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And on behalf of Stereophile, I'd like to thank Wes Phillips, Bob Deutsch, Jon Iverson, Stephen Mejias, and Jason Victor Serinus for all the work they put in, and the sleep they went without, to blog live from Home Entertainment 2006. Mikey Fremer and Kal Rubinson will also be covering the Show in their September issue columns.But most of all I'd like to thank the Showgoers, the exhibitors, the musicians and concert sponsors, Greg Nivens and his Show staff, Steve and his sound crew, and everyone who took part in the seminars for making this show the best ever!We are waiting for confirmation from the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago. But assuming all goes to plan, we will see you all at HE 2007 in the Windy City, the City by the Lake, the City of Big Shoulders!