended triode resurgence of recent years causing much debate about tubes vs. transistors, what has been your experience?

What type of amplifier technology do you prefer?
48% (93 votes)
Tube (non-single-ended triode)
23% (45 votes)
Tube (single-ended triode)
16% (30 votes)
7% (13 votes)
Other (please explain)
6% (12 votes)
Total votes: 193
Wes Phillips  |  Jun 12, 1998
Audiophiles with budget restrictions (most of us, I imagine) could be forgiven for feeling we're afterthoughts to most manufacturers. Even though we probably keep many companies in business by buying their "entry-" or mid-level products, we're always hearing about products designed "without compromise." Waiter, could you bring the reality check, please?
Jon Iverson  |  Jun 10, 1998
On Wednesday evening, June 10, The Academy Advancing High Performance Audio & Video held its 1998 Golden Note Awards at the Marina Del Rey Ritz-Carlton. Following an address by John Hoskins of the Advantage Performance Group, a sales consulting firm, the amiable awards ceremony was MC'd by Paradigm's own stand-up comedian, Rob Sample. AAHPAV's ceaselessly energetic Chairperson Sue Regan assisted in the presentations, as did Academy President Joe Picirilli. And the hard-working winners (drum roll, please) are . . .
