What is the most important pearl of audiophile wisdom you can bestow on someone?

Anyone who participates in this hobby for a few years develops some insight that is worth sharing. What is the most important pearl of audiophile wisdom you can bestow on someone?

What is the most important pearl of audiophile wisdom you can bestow on someone?
Here's my pearl of wisdom
92% (137 votes)
I don't have any . . . yet
8% (12 votes)
Total votes: 149

Xenophanes's picture

Find speakers you like and then find an amplifier that can drive them.

michael's picture

If you're happy with your system and it sounds good to you, that's all that really matters.

Bjork's picture

The greatest song can't be played. The greatest gear makes no sound.

Stu's picture

Trust your ears!

sg's picture

Trust your ears.

ksamynathan@mac.com's picture

Read. Find plateaus in pricing. Sometimes even doubling the money you are willing to spend will not get you more value. Define your need and set strong goals of what you expect. Buying is an addiction, get past it soon to enjoy the music you love. After all, it's all about the music.

Andrea Tubaro's picture

Never buy something if you haven't tried it in your room/system and never trust a dealer who does not allow this.

Anonymous's picture

Use your ears on mjusic you are familiar with in your room at the volume level you like to listen when auditioning new audio components. Anything else is a crap shoot.

Davido's picture

Often so-called audiophiles are searching for a particular sound that they like to hear. Maybe a particular sound that is not necessarily faithful to the original; hence not really "high fidelity" as the term was originally meant to be. If "sizzle-boom" is what you want then don't call yourself an audiophile - try "sound freak" instead. There are certain characteristics of reproduced live sound that are as real time as the original as it can get: Smoothness, Clarity, Accuracy, Naturalness. SCAN Sound. If you can achieve all four of these in your system of choice, you have it!
