What do you sit in when listening to your system?

Reader Doug Cline just bought a new La-Z-Boy and likes the way it feels, but wonders about its effect on the sound. What do you prefer for listening?

What do you sit in when listening to your system?
An overstuffed chair
7% (20 votes)
A normally stuffed chair
17% (51 votes)
A La-Z-Boy
12% (34 votes)
An unstuffed chair
6% (17 votes)
A couch
37% (109 votes)
A bench
0% (0 votes)
A rocking chair
2% (6 votes)
Other . . .
14% (42 votes)
Chairs are for wimps---I stand!
3% (8 votes)
I sit on the floor
2% (6 votes)
I lie on the floor
0% (1 vote)
Total votes: 294

Philip Ganderton's picture

head must be above the back of the chair. I tried a leather recliner: nice chair but the head "wings" bit acoustically.

mm's picture

I never fail to astonish me. I spend all this time and money on a system, only to listen lying on a couch with one ear pressed against a cushion.

ted baca's picture

leather chair and ottoman

Chris Nicholson's picture

It's the only SAS (Spouse Approved Seating) that can accomodate the "sweet spot".

Barry Willis's picture

An Amish rocker. It's amazingly comfortable. Sometimes I sit on the futon, sometimes I stand, sometimes I lie down, sometimes I dance around. It's all good.

Jim Spriggs's picture

I prefer "other" option - favourite place is from the dunny

Jim Spriggs's picture

I prefer "other" option - favourite place is from the dunny

Jack Lundrigan's picture

Wanted a La-Z-Boy, but with the price of preamps, cables, and other equipment, sacrifices had to be made. Settled for a cheap Sears Roebuck La-Z-Boy copy. I hope to upgrade to a genuine La-Z-Boy at the soonest possible time, unless new and better audio equipment becomes available first.

Zoomy Nguyen's picture

A comfy chair with good lumbar support and head rest. That will help for long hours of listening.

Claude C.  Hall's picture

A bone-white leather dual recliner elevated 1' above the normal floor level on a 4' x 8' platform. Room is 27.5' x 38' x 9' and main speakers are 94" high. Subwoofers are 5' high. This is a dual audio and home-theater system.

Sonic Bob's picture

Astral projection is my preferred listening method.

Bob's picture

actually, a matching loveseat, which is the sweet spot.

Stan Green's picture

Specifically, an Aeron Chair. This is a task chair on wheels that has webbing instead of stuffing.

Anonymous's picture

I sit on the floor much of the time but climb up onto the couch for serious listening

oldaudiodude's picture

Ummm . . . the sweet spot !!!! Maybe a better question should be: How many people can find the sweet spot?

Dan McGrath's picture

A director's chair, which can be easily moved for listening.

Bruce Higgins's picture

Who the hell has time to sit?!?!?

Pete G.'s picture

I use an office chair on rollers. The back does not extend higher than my shoulders.Therefore, I can fully appreciate the effect of my rear wall of RPG "Skyline" Diffusers.
