Well Pleased AV/Alma Music & Audio: QLN, Qualiton, Merason, Innuos, Kubala Sosna, GigaWatt, Finite Elemente, AB-Tech

Mark Sossa, the best-dressed and best-mannered exhibitor at CAF 2024, under the banner of Well Pleased AV, had new gear to play for me and I was all ears.

A Merason Reuss DAC ($6000) and Innuos Pulsar streamer ($8000) rolled out the digits while the new Qualiton 300B integrated amplifier, a lovely push-pull amp delivering 25Wpc via two 12AX7EH Gold, four 12AT7EH Gold, and four 300B EH tubes ($11,000) drove the new QLN One v7 standmount loudspeakers ($12,000/pair), using a proprietary 5.5” mid-woofer and a 25mm “wide surround” tweeter.

Conditioning and cabling consisted of a GigaWatt PC-4 EVO power conditioner ($14,500), Kubala Sosna cabling ($$$$), AB-Tech Klar USB cable ($1350), AB-Tech Ren Ethernet cable ($1250). Racks included the Finite Elemente rack ($$$$) and a Finite Elemente Pagode Signature rack ($4750).

Like most, I believe standmount speakers can offer excellent value, pinpoint imaging, and solid bass, if all parameters are equally dialed in. But this rig delivered the goods way beyond its price point, relatively speaking. I was wowed at its super large soundstage, lush tonality, and wide frequency range. I want those QLN One v7 speakers!