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Aug 30, 1998
Audio has always hosted a large Do-It-Yourself market. Folks build everything from components to wire to speaker systems. Has the DIY bug bitten you?
Have you ever built an audio component, cabling, or speaker for your system?
Yes, most of my system is DIY
7% (11 votes)
Yes, a couple of things are DIY
40% (66 votes)
Yes, one part of my system is DIY
18% (30 votes)
Never built anything audio
27% (45 votes)
Plan to build something audio
9% (15 votes)
Total votes: 167
Aug 29, 1998 |
First Published: Aug 29, 1992
Aug 24, 1998 |
First Published: Aug 24, 1996
Aug 23, 1998
Are CD prices too high? Does pricing constrict the amount of music you purchase and listen to? After reading the responses to last week's question, it seems appropriate to ask if you would buy more regular CDs if the price dropped substantially---let's say to around $8 US per disc at retail.
Would you buy more CDs if the price dropped to $8 US retail?
Yes, a lot more
56% (267 votes)
Yes, a moderate amount more
28% (131 votes)
Yes, a few more
7% (34 votes)
About the same amount
4% (19 votes)
$8 is still too much
4% (19 votes)
I don't buy CDs
1% (3 votes)
Total votes: 473