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Left to right:
Epos Epic 2, Epos ST15 stand, AudioQuest Rocket 33, 2014 MacBook Air*, Rega P1 turntable w/ Ortofon Red 2M, Cambridge Audio 551p, Apple Airport Express, PS Audio NuWave DAC connected with AudioQuest King Cobra XLR cable, Creek Evolution 50A, other speaker.
*macbook air not shown but listed as it is my digital source. Usually connected via AirPlay, but connect it direct often with USB for 192/24 bliss.
Picture taken with PS Audio and cable upgrades mentioned in previous gallery post. I like how all components are now black, and needless to say I am truly happy and satisfied with the sonic performance. Not really much room to upgrade without spending triple on each component.
I welcome any suggestions though ... perhaps I did miss something or a good upgrade could be recommended.
*************Here are my original comments and description, I Am unable to remove old picture, but I thought my system nearly duplicated was redundant for, please judge based on this equipment and picture.
Left to Right: MacBook Air, Rega P1/Ortofon 2M Red, Cambridge Audio 551p,Musical Fidelity V90 DAC (since replaced with PS Audio NuWave DAC), Creek Evolution 50A Integrated Amplifier, Epos Epic 2 with Epos Stand, Audioquest Rocket 33 speaker cabling, Audioquest King Cobra XLR interconnects (not shown in picture as upgraded after picture taken).
Underneath to the left bottom is an unused Niles SI 2125 Amp from an earlier system. Above the audio is a 55" Samsung HDTV.
UPDATE: MARCH, 2015: I just received a PS Audio Nuwave has made a far more significant difference than I anticipated; as I am new to this fascinating hobby I am constantly surprised. Though the Musical Fidelity V90 is a very capable and excellent DAC, I guess one really does get what they pay for at this level and a DAC literally retailing for three times as much has in fact made a very noticeable and appreciable difference.
UPDATE #2: APRIL 2015: replaced generic stock speaker cables with Audioquest Rocket 33's and Interconnects with Audioquest Kind Cobra w/XLR. While I was very skeptical about the cables, they actually have made an obviously apparent improvement. Updated Inventory above to reflect new components.
NEXT UPGRADES AND THOUGHTS: I am now awaiting Audioquest King Cobra XLR interconnects and Rocket 33 speaker cables; I think the correct next upgrade for this system. In case anyone is actually reading this, the PS Audio Nuwave brings a more "analogue" sound to my digital files and matches extremely well with my Creek Integrated and Epos speakers. Before this DAC, my system sounded "thin" and reminded me that no, I could not afford a "real system". HOWEVER, I am very relieved in a way and definitely happy to hear the soundstage really and truly open up beyond the physical boundaries of my speakers to the left and right, and for the kick drum to really "kick". My little Creek system is now a pleasure with digital files and I no longer feel the need to upgrade the Integrated. I also feel that it IS a "real" system. Sonic happiness CAN be had at this level.
Next Steps: INTERCONNECTS. I also need to clean up the cable runs and hide the speaker wires,etc.
*****I WELCOME ANY POSITIVE CRITICISM OR GENERAL OBSERVATIONS OR DISCUSSION...I am brand new to this world and it is a constant learning experience!
*****conclusion: I ham extremley happy with th e goodness emanating from my system from Jazz
To Aira's, Mahler, current pop songs, house music, and acoustic numbers. I believe I have reached a good plateau with this system and can't think of any upgrade winput going way out it cost proportion to the existing components.

Updated April 2015: Analog & Digital
rrstesiak | Apr 7, 2015
Dimensions: 792x594
Size: 335kb
Filed Under: Home Audio Systems